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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

Im The King Of The Castle
Words: 2402 / Pages: 9

.... will come to look after the house because mr.Hooper has to go to London very oft. He also told him that the one who comes here to look after house has a boy the same age as himself, he doesn't like this, he doesn't want a friend. Chapter 2: When the Kingshaws arrive Edmund throws a piece of paper out of the window which said "I DID NOT WANT YOU TO COME HERE" Charles picked up the paper and he read it, he was afraid. When the two boys first meet they have a fight because Edmund says he own's everything in the house. Edmund also tells Charles that he has to sleep in the bed in which his grandfather died, this is not true. Charles hates his mother for t .....

Ordinary People
Words: 1876 / Pages: 7

.... enjoyed reading how each character would react differently with other characters. Another thing I liked was the story's theme. I think the theme of would be not to try to repress one's feelings, even when it may be difficult to face them. Feeling occasional depression or anger may be what we must sacrifice for the happiness in life. Guest's style of writing is also very interesting to read. I enjoyed the way she would use the word "he" when describing a character rather than stating who the character was. I was still able to identify the characters simply through their reactions and feelings. The only possible negative aspect to this novel would .....

The Chronicles Of Narnia: Book Report
Words: 1734 / Pages: 7

.... opened the door and saw all the books they knew that they were wrong. They were in the forbidden study. That was uncle Andrews private room. It seemed as if no one was in the room, so they decided to look around. Polly noticed that there were several different types of rings on the table. Suddenly Digory saw someone stand up from the chair, it was uncle Andrew. He told Polly not to touch the rings, but it was to late. She disappeared into the air. Digory was confused. He wondered what the rings did. Did Polly just disappear or did she go to some distant land? Uncle Andrew explained how that one ring would take you to this land and that t .....

A Summary Of The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Words: 1065 / Pages: 4

.... Huck Finn. Nevertheless, they attempt to make Huck into what they believe will be a better boy. Specifically, they attempt, as Huck says, to "sivilize" him. This process includes making Huck go to school, teaching him various religious facts, and making him act in a way that the women find socially acceptable. Huck, who has never had to follow many rules in his life, finds the demands the women place upon him constraining and the life with them lonely. As a result, soon after he first moves in with them, he runs away. He soon comes back, but, even though he becomes somewhat comfortable with his new life as the months go by, Huck never really en .....

The Story Of My Life By Helen
Words: 635 / Pages: 3

.... on one of her hands while pouring water over the other. I am reminded in this particular section of the narrative about the great difficulties my profoundly deaf sister faced in learning not only the sign and label of an object, but the many different concepts it included as well. These precious edifications about the differences in a “mug” and “water” were only some of what would be many opportunities for Helen to develop senses and feelings that I believe she portrays helped her to begin to live. These lessons were taught to Helen at every available opportunity. During walks in nature, in every story Ms. Sullivan lovingly spelled, every occ .....

Reasons For The Downfall Of Ma
Words: 547 / Pages: 2

.... between fantasy and reality. This failure to distinguish between the two was Emma's "tragic flaw.' Emma had read about these ideas in books, but instead of viewing these concepts as fantasy, she viewed them as reality, and later in life, acted as if that was the normal thing to do. Anything different, anything that deviated from her current life appealed to Emma. What was new was romantic, exciting, bold, and adventurous. She perceived Charles to be a character from one of her books when she met him. He was fairly attractive, but most of all, he was a doctor! He was a man of power to the meager peasant that Emma was. To Emma, this was a man who .....

George Orwells 1984
Words: 1490 / Pages: 6

.... his job to destroy and rewrite the archives of the London Times so that they were consistent with Ingsoc policy. When someone is vaporized, or when Ingsoc changes it's political alliance with either Eastasia or Eurasia, it is Winston's job to change the records; to change the past. The political party of Oceania is INGSOC, which is otherwise known as English Socialism. The government monitors the lives of the citizens through technological means to insure loyalty through surveillance, propaganda and brainwashing. The Party, as the government is known, goes so far as to control the people's thoughts and ideas. They have even replaced English with .....

Daisy Miller
Words: 1650 / Pages: 6

.... writing career. William graduated from Harvard and became one of the most prominent American philosophers and psychologists of his time. James began his professional writing career with book reviews for the North American Review. His first short story, “The Story of the Year,” appeared in Atlantic Monthly in 1865. In 1866, the James family moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts. James had his first novel, Watch and Ward serialized in Atlantic Monthly in 1871. In 1877, James wrote The American, while visiting Paris and Rome. In 1878, The Watch and Ward appeared in book form, and James wrote French Poets and Novelists (criticism), and The Eu .....

Cahill's How The Irish Saved Civilization
Words: 741 / Pages: 3

.... times learning through the stories of the characters, most notable Augustine and Patrick. Augustine, his faith based on Roman Chrisitanity, “looked into his own heart and found the anguish of each individual.” (Cahill, p. 115) Patrick, the slave turned Christian, escapes only to return to convert the Irish. He was the first missionary to the barbarians beyond Greco-Roman law “who looked into the hearts of others.” (Cahill, p. 115) Cahill notes Ireland is the only land where Christianity is introduced without violence - there were no murdered Irish martyrs. (Cahill, p. 151) He discusses the growth of monasteries in Ireland and th .....

Farenheit 451
Words: 2 / Pages: 1

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