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US History Essay Writing Help

Maya Angelou - Tragedy To Triu
Words: 987 / Pages: 4

.... her career in drama and dance, and she married a South African freedom fighter and lived in Cairo. Later she also taught in Ghana. In the 1960's she said that being black, female, non-Muslim, non-Arab, six foot tall, and American made for some interesting experiences during her stay in Africa (Williams 1). Ms. Angelou accomplished many things in her life. She was the northern coordinator for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference at the request of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She was also appointed to the Bicentennial Commission by President Gerald Ford, the National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year by Jimmy Carter, .....

BB King
Words: 430 / Pages: 2

.... streetcorners for coins, combining gospel songs with the blues. When he started making more money playing in one night then he would in a week on the farm, he decided to head to Memphis. After a few years, King went back to Indianola to work and repay some debts, eventually returning to Memphis to stay. King's trademark is the trilling vibrato he developed in an attempt to duplicate the stinging sound of the steel slide. With the help of the late Sonny Boy William- son he began singing radio commercials and became a disc jockey. Later he played in small clubs, and then in larger venues in the mid-1960's. He has toured extensively through- out the Uni .....

The White Man's Abuse On The Lands
Words: 1034 / Pages: 4

.... Eagle takes place at a later time in the 1930's. There is also agreement of the three in the spiritual sense of the land. In Chief Seattle's speech, he talks in more of the spiritual sense of the land. But it is in direct relationship to the abuse that the White Man exerts on the land. He makes many references towards the Indian Spiritual being, that he is very different from that of the White Man. He makes many analogies towards that of the spiritual importance of the burial grounds and the worshipping grounds towards the after life. "To us the ashes of our ancestors are sacred and their resting place is hallowed ground." And he also says, "Your de .....

The Spanish-American War
Words: 1531 / Pages: 6

.... vivid memories of the Cuban revolt of 1868-1878, a long and exhausting conflict called the "Ten-Years War" that essentially ended in a draw. In 1895 a depression in Cuba made conditions worse, and revolution again broke out threatening to go on indefinitely as the rebels would be strong enough win, nor would the Spanish forces be powerful enough to defeat them. American newspapers, especially the yellow press of rival publishers, William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, printed outlandish stories of the Spanish oppression in Cuba. They included wildly exaggerated accounts that a quarter of the Cuban population had been killed at the hands of th .....

Magdelana Abakanowicz
Words: 230 / Pages: 1

.... steel, ceramic, and burlap. Her main subjects are human and animal figures presented in large groups of 50, 80, or 150 exemplars. Abakanowicz also works in drawing, painting, choreographing dances, and architectural projects. Her work can be seen in museums all over the world. Often in her work she explores the alerted reality created by groups of sculpture in a gallery while also drawing heavily upon her personal and family history. Abakanowicz’s work demonstrates an evolution from themes to dwellings, to humans, to the primality of organic growth itself. Abakanowicz’s strong idealism and forceful speaking style suggest a productive tenacity .....

Sahure Ancient Egyptian Art
Words: 761 / Pages: 3

.... in relief. A “relief” statue is still attached to a surface or background, whereas a statue that is “in the round” is independent and freestanding, and can be seen from every angle. Statues that are in high relief rise significantly from the surface, while statues that are in low relief rise minimally and appear to be flat. In this statue, Sahure, his throne, and the nome rise from the stone block that makes up the background and the base of the statue in high relief. This statue is a relief statue because it cannot be viewed from behind, probably because it was originally carved in to a block of stone in the wall of a temple and later remov .....

Labor Unions
Words: 604 / Pages: 3

.... was propounded by the eminent English economist Alfred Marshall toward the end of the 19th century. Marshall theorized that the strength of a union depended upon four factors. First, demand for the product should be inelastic, so that there is little, if any, decline in sales in response to price increases. Second, labor costs should be a small portion of the total costs of production, so that a rather large increase in wages would generate only a small increase in the price of the product. Third, the supply of factors that can be used as substitutes for union labor, such as nonunion labor or labor-saving machinery, should be inelastic, so th .....

Mrs. Cage (a Play)
Words: 914 / Pages: 4

.... gone mad. In Nancy Barr's play, Mrs. Cage, Lillian Cage is a perfect example of a woman whose mobility has been reduced by mainly her marriage, her social standing and upbringing. Mrs. Cage was trapped in a stifling marriage where she was simply a status symbol to her husband. She helped him project the type of image he needed as an attorney. Mr. Cage paid her little attention after Elizabeth was born and this caused Lillian's slow but obvious progression from a caged woman to a madwoman. It may have begun with her ironing his shirts. One of Mrs. Cage's favorite memories is of the times when Mr. Cage had difficult cases and needed her to bring n .....

Augustus Of Primaporta
Words: 494 / Pages: 2

.... of the locks of hair, although not powerful, is a sign of divine status. Each strand is articulate and exact in form and direction, yet very natural in pose and position. The overall smoothness of the marble radiates a smooth flowing humanism, but does not steal away his position as a human demi-god. His face is warm and inviting, exhibiting an almost warm, fuzzy feeling in the viewer once again, without threatening his power to command and control the great civilization of Rome. The shoulder-clasps of the cuirass (breastplate) are in the form of sphinxes: the Sphinx was the image on Augustus' seal (later he used an image of Alexander, and final .....

Justifying Natural Born Killers
Words: 893 / Pages: 4

.... father, as Mallory watches in enjoyment. Later she tells Mickey to kill her mom as well because her mom never helped her when she was getting abused by her father. In the background the viewer can hear laughter which makes the audience watching the movie want to laugh also. But when the viewer stops to think at what he or she could have been or were laughing at, it can make someone feel uncomfortable because he or she was actually laughing at murder, and sexual abuse. The whole movie seems to follow this pattern; the viewer gets so involved with the movie that he or she forgets what they are actually siding for, and begin to justify everything t .....

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