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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

Jane Eyre: The Maturing Of Jane
Words: 570 / Pages: 3

.... better place. The place Jane found was the Lowood Institution for orphans. It was not a better place but it helped Jane stand on her own feet. Through the help of Helen Burns, Jane has learned to love, forget hatred and live her life in happiness. Helen states: "Life appears too short to be spent in nursing animosity, or registering wrongs." These words shows that Helen is more mature and experienced than Jane. Jane observes: "Miss Temple is full of goodness…" Miss Temple was another great influence in Jane's life, she treated Jane as if she were her own daughter. We realize now that Jane was no longer alone. She had friends to love her an .....

The Old Man And The Sea
Words: 715 / Pages: 3

.... to Santiago's feelings. He even offers to disobey his parents and accompany Santiago on his fishing trips. Santiago is viewed as an outcast in his village because he has not caught any fish for more than eighty-four days and is therefore "unlucky". Nonetheless Manolin is loyal to Santiago and even when his parents forbid him he wants to help his friend. Their conversations are comfortable, like that of two friends who have known each other for a long time. When they speak it is usually about baseball or fishing, the two things they have most in common. Their favorite team is the Yankees and Santiago never loses faith in them even when the star pl .....

Heart Of Darkness: Tension In Marlow's Mind
Words: 677 / Pages: 3

.... 3You forget, dear Charlie, that the labourer is worthy of his hireý (12). It is clear that Marlow has mixed feelings about the whole idea. At one point, trying to justify his actions to himself, he says, 3You understand it was a continental concern, that Trading Society; but I have a lot of relations on the living continent, because it1s cheap and not so nasty as it looks they sayý (12). Marlow finally takes the job, however, and tells himself that the pain and unusually harsh treatment the workers are subjected to is minimal. During the tests and the requirements that he has to undergo before entering the jungle Marlow feels that he is be .....

The Canterbury Tales Handout
Words: 478 / Pages: 2

.... with county fold within his boundary. The Friar also flirts and seduces woman by giving them gifts. The Friar is not just a ladies' man under the guise of a humanitarian, he is also a crooked business man. He uses his position in the church to get money. He spread the word that he had the power to forgive sins more than a priest. The Friar should have been very poor, perhaps worse off than the people he helped, however he was eating healthy and living large. He spends much time at bars and inns, rather than living with and aiding the destitute. This man of God, hero of the poor and mediator between God and men, turns out to be as fraudulent .....

Frankenstein: The Creator's Faults In The Creation
Words: 1292 / Pages: 5

.... of his project. This fixation clouds his judgment and he is unaware that he is disobeying the natural cycle of life. He strives to make his creation 'perfect' and when he believes he has succeeded, he praises himself as a god: 'I had selected his features as beautiful, beautiful! Great god!' (Pg47) In reality, Frankenstein is so delusional that he fails to recognize that his creature's outward appearance is hideous. He knew of the creature's disfigured face and gigantic proportions, yet he is so blinded by his ego that he fails to take into account the results of his actions, i.e. how his creation would coexist with other beings. His thoughtless a .....

Transfer Of Power
Words: 533 / Pages: 2

.... Ursula prevails through the seemingly never ending rainstorm and the Banana Company massacre. Also during these events she continues to work in the house as best she can when many other Mocondo villagers just become idle. Ursula ses her personal power when her 17 grandsons are executed and yet she remains calm and collected. Ursula not only uses her power to help herself she maintains it for nearly a century. Incredibly Ursula is able to maintain her power for more then three generations after the death of Jose. Ursula accomplishes this not by making decisions that are always necessarily agreed upon but by standing by her deci .....

Catcher In The Rye: Comparison Of Holden And Me
Words: 921 / Pages: 4

.... up to look good was because he was madly in love with himself." (pg. 27) Holden had an inferiority complex. He was afraid of not having any special talents or abilities and used other methods to make him out to be a rough tough boy. "Boy, I sat at that goddam bar till around one o'clock or so, getting drunk as a bastard. I could hardly see straight." (pg. 150) Holden tried all he could to fit in. He drank, cursed and criticized life in general to make it seem he was very knowing of these habits. I myself have found me doing this at times, also. I, at times, feel the need to fit in to a group and do things similar to what others do in order .....

The Great Gatsby: A Full Spectrum Of Character
Words: 566 / Pages: 3

.... Fitzgerald seems to weave much more than that into the intricate web of emotional interactions he creates for the reader. One interesting element is the concepts of greatness each has. For Daisy, it lies in material wealth, and in the comfort and security associated with it. Daisy seems to be easily impressed by material success, as when she is touring Gatsby's mansion and seems deeply moved by his collection of fine, tailored shirts. It would seem that Tom's relative wealth, also, had at one time impressed her enough to win her in marriage. In contrast to that, Gatsby seems to not care a bit about money itself, but rather only about the possibility .....

The Women Of The Grapes Of Wra
Words: 595 / Pages: 3

.... the Wilsons' car breaks down and Pa proposes splitting up just for a short time until the car is repaired she threatens him with a jack handle. She knows that all they have in the world is each other and without that themselves to hold on to the have nothing. There is a saying "one finds comfort in numbers" however in this case it is "comfort" is replaced with survival. In addition, near the end of the book, when the boxcars have flooded and it seems all hope has been lost Ma leads the family to higher ground. Despite the despair she feels she overcomes it to do what must be done to insure that they survive to live another day. Her strength giv .....

Battle With Fate
Words: 700 / Pages: 3

.... splendid, it was probably glorious, this play of the free sea, wild with lights of emerald and white and amber"(p. 246). This quote shows the oceans relentless pursuit of the crew never letting up, and even though the ocean had beauty in all its ferocity, the crew never had time to realize it. The ocean was cruel despite its beauty. The crew was being smashed to pieces, the ocean doesn’t care. They were always trying to survive the unforgiving ocean. When the crew was finally within sight of land, and after all they had been through to stay alive, the ocean was still relentless holding the boat back from shore so it wouldn’t smash into the rocks .....

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