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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

Rollin Down The River: The Uniting Of Theme And Plot In Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Words: 1387 / Pages: 6

.... to satirize the socially correct injustices that Huck and Jim encounter on land. The satire that Twain uses to expose the hypocrisy, racism, greed and injustice of society develops along with the adventures that Huck and Jim have. The ugly reflection of society we see should make us question the world we live in, and only the journey down the river provides us with that chance. Throughout the book we see the hypocrisy of society. The first character we come across with that trait is Miss Watson. Miss Watson constantly corrects Huck for his unacceptable behavior, but Huck doesn't understand why, "That is just the way with some people. They get .....

The Not So Great Gatsby
Words: 1426 / Pages: 6

.... not find it, we see at last that he is just like the rest of us. The word great is somewhat vague in meaning. Whether someone is great or not often times depends on the person judging them. My personal beliefs as far as greatness are concerned are not very complicated. When I think of someone who is or was great, I think of Jackie Robinson, Louis Armstrong, and Albert Einstein. These are all people who affected the way we live and have changed our society as a whole for the better. My parents are great; my teachers are great, and my coaches are great. All of those people have a lot of influence directly over me and they are always changing me for the .....

The Scarlet Letter: Symbolism Of The Scarlet Letter
Words: 1103 / Pages: 5

.... Hester questioned why she was to live if not for her child Pearl. Pearl was a gift sent from god to remind her of her wrong doing every moment. A symbolic way to look at it is that she was a walking, talking live sermon preaching out against sin to others. With that said, Pearl’s personality was also shown very well throughout the movie. Her exuberant disposition caused the townspeople to believe she was a “mysterious little elf”. One could tell at times she was the exact opposite of the Puritanical ways. Pearl’s taunting and malicious character sometimes caused Hester to make unwise remarks such as, “Thou art not my child! .....

The Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis
Words: 1200 / Pages: 5

.... they find an enormous conch shell. Piggy gives the conch a little toot and summons the rest of the boys on the island to the beach. The boys assemble and elect Ralph as the leader. Ralph then assigns the Choir, led by Jack, to be the hunters. Then Jack, Ralph, and Simon set out to explore the island. Near the end of their journey, they encounter a wild pig. Jack tries to kill it, but is unsuccessful. When the explorers get back, a meeting is held. The explorers explain that the island is deserted but there is enough food to keep them alive. Jack and the hunters promise to supply meat. Ralph makes a rule that whoever is in possession of the conch she .....

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest And Fahrenheit 451: Changing The System
Words: 1562 / Pages: 6

.... in changing the system, it is still very effective that you tried and you set an example for others to follow. Kesey also seems to believe that persistence is key when fighting the system. Kesey believes that even if you change a small aspect of the system it was well worth the fight. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, the main character, Randle Patrick McMurphy, fights to change the system in a mental hospital. McMurphy is outgoing, a leader and a rebel. There was a constant power struggle in the novel between the patient's new found savior McMurphy, and the evil Nurse Ratched who rules their wing of the hospital with an iron fist. McMurphy fi .....

The Scarlet Letter: Hester Pryne Lived An Important Life
Words: 592 / Pages: 3

.... the town. The best thing that ever happened to Pearl was her move to Europe with Hester and her father, Reverend Dimmesdale. In Europe, Hester pretty much left Pearl alone. Pearl, then got married and started a new life. In the book, Pearl was always the smartest character portrayed by Hawthorne. Had Hester been put to death because of her sin, Pearl might not have been as successful as she became. Hester was a very admirable person. After committing her awful sin (awful as seen by the townspeople), and losing the respect of most of the townspeople, Hester was able to turn her life around for the better. Her turn around, however, happened slo .....

Personal Interpretation Of The Book Of "JOB"
Words: 413 / Pages: 2

.... Job is a book about a man who believed in God, a believer who was badly advised by three friends who were ill equipped to counsel, and ho no grasp of the spiritual realities that God teaches. God permits suffering in the life of the believer in order to strengthen his faith. It is precisely when the hedges are moved from around us that we find ourselves depending upon God. The more we are deprived of the temporal supports for our earthly happiness, the more we are driven to the Lord for our comfort. This is why Job was chosen, because of his completely underserved suffering, and his steadfastness in faith and submission to God, Job received the h .....

Do You Have A Voice
Words: 664 / Pages: 3

.... Jim thinks that Huck is dead. When Jim finally realizes that Huck is not dead, he gets really angry at Huck. Jim says, “ Dat truck dah is trash; en trash is what people is dat puts dirt on de head er dey fren’s em makes ‘em ashamed.” That line, from the story, is basically saying that Huck is trash for doing that to Jim. Then fifteen minutes later Huck goes into Jim’s wigwam and apologizes. This is showing that Huck does have a voice because any other white person from the south would not apologize to a slave. The slaves were thought of as being lower than any white person and Huck was showing that a slave as equa .....

Original Gullivers Travel Stor
Words: 1505 / Pages: 6

.... it looked beautiful. I just wanted to sit on the beach and look up at the desolate trees that were swaying. I could not handle all of this beauty; it knocked me out, literally. When I awoke I noticed that some of my things had been moved about. Each item was placed in a navigational direction: north, east, west, and south. I also was aware that my hands were placed in the direction, northeast. I collected my things and began walking, I must have walked for quite awhile because when I left, the sun was just overhead and when I thought to check again, the sun was already even with the horizon. I noticed something covered with shroud, it was a .....

Metamorphosis: A Review
Words: 322 / Pages: 2

.... however, one must assume that the story is meant for much more than entertainment. Before his transformation at the beginning of the book, Gregor Samsa was working very hard at a menial job to support his entire family. While his boss was very strict, Gregor managed to do well enough to keep his family in an apartment that was larger than their needs required. He was even planning to send his sister to the music academy to further her violin skills. But to call Gregor's life tedious would be an understatement. Every day he awoke early to catch the same train to do the same job until it was time for him to return home. Kafka implies that in order to .....

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