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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

Scarlet Letter
Words: 488 / Pages: 2

.... I am very grateful that things today are different and knowing that if I mess up in life, I can always pick up the pieces and count on my friends to be there for me. Back then, if you didn’t follow the rules exactly, you had a dark cloud hanging over you for the rest of your life. All of your friends would turn on you and make your life miserable, there weren’t any true loyalties, and you couldn’t really trust anyone. The took place in Boston, Massachusetts in the late eighteenth century. The United States was still greatly influenced by England and under a strict theocratic government. The author had many messages he wanted to get across .....

1984 3
Words: 395 / Pages: 2

.... because without knowledge, their is no motivation for one to better his or herself.They are content and happy in their own words much like an animal.This belief is what permeates the story of 1984.The Big Brother an druling classes of the "inner and outer" pary are vastly outnumbered by the common person or proletariats, "proles" are uneducated and overly trusting in the government.THey have no desire to improve themseves, thus they stay firmly under the first of big brother. In 1984 Winston Smith was the main character. He was a rebel who secretly was against the big brother and its dictatorial ways.His mistake was trusting his dangerous views to .....

Wuthering Heights 4
Words: 1106 / Pages: 5

.... ways. The first incident in which books play a role in this story is also one of the most powerful scenes in the entire book. It occurs when Mr. Lockwood has determined that he must stay the night at Wuthering Heights, his landlord’s estate. Heathcliff’s servant, Zillah, shows Mr. Lockwood to his room and cautions him to “hide his candle and not make a noise” since Heathcliff would not willingly approve of his staying in that room. Just after Mr. Lockwood enters the room, he discovers three names carved over and over onto the ledge near the window, Catherine Earnshaw, Catherine Heathcliff, and Catherine Linton. Mr. Lock .....

The Role Of Women In The Odyss
Words: 1230 / Pages: 5

.... male characters in The Odyssey consistently treated women differently and unequally throughout The Odyssey. Concurrent with the time’s belief that women held a subservient position in society to men, the male characters in The Odyssey often expected certain traits and actions that they didn’t expect from men. Also all the societies and lands Odysseus visited that were inhabited by mortals were dominated by men. In The Odyssey women are unequal, treated differently, and are considered inferior to men. Throughout the epic women are not given an appropriate amount of respect by men. The male characters of The Odyssey expect certain trai .....

The Odyssey The Role Of Prophe
Words: 1534 / Pages: 6

.... a warrior. Oedipus was exiled and condemned by his own words, after he slew his sire and wed his mother. This type of prophesy can blind even the gods themselves; Chronos was fated to be defeated and his throne stolen by his son. Demeter loses Persephone periodically every year because her daughter ate Hades’ pomegranates. Prophecy plays an important role in the whole of Greek folklore. Something this ever-present bears further examination. In The Odyssey, prophecy in its myriad forms affects nearly every aspect of the epic. Prophecies are seen in the forms of omens, signs, strict prediction of the future, divine condemnation, and divine instr .....

A Separate Peace: The Internal Constant
Words: 715 / Pages: 3

.... to where we lived. We discovered an Indian reservation and a small clearing under the dense forest of oak trees next to a five foot waterfall. Mason told me never to tell anyone about this place and so I did not.(so here I am telling this to my English teacher...). Gene and Finny entered a large gymnasium and discovered a few pole vaults. Finny abruptly picked one up, ran, and pole vaulted, breaking the school record. He then told Gene never to tell anyone about Finny breaking the record. Both of these instances are incredibly alike. Finally, Finny was symbolicly killed because of society. Finny was wounded and wound up in a cast. He eventu .....

All Quiet On The Western Front
Words: 835 / Pages: 4

.... war. The novel best shows the attitudes of the soldiers before the war and during the war. Before the war there are high morals and growing nationalist feelings. During the war however, the soldiers discover the trauma of war. They discover that it is a waste of time and their hopes and dreams of their life fly further and further away. The remains of Paul Baumer's company had moved behind the German front lines for a short rest at the beginning of the novel. After Behm became Paul's first dead schoolmate, Paul viewed the older generation bitterly, particularly Kantorek, the teacher who convinced Paul and his classmates to join the military. “ .....

Heart Of Darkness: Feelings Of Characters And Uncertainties Of The Congo
Words: 893 / Pages: 4

.... the reader should interpret this work: "My task which I am trying to achieve is, by the power of the written word, to make you hear, to make you feel-it is above all, to make you see.(Conrad 1897) Knowing that Conrad was a novelist who lived in his work, writing about the experiences were as if he were writing about himself. "Every novel contains an element of autobiography-and this can hardly be denied, since the creator can only explain himself in his creations."(Kimbrough,158) The story is written as seen through Marlow's eyes. Marlow is a follower of the sea. His voyage up the Congo is his first experience in freshwater navigation. He is .....

What We Talk About When We Tal
Words: 945 / Pages: 4

.... man, who “...went on dragging me (Terri) around the living room. My head kept knocking on things.... What do you do with love like that?.... People are different, Mel. Sure, sometimes he may have acted crazy. Okay. But he loved me. In his own way maybe, but he loved me.” (pp 110-111) To the reader, it seems hard to believe that there could be love in a relationship where one partner physically abuses the other. However, in Terri’s case, both Terri and her ex-husband felt that they were in love. This coincides with the author’s theme that early on in a relationship, people have misconceptions about their love. Later .....

Fiction Analysis Question # 1: Love And Acceptance
Words: 623 / Pages: 3

.... not do. The mother's neighbor even tells her she should "smile at Emily more when you look at her." Again towards the end of the story Emily's mother admits "my wisdom came too late." The mothers unknowingly gave Emily and Maggie second best. Both mothers compare their two daughters to each other. In Everyday Use the mother tells us that "Dee is lighter than Maggie, with nicer hair and a fuller figure." She Fahning -2-speaks of the fire that burned and scarred Maggie. She tells us how Maggie is not bright, how she shuffles when she walks. Comparing her with Dee whose feet vwere always neat-looking, as if God himself had shaped them." We als .....

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