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US History Essay Writing Help

Reservoir Dogs
Words: 618 / Pages: 3

.... to accompany the grizzly acts he was about to commit. He was a man who insisted on having total control. He liked controlling situations and people. When they were in the jewelry store he advised the employees not to hit the alarm. When they did, he started killing them. This was his way of regaining control of the situation. At the same time he was acting out this concept, he was actually totally out of control. He went fucking crazy in the store. He slaughtered the people lined up in the store like he was shooting clay ducks in a local carnival shooting gallery. I know this is a contradiction, but Mr. Blonde was a contradiction of himself. He had .....

World War I And Bringing People Together
Words: 1221 / Pages: 5

.... equality, women and blacks who were both vital in the war, still did not have the same rights that the constitution guaranteed. Immigrants who went to America were treated unfairly as the enemy. The Immigrants were treated as spies and were ridiculed by the American government, and the American people. The immigrants rights were violated, because we were at war. Opponents of the war were equally criticized and were called traitors. War in reality showed that America was really a divided nation, still young, and making mistakes. World War I showed the separation of the rich, and the lower class. The rich just got richer, while the poor went and fought .....

The History Of The Panama Canal
Words: 855 / Pages: 4

.... Alexander von Humboldt revived interest in the project, and in 1819 the Spanish government formally authorized the construction of a canal and the creation of a company to build it. Nothing came of this effort, however, and the revolt of the Spanish colonies soon took the control of possible canal sites out of Spanish hands. The republics of Central America instead tried to interest groups in the United States and Europe in building a canal, and it became the subject of debate in the US Congress. The discovery of gold in California in 1848, and the rush of would-be miners stimulated US interest in digging the canal. Various surveys made between .....

The Tragedy At Columbine
Words: 485 / Pages: 2

.... They were the ones who pulled the triggers and they were the only ones with all the answers. Gun makers, school officials, and the police should not be the scapegoats. They are simply pawns of society who are paid to do their specific jobs, not raise children. Another "sore" afflicting the community is that the parents of children involved with the shooting are spending more time with their lawyers than they are with their own family. They are trying to sue everyone with any kind of connection to the tragedy. Court victories will not bring back the people that were killed. These parents should forget about their court cases and spend more time wi .....

Shoeless Joe And The Black Sox Scandal
Words: 408 / Pages: 2

.... was wrong when he found out that someone had placed a two million dollar bet on the underdog Reds. One year later, in September 1920, Jackson, Cicotte and Wilson signed confessions to receiving five thousand dollars to throw the World Series. Before the trial for Jackson, Cicotte and Wilson, there was a turnover in the Illinois State Attorney's Office and all the confessions mysteriously disappeared. The three baseball players then said they didn't sign the confessions so the case was dropped. The new commissioner for Major League Baseball was Kenesaw Mountain Landis and he believed three players were guilty. He also believed they weren't .....

Columbine High School And Its Effects
Words: 829 / Pages: 4

.... thinking about this tragedy is ‘How were these students allowed to get the ammunition and guns used?’ People can not help but think that this could have been prevented if America had stricter gun laws. The president, along with congress and the Colorado Legislature, responded to this thought. The National Rifle Association supported President Clinton’s proposals of tougher federal enforcement of existing gun laws and placing more federal prosecutors and law officers on gun cases. Many agree that both areas are major problems. Many of the points made on the need for more gun bills have been in reference to the Columbine Massacre. Colorado g .....

Music And Censorship
Words: 1797 / Pages: 7

.... as a fascist society, which puts fun and feelings above the Lord, above all. Many of the musicians consist of non-religious people who live only for fun and only for themselves. Why then would we, especially as Christians, put our total devotion in them? It exists like wanting to ride with a blind driver rather than one with perfect vision. In addition many of the musicians use drugs and stimulants to satisfy their hunger for themselves and for pure fun. The musicians tend to use drugs massively, to get out of the very real world that they consist so much a part of. Popularity seems pleasing but when one has the affections and total devotion of a mas .....

Words: 1508 / Pages: 6

.... and acceptance of self. His jutting lower lip, raspy voice and short back and sides haircut have similarities with the protagonist in the movie Forest Gump, but that is where the similarities end. Despite Karl’s horrific background, a sense of right and wrong and of justice still seem to pervade. Billy Bob Thornton doesn’t so much act but more so becomes Karl Childers. Karl, at the age of twelve murdered his mother and her lover, the local bully, with a sling blade in a fit of evangelical rage. In the first scene we come into contact with Karl. A soothing sythesiser plays slow haunting music to set the tone. We are introduced to Charles .....

Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands
Words: 970 / Pages: 4

.... sense that they do so, rather than an actual polygamist relationship. Dona Flor’s first husband’s spirit remains with her during her second marriage to fill something lacking in her new relationship. In a sense, we all do this in our relationships. A bit of the essence of our past loves remains with us throughout our lives, filling whatever voids may be present in our current relationships. The only time I could see that as being a problem is when, in the current relationship, the voids outweigh the fulfillment and we put more emphasis on the ghost rather than the actual current relationship. In the film, after Flor married the intellige .....

Renaisance Art 2
Words: 708 / Pages: 3

.... masterpieces of Giotto in the 13th century. In the 15th century, a man by the name of Filippo Brunelleschi had turned his idea of art into architecture. New buildings and Cathedrals were being built in Florence, and Brunelleschi’s amazing sense of contrast of light, classical proportions, and spatial effects made him one of the best. Later in the 1400’s there was a painter by the name of Masaccio. This amazing artist had a special was of creating 3 dimensions in all of his paintings. As time went on, more talented artists, architects, and sculptors had found themselves as part of a special time in Italy. Masaccio life was short, and becaus .....

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