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US History Essay Writing Help

1775-1900: The History Of The Buffalo Soldier
Words: 2156 / Pages: 8

.... four white men were killed in the Boston Massacre of March 5, 1770. Even though Attucks was a fugitive slave running from his master, he was still willing to fight against England along with other whites and give the ultimate sacrifice, his life, for freedom. This wasn't the only incident of Blacks giving it all during the War for Independence. From the first battles of Concord and Lexington in 1775, Black soldiers "took up arms against the mother country." (Mullen 11) Of the many Black men who fought in those battles, the most famous are Peter Salem, Cato Stedman, Cuff Whittemore, Cato Wood, Prince Estabrook, Caesar Ferritt, Samuel Craft, Lemuel .....

The Civil War And Its Ending Of Slavery
Words: 1582 / Pages: 6

.... difficult. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 temporarily settled the issue by establishing the 36° 30' parallel as the line separating free and slave territory in the Louisiana Purchase. Conflict resumed, however, when the United States boundaries were extended westward to the Pacific. The Compromise Measures of 1850 provided for the admission of California as a free state and the organization of two new territories—Utah and New Mexico—from the balance of the land acquired in the Mexican War. The principle of popular sovereignty would be applied there, permitting the territorial legislatures to decide the status of slavery when they appl .....

United States And Imperialism
Words: 1609 / Pages: 6

.... argue that the most influential factor was idealism believe that the United State's goal in expansion was to literally help create an "ideal" world (in the United State's view). The United States felt a sense of duty to intervene when they observed the situations of different territories such as Cuba, Hawaii, and the Philippines around 1900. When intervening in these different areas of the world, the United States (supposedly) planned to idealize by imposing their civilized ways of society and religion on these crude populations of foreign people. This idealizing by the U.S. would also involve introducing American politics into the troubled envi .....

Civil War
Words: 2411 / Pages: 9

.... as the "Butcher" (Grant, Ulysses S., Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant, New York: Charles L. Webster & Co.,1894) and many wanted to see him removed. But Lincoln stood firm with his General, and the war continued. This paper will follow the happenings and events between the winter of 1864-65 and the surrender of The Confederate States of America. All of this will most certainly illustrate that April 9, 1865 was indeed the end of a tragedy. CUTTING OFF THE SOUTH In September of 1864, General William T. Sherman and his army cleared the city of Atlanta of its civilian population then rested ever so briefly. It was from there that General Sherman and his .....

Native American Experiences During King Philip's War
Words: 1400 / Pages: 6

.... the Native American Indians in American history. One in 1637 being the so-called Pequit War, while the other was during the Gold rush in California. A staggering amount, 1500 or 40-50% of Pequot Indians were killed during the Pequot War. A Puritan account of 1643 stated that, “divine intervention had saved New England and had punished the Indian transgressors.” The most interesting and ironic evidence that Mary Rolandson’s narrative provides about the Native American experience during the King Phillip’s War can best be described in a quote in the article “Come Along With US”. “ The Lasting legacy of Mary Rolandson’s dramatic, el .....

Japanese Anime
Words: 1125 / Pages: 5

.... many young authors will be inspired by Tezuka's drawings. In the same year we also had the first prototype of a giant robot: Tetsujin 28 go created by Mitsuteru Yokoyama. It was however poorly realized and didn't earn too much success but it's important to remember because it set the basis for the so called 'Robot Anime' a new genre that will flourish around the '70s when Go Nagai will create the best Robot Anime Series ever done: Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, UFO Robot Grendizer, Getter Robot and GetterRobotG. Mazinger Z is one of the most popular Japanese mangas of all time, which was originally written by Go Nagai. Here are the basics of what it is .....

Life In The 1900's
Words: 1449 / Pages: 6

.... were under constant scrutiny while working and would have to be willing to do any thing the boss wanted. I believe my friends and I would most likely resent and despise it if we had to live in the 1900's. During the 1900's horses played a significant role in the everyday life. A horse drawn carriage would bring a docter to the house of where a baby would be born. A hearse was pulled by horses to the cemetery when somebody died. Farmers used them to pull their ploughs while town dwellers kept them for transportation around town. Horses puled delivery wagons for businesses such as bakery, dairy, and coal company. Horses pulled fire engines through t .....

Julius Caesar
Words: 891 / Pages: 4

.... are cheering for him to accept the empororship. At the same time, Cassius is trying to convince Brutus that Caesar is too ambitious and should be killed before being allowed to rule the Roman Empire. Brutus, always seeking to do what is right, says that he will not betray his honor and loyalty to Rome. That evening, there are strange and unusual natural occurrences--the weather is very strange and violent and fire falls from the sky. Most of the people believe that the weather is a bad omen, but Cassius disagrees. He uses the unusual weather to reason that it is only for evil men (such as Caesar) who need to be afraid. The plotting against Caesar co .....

Vietnam War Memorial - Powerful Granite
Words: 864 / Pages: 4

.... The official name given to the monument was the Vietnam Veterans memorial. In this name alone it is clear that it was not erected for the sole purpose of honoring only those who were lost in the conflict. The term KIA was the abbreviation used for those people who were killed in action, and these people represent 47,000 of the 58,000 names on the wall. The other 11,000 were soldiers who died from crashes, snake bites, illnesses, and other non-combat related deaths (Olson 227). There is no distinction made between the two groups on the monument. The structure is a v-shaped polished granite slab that unlike other monuments has no message of honor or p .....

King Philip's War
Words: 382 / Pages: 2

.... equal. Finally, the Native Americans were worn down because of starvation and deaths. They finally surrendered or fled from the war and went home. Although the English won, they also lost. Sixteen villages were destroyed and one-tenth of the military men were killed. So many men were lost that the casualties were higher in King Philip’s War than in either the American Revolution or Civil War. The Wampanoag did not get off so very easy either. An English ally killed Metacom and his head was exhibited at Plymouth for twenty years. As a result of this war, Native Americans never regained power of southeastern New England again. Because of the loss of .....

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