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Society Essay Writing Help

Legalizing Of Homosexual Marriages
Words: 1737 / Pages: 7

.... clause of the Constitution, this also forces all states to recognize these marriages as far as federal benefits are concerned. Congress has approved a bill, the Defense of Marriage Act, that will allow states to decide whether to recognize homosexual marriages. The second part of the bill would define "for federal purposes" as the union of a man and a woman. Under such a definition gay and lesbians, even if they win the right to marry in Hawaii or elsewhere, would not be able to file joint federal tax returns, claim federal pension, or survivor's benefits, or be allowed to file for green card status (Gallagher 21). I don't feel that marriage .....

How Can We Control The Drink Till You Drop Mentality At Colleges?
Words: 617 / Pages: 3

.... and managed to drink my way to 1.0 GPA. after the first semester and I had to come home, I realized how non-productive drinking is. The problem at college is that people study very hard to make descent grades during the week, but on the weekends they let loose and go on a drinking binge. Some of them make the grades and continue on with their education while at the same time continuing their drinking habit almost religiously. The people that go to college and drink heavily for the first time or mix drugs with large amounts of alcohol are the ones that are effected the most by binge drinking. There have been more and more deaths related to b .....

Analysis Of Rich And Poor And The Case Against Helping The Poor
Words: 1931 / Pages: 8

.... simple answer, and thus does not warrant much additional thought. Also, the question of whether or not each ethical standpoint is valid or has distinct flaws will not be dealt with, but rather a simple explanation as to how each would deal with the topic will be presented. Suppose Americans did in fact give as much aid as we possibly can, which means we can not spend money on luxuries such as stereos, vacations, alchohol or tobacco. In a society such as this, the members of the richer countries could definetely sustain an existence which is still far superior to those living in squalor, even without our many indulgences. For people who currently .....

Tobacco Companies Targeting Young People
Words: 537 / Pages: 2

.... of advertisement on these two shady characters. When I say shady, I imply that these characters are not just figures we see but they are traps just waiting to lure the next victim in. As kids look through magazines and see Joe Camel driving a cool car and surrounded by beautiful women they get the idea that in order to be somebody they need to smoke a Camel cigarette. It is not right to prey on young people just because they are unaware of the dangers of smoking. The tobacco industry denies that these symbols target people less than 21 and claim that their advertising goal is simply to promote brand switching and loyalty. Many people disagree with .....

Words: 646 / Pages: 3

.... a sustainable balance of people, resources, and the environment. ZPG is the reason I have become an advocate and they have supplied most of my statistical information. Today’s children are likely to see a tripling of the global population within their lifetimes. These children our are next generation of parents, voters, consumers, and leaders. The choices they make are critical to stabilizing the population and protecting the environment. Educating the youth of the future will help them to understand the problems the earth faces and how they can help by influencing and being the political leaders who can adopt responsible population policies. One pr .....

A Fight!
Words: 312 / Pages: 2

.... were the same age, and strength and didn't want to look bad in front of the other students, so the two friends said a comment back to each other in defence. It started of as a small game, but by the end of the class, it was getting serious. This continued for about 3 weeks, then one day they were in the same class as each other, again throwing comments at each other when one said to the other; "lets take this out side". Everyone around them urged them to fight so after the class that's exactly what they did. Arms were flying everywhere, the other students were shouting anger at them to hurt each other more, and more. I remember standing there h .....

Men And Women: Why Are We So Different?
Words: 750 / Pages: 3

.... women as Dr. Valian says we do. We should hold them as equals and as partners. In doing this, it is necessary to examine some of these differences and to show that though these do exist, neither is superior to the other, and society should strive to reflect this. The first difference that we will examine is the very core that makes us different. That core is biology. In biology, there are two distinct sets of genes: male (XX) and female (XY). Though these are distinctly different, there can already be seen some similarity in the two. Both carry the X chromosome. These different sets of chromosomes cause us to form distinct male and fema .....

Attack On The Tobacco Companies
Words: 456 / Pages: 2

.... like we do today. The cigarette boxes did not always have the health warning on them that they do today. Smoking has been a part of history and is dated back to the Indians. It was not until recently that smokers were aware or were concerned about the risks of smoking. Consequently, people began taking action toward the cigarette companies and the risks of smoking. The cigarette companies began printing the Surgeon General’s warnings on the packages. An action the people have taken against the tobacco companies is law suits. The industry always had such a powerful defense helping them win so many suits. Their defense was that smokers assum .....

Words: 544 / Pages: 2

.... and nature, and the ideas of his good friend Ralph Emerson, he experimented with this new found idea. On July fourth he left on an experience to Walden Pond. He spent two years watching, writing, and feeling the power of nature. The only way Thoreau could encounter a relationship with nature was to become one with the way of the woods, streams, ponds, and animals. Thoreau was also indicative of Emerson's success as a transcendental writer, because they lived together in the same house and shared similar ideas and beliefs. Along with the influence of Thoreau, Emerson was further affected by the writings of William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleri .....

Why Are There Poor People
Words: 451 / Pages: 2

.... through the dumpster. I asked, "Daddy, why is that man sleeping on the street?" My dad spent a long time explaining to me that not everybody had the same life as our family did. Some kids parents didn't have jobs to go to every day, or cars to take them wherever they needed to go, and not every family in the world had breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. He told me that I was very lucky to have all the things that I had, and that millions of kids in the world would die to have the life I had. I was still very confused about the whole situation. Why wasn't every family like ours? What did those people do wrong? My dad just said that was l .....

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