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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Creative Writing Of Hamlet
Words: 539 / Pages: 2

.... in particular. I was must have been eight years old at the time. Dad was going to fight in Norway. We had a talk before he left. We sat down in the courtyard. It was a beautiful day and dad's presence was like another sun. He seemed to glow as he spoke to me. He said, "Hammy, I will be away for a while. I want you to watch mommy, and guard our fortress from invaders. Take this. It will help you be strong." He gave me a small gold dagger. He left that afternoon and I knew he wouldn't be back for a long time. Things carried on as usual. I ran around the castle playing and shirking any responsibility that I had. One day I was playing hide- .....

A Doll's House: Women Have Come A Long Way
Words: 1092 / Pages: 4

.... everything behind to go out into the world to seek her identity. This behavior can be traced back to the beginning of time when women were to stay home and gather nuts and berries, while the men would go out and do the hunting and fishing. The male always dominated over the women and it was not viewed as “unfair.” Male children would go to school to get an education in history, mathematics, science, english/writing, while the female would go to school to learn how to cook, sew, clean, and do household chores. The male could then further advance his education by attending a college or university, whereas no college would accept a women student. .....

Hamlet: Hamlet The Idealist
Words: 884 / Pages: 4

.... acting as he feels and this is what prevents him from repaying in kind for his father's murder. Hamlet grieves over the loss of his father so long and intensely that no one understands, for Gertrude and Claudius tell him he needs to move on like they have done, yet Hamlet can't understand this. His actions are reflections of his true feelings while the rest of his peers seem to be ignoring their grief. When Hamlet finds out that he is supposed to kill Claudius for his father he becomes distraught. This is because Hamlet's morals won't allow him to kill even if it releases Old Hamlet from his purgatory. He later realizes that he must start appe .....

The Untouchables: Mise-En-Scene Analysis
Words: 535 / Pages: 2

.... The setting is the main lobby. The floors, pillars, and stairs are of a light gray color. There is a clock that is directly above the big, dark, wooden doors that are continuously reverted back to during the scene. The costumes of the main characters in this scene are the same as throughout the movie. Ness wears a light gray colored suit, hat, trench coat and tie. Stone is wearing a little darker colored, more casual, clothing with a tie and light colored hat. Capones men were dressed similarly with trench coats and hats of light colors. Also, the innocent bystanders in this scene are the sailors in their suits, the woman, with the baby in her .....

Gossip In Grover’s Corners
Words: 668 / Pages: 3

.... Gossip allows people to learn more about their community without having to ask each person what is going on in their lives. Instead people talk about others thus creating gossip. An example of a conversation about a birth of a baby is when Howie Newsome sees Dr. Gibbs and asks if something is wrong. “Somebody sick?[Howie Newsome]. Pair of twins over to Mrs. Goruslawski’s [Dr. Gibbs]. Twins, eh? This town’s gettin’ bigger every year [Howie] (Wilder, 828).” It is best for the community to know what is going on so they can help out each other if needed. Gossip builds strong communities and allows them to function and prosper. .....

Movie Review: The Color Purple
Words: 242 / Pages: 1

.... obviously had little, if any, respect toward the original story, by Alice Walker. He slaughtered a story most people had heard of, but never read. I thought the movie itself was rather good. It had it's own good and bad points. Up until about when Sofia left Harpo, they were almost identical. After that they are almost two different stories with the same ending. The movie was written purely for entertainment. It added a small number of scenes, but cut more than it added. Also, it emphasized different parts of the story than the book. The film is about a young black girl growing up in the south, abused by, first, her father, then her husban .....

Hamlet: Emotional States
Words: 3309 / Pages: 13

.... and ambition that Hamlet is not used to (Lidz, 71). His mind temporarily can not handle his situation because, as I will mention later, his mother is at the center of it. He has to try to find meaning, direction and a stable identity in the midst of all the evil about him (Lidz, 73). We clearly see that Hamlet is quite upset by his mother's quite hasty marriage to is uncle, and this causes some deep seeded emotional problems for Hamlet. I can not talk about Hamlet's emotional state without also going into the fact that Hamlet already suspects the King of killing his father, before the ghost tells him so (Leavenwoth, 34). First I will go elaborate .....

Hamlet And Oedipus Rex: The Birth Of Kings
Words: 830 / Pages: 4

.... character thinks that he has escaped Apollo's prophecy that decreed that he would grow up and murder his father, the king, and marry his mother, the queen. This eventually leads to the point at which both have their "eyes" opened to the reality surrounding their "illusionary" worlds. Hamlet is approached by the ghost of his dead father who reveals that his own brother, Hamlet's uncle, murdered him. Oedipus Rex discovers the truth when the blind prophet, Teiresias accuses him of being the one who murdered King Laios therefore fulfilling his destiny in which he had sought to avoid. In the end, the actions taken by both lead to their downfalls in d .....

Entertainment: The Limit
Words: 506 / Pages: 2

.... (a stage designer). Not only does movie making provides jobs for the immediate crew but also all the people not directly involved in the movie. Some of these people include the persons working in the car factories manufacturing the vehicles used, the persons working in the furniture factories for the furniture used, and the catering service used for the food in the movie. So you can see making movies provides job security and keeps the unemployment line down. On the other hand some may say that spending this type of money on a movie is insane. The money should be used to help society rather than cause violence (the belief that some movies lead t .....

Hamlet: "To Be Insane Or Not To Be Insane That Tis The Question"
Words: 1000 / Pages: 4

.... me; for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I loved you not. ... Get thee to a nunnery!...Go thy ways to a nunnery. (Sc.I 125) Here we can see that Hamlet had told Ophelia earlier in the scene how deeply he loved her, but here he has changed completely, saying that he had never loved her. With in this quote he slips in that Ophelia should go to a nunnery. This is his just cause for his maddness. He tries to get Ophelia to forget him and go to the nunnery so that she can be safe, and away from all his troubles that would soon come. Here we see his justcause as .....

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