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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

Huck Finn And Racism
Words: 884 / Pages: 4

.... who considers that environment has the primary influence on the development if a person or group,”. Huck was taught that blacks were lower then whites, and should not be treated as equals, so according to this belief he should have hated blacks, but he didn’t. Huck was too smart and open minded for the belief of white supremacy. Huck has had positive interactions with blacks, and has taken a liking to the slave Jim, who he helped to free, to go with him on his wild adventure. Huck never had very much schooling. This is one of the reasons he is so smart. It may sound odd, but the school system in Huck’s time had an agenda to make .....

Murray Davis' Smut, Erotic Reality/Obscene Ideology
Words: 1712 / Pages: 7

.... people involved in the act. (Davis, p. xx) He believes soft-core pornography is describing "a sexual experience", which conveys characteristics of the participants that are not described by hard-core pornography. Hard-core pornography describes "sexual behaviour" which involves more of the act of sex rather than the characteristics and feelings involved with sex. (Davis, p. xix) Although Davis admits that the vocabulary of sex is changing (Davis, p. xxv), he also states that hard-core pornography uses considerably more vulgar terms that are associated with lower-class activity, such as, "prick, fuck, and suck" (Davis, p. xxiii). Davis belie .....

The Great Gatsby: The Green Light
Words: 1041 / Pages: 4

.... light instructs drivers to proceed. A symbol is much more complex than this. A symbol may also stand for something else as seen in its simplest case. A symbol sums up a large number of ideas and attitudes. The complexity of a symbol may be more intense than a sign because it can have several meanings in different situations. (Beckson and Ganz 207) The green light is first mentioned in chapter one of the Great Gatsby. Nick, the narrator of the novel, sees Gatsby curiously stretching his arms out towards the water. Nick went to see what Gatsby was looking at and all he could see was "...nothing except a single green light, minute and far awa .....

Jane Eyre
Words: 1548 / Pages: 6

.... wish to overcome my birth rite as an orphan in Victorian time. At Gateshead it becomes apparent that I possess a fiery temper saying to my aunt, “You think I have no feelings, and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness, but I cannot live so and you have no pity” (Bronte 68). Here I make my first declaration of independence, contending that I will no longer be a secondary member. The love that gives desire and power which sustains life, is obvious by the fact that my “fear” of the consequences of a fully developed emotional response leads to its own destruction (Blom 91). Because I am “too passionate” – that is angry, rebelli .....

Fahrenheit 451: Change
Words: 1501 / Pages: 6

.... take away from his life the thing that is defeating it. The capacity for reformation and change lies within." Throughout Fahrenheit 451, Montag, a dedicated fireman and book burner, sees pleasure and titillation from burning books and destroying lifetimes of important ideas. When outside influences put confusion in him, he begins a series of changes, eventually becoming a revolutionary in a society where books are valued. Many factors contribute to the changes found in Montag. One of the first influences during the story is the exquisitely observant Clarisse McClellan. She is different from all of the others in society who like to head for a Fun Par .....

Their Eyes Were Watching God: Summary
Words: 983 / Pages: 4

.... and people would flick from trees when given the chance, went on to be an ignored sack secured to branch. Nobody pays attention to the fact that beautiful butterflies are the results of these common eyesores. As the caterpillar grew older it matured and changed, from being stuck on land to airborne, from being ugly to beautiful, from being young to old. All living things mature, all things change, wherever time is a variable identities are changing. Janie is no different from these things, she too has a changing identity that can be traced throughout four main parts in the book. Janie is a young girl who at first docent even know her own .....

David Copperfield: A Novel Of Hypocrisy, Sexual Degradation, Selfish Exploitation, And Fraud
Words: 1252 / Pages: 5

.... that Dickens began writing David Copperfield he was already a profound author with great popularity. I believe he wanted to portray life as best he could, he wanted to show what life was to him: and what better way than a biography closely related to Dickens himself. We could call it a 'Novel of personal memory' but we have to keep in mind the full original title: 'The Personal History, Adventures, Experience, and Observation of David Copperfield, the Younger, of Bluderstone Rookery. (Which he never meant to published on any account.) This complete title strongly suggests that this is one man's story written for himself. It was also supposed to 'never .....

The Hobbit
Words: 1061 / Pages: 4

.... the fall of his kingdom, the treasure that belonged to his father was lost to the evil dragon Smaug. He leads the other twelve dwarfs in hopes of regaining the treasure and his kingdom. Gandalf- He is the great wizard who helped organize the adventure. At first he travels with the dwarves and the hobbit but leaves them because he has other business to attend to. Beorn- is a large man who can change shapes into other animals. He lives by himself in large house with animals who he can speak to. He helps the dwarves and the hobbit after they have escaped from the goblins. He later joins them in the Battle of the Five Armies to help defeat the goblin .....

Biographical Influences In The Great Gatsby
Words: 916 / Pages: 4

.... messages. It is just a master piece" (Bruccoli Preface). The Great Gatsby was a book that was written for a younger audience, and written by an author of his time period (Bruccoli ix). The biographical influences of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby are shown through not only Nick Carraway's dedication to achieving wealth, but also in the very vivid comparisons between Daisy Buchanan and Zelda Fitzgerald, and between Jay Gatsby and Fitzgerald himself. In many of Fitzgerald's stories he uses his real life experiences, and in The Great Gatsby he chose to use some of his wife's experiences to make the character Daisy Buchanan. Zelda Fitzg .....

Frankenstein- Can Comfort Be F
Words: 1237 / Pages: 5

.... they never find true comfort in nature. Victor Frankenstein claims, “No human being could have passed a happier childhood than myself” (Shelley, 19). His early life was filled with love and nurturing from his parents, his beautiful and adored companion Elizabeth, and his best friend Henry Clerval. However, after he leaves his home to continue his education at Ingolstadt, he remarks, “I, who had ever been surrounded by amiable companions, continually engaged in endeavoring to bestow mutual pleasure, I was now alone” (Shelley, 25). Frankenstein no longer feels all the happiness he once felt when he was united with his fami .....

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