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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Cleopatra VII
Words: 2155 / Pages: 8

.... the richest country in the world at that time. The generals were Ptolemy, Seleucus, and Antigonus. Ptolemy was a rich spoiled brat from Macedonia (It was also rumored that he was a half brother to Alexander. Ptolemy probably started the rumor to give him a better chance to get Egypt.) As soon as Alexander died, Ptolemy stole the throne from his fellow generals saying that it was rightfully his and that is how the Ptolemies became rulers of Egypt.! Now back to Cleopatra, who was the last pharaoh of Egypt before the Romans took over. Cleopatra had a little of Ptolemy I in her blood maybe more than her father (Ptolemy XI Auletes). When Cleopat .....

Fidal Castro
Words: 3356 / Pages: 13

.... the broad popular support that might have legitimized his rape of the 1940 Constitution. As the people of Cuba grew increasingly dissatisfied with his gangster style politics, the tiny rebellions that had sprouted began to grow. Meanwhile the U.S. government was aware of and shared the distaste for a regime increasingly nauseating to most public opinion. It became clear that Batista regime was an odious type of government. It killed its own citizens, it stifled dissent. At this time Fidel Castro appeared as leader of the growing rebellion. Educated in America he was a proponent of the Marxist-Leninist philosophy. He conducted a b .....

Eleanor Roosevelt
Words: 1412 / Pages: 6

.... human being, achieving great duties and responsibility in life. She was appointed by President John F. Kennedy to be on the first Peace Corps advisory board. She was such an active lady while her husband was in office that she was no longer willing to stay quietly in the background of her husband. She took a job as an editor and advertising manager of a monthly publication " The Women’s Democratic News" where she became more independent towards herself and work. became very involved in women issues, being that she also joined the newly organized Women’s division of the New York State Democratic party and moved swiftly into positions .....

Famous Explorers Of Africa
Words: 952 / Pages: 4

.... on his publications of his voyage across Africa. Later in 1806 he sailed downstream to the Bussa rapids, where he drowned, trying to escape an attack by the Africans. Rene Callie was a 27 year old man who was fascinated by the stories told about peoples travels to Africa. His readings of Mungo park also stimulated his fascination. Callie had entered a contest for the first person to reach Timbuktu and reach back. He had reached Timbuktu. During Callie's trip he did not find it easy to prove to the French Authorities that a young man with no experience could discover Timbuktu. On his way back Callie had joined a Arab Caravan preparing to .....

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Words: 585 / Pages: 3

.... with morphine, which she would use until she died. While riding a pony when she was fifteen, Elizabeth also suffered a spinal injury. Throughout her teenage years, Elizabeth taught herself Hebrew so that she could read the Old Testament. Her interests then later turned to Greek studies. Accompanying her appetite for the classics was a passionate enthusiasm for her Christian faith. She became active in the Bible and Missionary Societies of her church. In 1826 Elizabeth then anonymously published her collection An Essay on Mind and Other Poems. Two years after that her mother passed away. The slow abolition of slavery in England and mismanagement of t .....

William DeKooning
Words: 1596 / Pages: 6

.... and settling in New Jersey. He quickly moved to Manhattan, painted signs and worked as a carpenter in New York City. Then in 1935, he landed a job with the Works Progress Administration, a government agency that put artists to work during the Great Depression. By the next decade, he had attained a place in the downtown art scene among his fellow artists. By the late 1940s, de Kooning along with Arshile Gorky, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko and Barnett Newman, began to be recognized as a major painter in a movement called "Abstract Expressionism". This new school of thought shifted the center of twentieth century art form Paris to New York. Willem de .....

Bill Gates
Words: 1629 / Pages: 6

.... 2). Back in the sixties and early seventies computer time was expensive. "This is what drove me to the commercial side of the software business"(Gates 12). Gates, Allen and a few others from Lakeside got entry-level software programming jobs. One of Gates early programs that he likes to brag about was written at this time. It was a program that scheduled classes for students. "I surreptitiously added a few instructions and found myself nearly the only guy in a class full of girls"(Gates 12). In 1972 Intel released their first microprocessor chip: the 8008. Gates attempted to write a version of BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruc .....

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Words: 1053 / Pages: 4

.... might not be the approach we always want to take, because it will sometimes destroy our egos. Through his faith in god it helped him to motivate us so that we could be the better race. It took more than whips, hoses, sticks, and segregation to keep Black America down. The government kicked them off the high horse to the ground, and as a Black Nation we jumped back on the saddle and rode on to victory. Dr. King started with the Civil Rights Movement, and from there he kept on going. This movement started with a phone call about Rosa Parks being arrested for not surrendering her seat to a white bus rider. King and other leader .....

Life Of William Shakespeare
Words: 1642 / Pages: 6

.... began popping up over England, but this theatre built by James Burbage was forever known as The Theatre. The layout of the stage consisted of five levels. The lowest level was for trap doors built into the stage. The next level was the main stage, where the actors did most of their performing. Above this was the balcony level, which could be used to represent anything from a city wall to a mountain. The next level contained pulleys which could raise or lower anything from above. The top level was used for creating sounds of rain or thunder, or dropping important objects from the sky. William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway at age 18. In two .....

Frederick Douglass And Slavery
Words: 663 / Pages: 3

.... for the duties of a slave." As a slave child some experiences were hard to describe. Douglass witnessed, as a child, what he called a "horrible exhibition." He lived with his Aunt in one of the master's corridors. The master was an inhumane slave holder. He would sometimes take great pleasure in whipping a slave. Douglass was often times awakened by the screams of his Aunt. She would be tied and whipped on her back. The master would whip her till he was literally covered in blood. "No words, no tears, no prayers, from his gory victim, seemed to move his iron heart from its bloody purpose." The louder she screamed, the harder the master seemed to w .....

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