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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

As I Lay Dying
Words: 660 / Pages: 3

.... Anse says "I take you to witness I never sent for you" (37) he repeats trying to avoid a doctor's fee. Before she dies Addie requests to be buried in Jefferson. When she does, Anse appears obsessed with burying her there. Even after Addie had been dead over a week, and all of the bridges to Jefferson are washed out, he is still determined to get to Jefferson. Is Anse sincere in wanting to fulfill his promise to Addie, or is he driven by another motive? Anse plays "to perfection the role of the grief-stricken widower" (Bleikasten 84) while secretly thinking only of getting another wife and false teeth in Jefferson. When it becomes necessary to driv .....

Antigone 2
Words: 622 / Pages: 3

.... brothers at the hands of one another. Then the reader learns that one of the brothers, Polynices, has been left out to die without a proper burial. At this time the reader begins to feel pity for the two sisters. They have lost their father and their two brothers all at the same time. Later in the conversation the reader learns that Antigone has a plan to bury here brother Polynices and that she wants Ismene to help her. Ismene is scared to do this because the new king, Creon, has issued a decree that says that any person that attempts to bury the body will be sentenced to death. The fact that Antigone is going to attempt to bury the body creates f .....

All Quiet On The Western Front
Words: 627 / Pages: 3

.... you find yourself wondering if these were real people at some time or another and you might travel to Germany to meet them. The plot is not linear, and in most cases I would say that this is a negative thing. However, in the book the author actually uses it to enhance the storyline by not dwelling on any one scene for too long. Many chapters end and you find yourself wondering if there was supposed to be more. By the end, you realize that it actually enhances the plot greatly. One moment the people might be eating and bathing in the barracks, and the page after they are fighting on the front lines. It skips around a lot, but I became used to it. .....

The Grapes Of Wrath: Symbols And The Theme Of Man Vs. A Hostile Environment
Words: 1212 / Pages: 5

.... his abiding faith in the common people to overcome the hostile environment. The novel opens with a retaining picture of nature on rampage. The novel shows the men and women that are unbroken by nature. The theme is one of man verses a hostile environment. His body destroyed but his spirit is not broken. The method used to develop the theme of the novel is through the use of symbolism. There are several uses of symbols in the novel from the turtle at the beginning to the rain at the end. As each symbol is presented through the novel they show examples of the good and the bad things that exist within the novel. The opening chapter paints a viv .....

The Reasons For Walter Mitty's Daydream
Words: 924 / Pages: 4

.... that the plane is in trouble but the the members of the crew have complete faith in his ability. Referring to Mitty, one member of the crew says, "'The Old Man'll get us through'" (Thurber 63). Mitty is brought back from this daydream by his wife's voice, as she says, "'Not so fast! You're driving too fast! . . . What are you driving so fast for?'" Here the reader sees the sharp contrast between the daydream and real life. In the daydream, Mitty has the full respect and admiration of the passengers of his imaginary hydroplane. In real life, his only passenger, his wife, scolds him for not driving properly. This contrast between the co .....

A River Runs Through It By Nor
Words: 1435 / Pages: 6

.... on his luck”, brother-in-law, Neil. The character of Paul appears the be the most true to life member of Norman’s family. The audience quickly becomes familiar with Paul and his quick-tempered, always ready for anything attitude. This is evident in the beginning of the story with Paul’s frequent phrase “...with a bet on the to make things interesting (Mclean 6).” “It was almost funny and sometimes not so funny to see a boy always wanting to bet on himself and almost sure to win (Mclean 5).” Unlike Norman who was rigorously home schooled every morning, while Paul seemed to escape this torment. The boys would spend their afternoons frolick .....

Lord Of The Flies: Man Is Savage At Heart
Words: 1045 / Pages: 4

.... is formed. Eventually the "stranded boys in Lord of the Flies almost entirely shake off civilized behavior: (Riley 1: 119). When the confusion finally leads to a manhunt [for Ralph], the reader realizes that despite the strong sense of British character and civility that has been instilled in the youth throughout their lives, the boys have backpedaled and shown the underlying savage side existent in all humans. "Golding senses that institutions and order imposed from without are temporary, but man's irrationality and urge for destruction are enduring" (Riley 1: 119). The novel shows the reader how easy it is to revert back to the evil nature inh .....

How To Kill A Mocking Bird
Words: 704 / Pages: 3

.... the small county of Maycomb, the mentality of most southern people reflected that of the nation. Most of the people were racist. In the novel, these ideas are explored through a young girl by the name of Scout. The readers see the events that occur through her eyes. The novel centers on the trial of Tom Robinson. To the people of Maycomb County, Tom Robinson is just a "sorry nigger," who committed an unthinkable crime. Tom represents the black race in American society. He is a victim of racism, which was the major controversy in our culture during that time. Like Boo Radley, Tom Robinson is characterized by what the people of Maycomb say abou .....

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest: Comparison Of Movie And Book
Words: 316 / Pages: 2

.... end of the movie was amusing, and so was McMurphy losing his patience trying to teach the patients to play cards. However, this movie had very dramatic moments as well. The scene with Billy Bibbit breaking down emotionally in front of the Nurse and then eventually committing suicide were among the most dramatic. Nevertheless, the most dramatic moment was when the new McMurphy was revealed to the viewers. Up to that point we were used to McMurphy being a lively and cocky character. What we were exposed to was a character with totally contrary characteristics. He looked like a dead corpse with just enough energy to breathe. This was a truly moving sce .....

The Queen Of Spades: An Analysis
Words: 642 / Pages: 3

.... fortune he needs to sustain him for the rest of his life. Realizing the opportunity for untold fortune, Hermann proceeds in putting together a plan to befriend Lisaveta Ivanovna, the Countess’ servant girl, in hopes in gaining this secret. They arrange to meet in the late of night, but instead of seeing Lisaveta, Hermann takes a detour to the Countess’ study for a confrontation with the Countess herself. Out of desperation, Hermann insists that the Countess divulge her secret. Consequently, she refuses and in anger Hermann pulls out his pistol, which scares the Countess to her death. Later, Hermann dreams the Countess is forced to fulfill his .....

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