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Society Essay Writing Help

Radical Feminism Inhibits The Liberation Of Women
Words: 716 / Pages: 3

.... for the past hundred years, the liberation of women. The increasing tendency of women in the workplace has given arise to a new feminist. This feminist sees the male gender as a different species and mainly the enemy. As always these women give the regular feminist a bad name. If you walked into a mostly male room and said feminist the initial word would be lesbian. These stereotypes are always breaking down what the traditional feminist is trying to build. The traditional feminist wants one simple thing, equality. The radical feminist also wants one simple thing, complete power. A easy way of making one’s case is undermining the other’s .....

Do We Need Protection In Our Schools?
Words: 461 / Pages: 2

.... have a computer pick out certain kids for drug testing every couple of weeks. Special drug dogs would be brought in to sniff out the drugs as well. Drug testing is essential and we need to crack down on these "crack heads." We have to face the fact that teenagers do have sex. We can not stop them from having sex but we can help them from making a big mistake. Condoms would be sold in our schools. Maybe they won’t be sold in public but they will be available in our schools. The selling of condoms in school will provide a way to protect themselves. Another form of protection for our schools is actual police officers and metal detectors in the scho .....

Capital Punishment: Injustice Of Society
Words: 1401 / Pages: 6

.... deterrence. The prevailing thought is that imposition of the death penalty will act to dissuade other criminals from committing violent acts. Numerous studies have been created attempting to prove this belief; however, “[a]ll the evidence taken together makes it hard to be confident that capital punishment deters more than long prison terms do.”(Cavanagh 4) Going ever farther, Bryan Stevenson, the executive director of the Montgomery based Equal Justice Initiative, has stated that “…people are increasingly realizing that the more we resort to killing as a legitimate response to our frustration and anger with violence, the more violent our soci .....

Answer America's Call
Words: 644 / Pages: 3

.... nuclear weapons, and finally computers. No longer do we need to send most of our country's men off to fight. Rather we can just sit some of them down on a computer and do just as much damage. With computers and the viruses that go with them, people can destroy the economies of whole countries without wasting a single American life. Countries can crumble with the push of a few simple buttons on a keyboard. But to understand all of this new technology requires a great deal of knowledge. Not just anyone can sit at a computer and make a country crumble. It takes an intelligent person to even turn on a computer. No longer can America turn t .....

The Existence Of Prejudice: Past And Present
Words: 938 / Pages: 4

.... were to enforce the amendments unlawful. The Supreme Court declared a law that made it illegal for private individuals to discriminate based on color and upheld the unconstitutional idea of state-enforced segregation. Until 1941, discrimination against black Americans in employment, voting, schools, housing, and public transportation was allowed. In 1941 Franklin Roosevelt issued an executive order that would not allow a company working under a government defense contract to discriminate against races. By 1945 states began to legislate against discrimination. By the year 1964 twenty-five states had made it illegal for employers to discriminate by .....

Slang In America
Words: 779 / Pages: 3

.... scientific, or artistic reasons. The scientific and artistic words do not bother these people; only the social, or slang, words do. Slang is usually created by children or teens who seek social status (Morrow 137). Because kids are the source of new slang, some adults look down on it with the assumption that kids are unintelligent and simply rebelling against established English grammar and diction. However, most of the adults did the same thing when they were children. Adults have been frowning on slang for generations (Crystal 104). Conservatives also look down upon slang because slang is not used by people of high status. If they hear someone speak .....

Treating People Fairly Is A Right That Has Been Changed By Affirmative Action
Words: 2082 / Pages: 8

.... the same rights. No one group of people should be favored more if everyone is created the same, and by law have the same rights and freedoms. No one person has more rights than another. No matter what is an individuals color, size, intellect, lifestyle, religion or ethnicity, he or she has the same rights as the next person. Affirmative action was created 30 years ago for the cure of the underuse of minority and female and humane resources in the workplace. Affirmative action refers to active measures and passive non-discrimination as a means of increasing the recruitment of minorities and, ultimately, ensuring equal employment opportunity. Titl .....

The Causes For Child Abuse
Words: 1844 / Pages: 7

.... abuse. Sexual abuse is an act of a sexual nature upon or within a child. Emotional abuse is a chronic attitude or acts which interfere with the psychological and social development of a child (U.S. 11). Physical abuse is the injury of a child, not accidental. Though all three types of abuse are serious and deserve attention, physical abuse is the only one that is going to be addressed. There are many causes for child abuse. The most common are isolation, generation gap. immaturity, and alcoholism. Immaturity, unfortunately is the culprit of many child abuse cases today. Children suffer abuse because their parents/guardians are too young t .....

Linguistic Bias
Words: 509 / Pages: 2

.... have taught us, change and evolution are a long term process who's roots begin with extremism. However, incidents such as bra burning at Berkeley during the 1960's did not facilitate the acceptance of woman over night, it was merely the beginning. Gender neutral language demands a reconditioning of society to see words such as "chairman, alderman etc..." not as a malicious attack upon woman, but as non-sexist, non-biased terms. "English language is alive and constantly changing"(Gelder). One only has to read out loud sentences from the 19th century to sense the shifts that have occurred in the last 150 years. When readers pick up so .....

The Statutory Definition Of Pornography
Words: 5243 / Pages: 20

.... is demanded by it. However, s. 3.2(iii) which deals with trafficking would be very problematic for liberals and legal conservatives because it creates a cause of action for a person contrary to the traditional conception of a rights holder's cause of action. This subsection reads: Any woman has a claim hereunder as a woman acting against the subordination of women. Any man, child or transsexual who alleges injury by pornography in the way women are injured by it also has a claim. [emphasis added] My goal in this paper is to suggest that a slight modification to this subsection of the ordinance .....

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