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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Albert Einstien
Words: 1773 / Pages: 7

.... Institute of Technology, where he graduated, in 1900 as a secondary school teacher of mathematics and physics. After two years he obtained a post at the Swiss patent office in Bern. The patent-office work required Einstein's careful attention, but while employed (1902-1909) there, he completed an astonishing range of publications in theoretical physics. For the most part these texts were written in his spare time and without the benefit of close contact with either the scientific literature or theoretician colleagues. Einstein submitted one of his scientific papers to the University of Zurich to obtain a Ph.D. degree in 1905. In 1908 he sent a s .....

Mozarts Turkish Side
Words: 822 / Pages: 3

.... this work, one must analyze the situation in European politics at the time. Vienna was besieged a number of times by the Ottomans, the last in the late 17th century. For a long time there a genuine fear of marauding Turk soldiers destroying the beautiful city. This feeling abated as the strength of the Porte declined, and cultural links began to flourish, as relations between the Empires assumed a more normal position. Many Turks adopted "Western" dress and mannerisms, while the systematic study of the "East," which came to be known as Orientalism, began in Europe. Basing much of its ideas on the Enlightenment and, later, the French Revolution, .....

THe Life And Work Of John Keats
Words: 900 / Pages: 4

.... died when he was eight and his mother when he was fourteen; these sad circumstances drew him particularly close to his two brothers, George and Tom, and his sister Fanny. (Kipperman 246). As an orphan, he became a surgeon's apprentice before enrolling, in 1815, as a student at Guy's Hospital. He registered for a sixth-month course of study required for him to become a licensed surgeon and apothecary. Soon after he had came to a conclusion that he was not going to be a doctor as a profession, his true passion was in poetry (computer). Though some of his early poetry which was written when he was twenty just six years before his death, the poetr .....

Al Capone
Words: 1340 / Pages: 5

.... Organized crime in the 19th century, was an ever booming scene for the average citizen. Since the 19th century, crime and business seemed to have gone hand in hand since the prohibition days of Capone. Long before Al Capone became involved in bootlegging, his excitement in life was the economic opportunity of being a gangster on the streets. As soon as Capone reached the legal age of fourteen, he dropped out of school to live this economic dream of making money as a gangster on the streets. 1.Al Capone was convinced that the opportunities for personal advancement and material success were not available through legitimate means, and so Ca .....

Henry James And William Dean H
Words: 1047 / Pages: 4

.... New York City, his parents were purposly rootless, and by the age of eighteen he had already crossed the Atlantic six times. He avoided participation in the Civil War because of a poor back and began a role which he would maintain throughout his life and writings, one of a detached observer rather than participant in the American social scene. (Matthiessen 14) The first phase of James' writing begins when he is twenty-one, in 1864 and continues until 1881. He was extremely popular during this time, especially during after publication of a short story Daisy Miller, which is concerned with the destruction of a naive American girl by European mores. Ja .....

Albert Einstein
Words: 1621 / Pages: 6

.... and it was she that first introduced her son to the violin in which he found much joy and relaxation. Also, he was very close with his younger sister, Maja, and they could often be found in the lakes that were scattered about the countryside near Munich. As a child, Einstein's sense of curiosity had already begun to stir. A favorite toy of his was his father's compass, and he often marvelled at his uncle's explanations of algebra. Although young Albert was intrigued by certain mysteries of science, he was considered a slow learner. His failure to become fluent in German until the age of nine even led some teachers to believe he was disabled. Einstei .....

Abraham Lincoln
Words: 1144 / Pages: 5

.... reasons for disliking slavery. His family was Separate Baptists who adhered to a strict code of morality that condemned profanity, intoxication, gossip, horse racing, dancing, and slavery. October 5, a little over a year after living in Indiana, Lincoln’s mother died of a devastating outbreak of what was called “milk sickness”, along with several other relatives. The hardest years of Lincoln’s life were yet to follow. After a short time it became apparent that Thomas Lincoln could not cope with his family by himself. Thomas went back to Kentucky to seek a wife. He married Sarah Bush Johnson. They made a businesslike arrangemen .....

Harry S. Truman
Words: 902 / Pages: 4

.... using the dreaded word. 3. Education When Truman was six years old, his family moved to Independence, Missouri, where he attended the Presbyterian Church Sunday school. There he met five-year-old Elizabeth Virginia (“Bess”) Wallace, with whom he was later to fall in love. Truman did not begin regular school until he was eight, and by then he was wearing thick glasses to correct extreme nearsightedness. His poor eyesight did not interfere with his two interests, music and reading. He got up each day at 5 AM to practice the piano, and until he was 15, he went to the local music teacher twice a week. He read four or five histories .....

Jane Adams
Words: 764 / Pages: 3

.... to walk with her head held very much upon one side,"(pg.44 ch.1). She was constantly afraid that she might embarrass the handsome father she adored. Her father John Adams was a successful businessman and politician who tried to pass on to his daughter his ideals of hard work, achievement, democracy, and equality. He taught her tolerance, generosity, and strong work ethics which were all traits of his Quaker faith. He encouraged her to pursue higher education but not at the cost of losing her femininity and the prospect of marriage and motherhood. John Addams was Cedarville's most respected citizen. A prosperous miller, Jane would sometimes hangout .....

Anne Boleyn
Words: 375 / Pages: 2

.... many passions for many things in the course of her life. Her first love was with the court chancellor, it was abruptly ended when Henry decided that he had other plans for Anne's life. He carried out these plans by not allowing Anne to marry the man that she truly loved. Anne was bitter about this decision that she had no say in. Anne's second love was the love of being queen. Being queen seems to be one of her childhood dreams, which is understandable, because many girls dream of being a princess or a queen when they get older. Anne's final and strongest love was the love for her daughter. Elizabeth was the most important thing in Anne's lif .....

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