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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Ophelia: The Forgotten Character
Words: 1395 / Pages: 6

.... and it is really no worse than some of the interchanges between courtly lovers in Shakespeare's romantic comedies (Frye 57-8). I imagine that Ophelia's reactions to Hamlet's language presumably come’s not from shock, but from confusion over his sudden change of mood and attitude toward her since the Nunnery Scene. She of course has no idea of the state he is in, and it is possible that she thinks his condition has indeed been caused by her following her father's instructions and refusing to see him. In the conflict between her love for Hamlet and her duty of obedience to her father's orders, she grants to Polonius' wishes. Hamlet, however, is le .....

Macbeth: Abuse Of Power And Appearance Versus Reality
Words: 710 / Pages: 3

.... Soon after, Macbeth and his wife devise the assassination of King Duncan inside their castle. After becoming king of Scotland, Macbeth becomes overwhelmed with paranoia and guilt; this causes him to abuse his power even further. After a series of murders, including the murder of Banquo and Macduff’s family, Macbeth is finally defeated. Malcolm and Macduff’s army from England subjugates Macbeth; soon after Macduff himself kills him. The rightful heir to the throne is finally in power and peace is restored throughout Scotland. Shakespeare drives his intent with the use of several recurrent themes within Macbeth. Nothing is ever what it appea .....

A Street Car Named Desire: Blanche
Words: 810 / Pages: 3

.... the play as Blanche belittles others and their possessions. Blanche’s critical comments of her sisters house makes the reader feel less sympathy for her early in the play. As Blanche greets her sister later, one of the first statements she makes is “Open your pretty mouth and talk while I look for some liquor!” This illustrates how insensitive and demandfull Blanche can be at times. It also shows that Blanche is clearly not the shy and timid young lady she tries to be later in the story. Blanche then shows that she is also hung-up on herself by asking Stella if she looks okay. Stella tells her that she looks fine and Blanche’s response .....

Character Sketch Of Antigone
Words: 532 / Pages: 2

.... by standing up to Creon. All of these heroics, however, in a very short time make her look very selfish. After Creon tells her the story about her brother’s bodies, she takes the stance that she must bury her brother for herself. That all but erases the thought of her, as a hero because all of her actions that were thought to have been done for Polynices were only done to satisfy her own needs. The one characteristic of Antigone that seems to be constant throughout the play is her stubbornness. From the beginning of the play when she sneaks out to bury her brother after Creon had specifically told her not to, all the way to the end when she .....

TV Violence
Words: 1641 / Pages: 6

.... Morphin Power Rangers" has on children. According to this article, the "hemeted lycra covered Rangers" acts as a bad influence on children. Many parents have come to believe that the childen try to act like the kids hreo's. A cocerned mother, Kathryn Flannery went so far as to petition the CRTC. The CRTC responded by saying that "the show is avassively to violent."(Chrisholm 1994 p.52) As a result of the petiton, many stations voluntarily refused to air the controversial kids show. This case shows the power that people can have over the CRTC. Unfortunately, the parents were not able to entirely shield their children from the Power Rangers TV .....

Comparison Of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein To Movies And TV Show's Frankenstein
Words: 430 / Pages: 2

.... Karloff, the monster befriended a blind man. I think he had this friend because the man could not see the face of the monster. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein was very different from the movies and T.V. shows. For one thing the monster was not even called Frankenstein. Victor Frankenstein was the name of the doctor who created the monstrosity. Before the doctor created the monster he was a work of art. "I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful!," this is what Victor said when he saw the monster before it was alive. Afterwards it was the ugliest thing the doctor had laid his eyes upon. Unlike the movies, the monster was very ni .....

Death Of A Salesman: Symbols
Words: 529 / Pages: 2

.... office. The tape recorder signifies the change in Willy's life throug h the advancement of technology. It also represents the end of Willy's career. This is brought about when Howard, Willy's boss and godson, shows the tape recorder to Willy and appe ars to be more interested in the sound and technology of the machine instead of Willy, who i s fighting for his job. Howard no longer need s Willy's services and without concern fires him. This , to Willy, was like, "eating the orange and throwing away the peel". However, Willy is partly to blame, as he does not accept change and wants to remain in the pas t. This is foreshadowed in the scene where .....

Patch Adams: Summary
Words: 387 / Pages: 2

.... best friend after he has proven that she can trust him. So basically the first part of the movie is following Patch Adams` progress from the mental institution to his early time in medical school. At the medical school he has a room mate who is extremely serious about his studying and who is extremely humorless. His room mate gets very frustrated and eventually angry at Patch because patch seems to just fool around all the time where as he studies extremely hard yet patch gets higher grades than him. The real high point in the movie comes when Patch Adams is attanding medical school and when they are at the hospital to look at patients and Patch .....

The Philosophy Of Life According To Macbeth
Words: 688 / Pages: 3

.... and not having the power to control the aspect of life made him frustrated with the whole concept. In laymen's term, he gave up. Macbeth did not want to deal with life and focused on it as just a "walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more" (V.v.25-27. As he saw it, life was like a big production where everyone has a time limit on what they have to do. This particular philosophy is brought on by the various things Macbeth has went through in his life. The loss of lady Macbeth must have had an enormous impact on his way of thinking. Lady Macbeth died, apparently, due to her insanity. M .....

Oedipus Rex
Words: 737 / Pages: 3

.... bring himself to kill a innocent little boy so he gave him to a passing messenger to take as his own. When Oedipus was older he learned of this prophecy and left home because he loved his foster father who he believed to be his real father. A while after he ran away he traveling down a road when he saw a coach coming. It contained his true father, King Laios of Thebes and his bodyguards. When they almost ran him over Oedipus attacked them killing the bodyguards and his father, thinking that they were highway bandits, and by doing so he unwittingly fulfilled the prophecy. When he realizes this he is devastated. This really contributes to the them .....

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