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Computers Essay Writing Help

Othello: Game Strategy
Words: 695 / Pages: 3

.... beside that white stone a black. You of course, would put a white stone at the end with the 5 black stones, but that is a bad mistake. Go to the side with the one black (a setup move so the computer cannot capitalize when you turn 5 black stones white, and the computer your seven whites black. Always play within your set "square". If you had on the bottom row 3 white, and on the second row 2 blacks, you would only play within that designated square, which is 3 x 3 stones. (see diagram.) This ensures that the computer can only play one stone past the square at any time, which will help you in predicting where the computer will move and a .....

Computers And Crime
Words: 1866 / Pages: 7

.... "between the ages of 14-30, they are usually bright, eager, highly motivated, adventuresome, and willing to accept technical challenges."(Shannon, 16:2) "It is tempting to liken computer criminals to other criminals, ascribing characteristics somehow different from 'normal' individuals, but that is not the case."(Sharp, 18:3) It is believed that the computer criminal "often marches to the same drum as the potential victim but follows and unanticipated path."(Blumenthal, 1:2) There is no actual profile of a computer criminal because they range from young teens to elders, from black to white, from short to tall. Definitions of computer crime h .....

Escapism And Virtual Reality
Words: 4882 / Pages: 18

.... change has been exceedingly rapid from a historical perspective, it can nevertheless be divided into distinct periods, though rather arbitrarily, by some criteria such as how people travelled or how information was transferred over long distances. However these periods are defined, their lengths have become increasingly shorter, with each new technological breakthrough now taking less than ten years to become accepted (recent examples include facsimile machines, video recorders and microwave ovens). One of the most recent, and hence most rapidly absorbed periods, has been that of the computer. The Age of Computing began with Charles Babbage in the .....

The Future Of Computer Crime In America
Words: 916 / Pages: 4

.... today this information is of a very sensitive and private nature on anything from IRS Tax returns, to Top Secret NASA payload launch information. Piled on top of that many times the individuals accessing these information sources are doing so by illegal means and are often motivated by deviant and illegal means. It is said that at any given time the average American has his name on an active file in over 550 computer information databases of which nearly 90% are online, and of the 550 databases the number comes no where close to how many time your personal information is listed in some database in an unactive file. The "Average American" could sim .....

Censorship Online
Words: 500 / Pages: 2

.... from stick figures on a blank screen to interactive movies. The PC is the newest way to play because it has the capability to process and display much more complex games than anything by Nintendo or Sega. Some problems with this, however, are the enormous cost of s descent system and software and the technology that moves at lightning speed. The computer you buy tomorrow will not be able to handle any of the new software two years from now. Owners must not only keep up with the new trends but must also be well aware of what their own system can sustain so that they do not overload it and cause it to crash. This article focuses on interactive video .....

Government Intervention Of The Internet
Words: 2350 / Pages: 9

.... being reprimanded for what they say, or how they choose to say it. The key to the world-wide success of the Internet is its protection of free speech, not only in America, but in other countries where free speech is not protected by a constitution. To be found on the Internet is a huge collection of obscene graphics, Anarchists' cookbooks and countless other things that offend some people. With over 30 million Internet users in the U.S. alone (only 3 million of which surf the net from home), everything is bound to offend someone. The newest wave of laws floating through law making bodies around the world threatens to stifle this area of s .....

Secure Electronic Transactions
Words: 1023 / Pages: 4

.... resellers. Another feature of shopping online is transactions with other country’s. Those countries can provide you with the best exchange rate of your currency into the exchange of your merchants currency. Shopping online can be very private as long as you use a secure browser. This software allows you to navigate through the web. Your browser should have industry security standards, such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or (SET) Secure Electronic Transaction. By having these security standards on your browser, it allows the transaction information being sent back and forth from the reseller to be encrypted. Most computers already come with t .....

Year 2000 Fiction, Fantasy, And Fact
Words: 682 / Pages: 3

.... to be affected was short lived as industry realized that 60 to 80 million home and small business users doing math or accounting etc. on Windows 3.1 or older software, are just as susceptible to this "bug." Can this be repaired in time? For some, it is already too late. A system that is devised to cut an annual federal deficit to 0 by the year 2002 is already in "hot water." Data will become erroneous as the numbers "just don't add up" anymore. Some PC owners can upgrade their computer's BIOS (or complete operating system) and upgrade the OS (operating system) to Windows 95, this will set them up for another 99 years. Older software however, m .....

Internet Inventions
Words: 730 / Pages: 3

.... information to any internet location. Once an e-mail is sent, it arrives at its destination almost instantly. This provides people with a way to communicate with people anywhere in the world quickly without the costs of other forms of communicating such as telephone calls or postage for letters. The savings to be gained from e-mail were enough of an inducement for many businesses to invest heavily in equipment and network connections in the early 1990s. The employees of a large corporation may send hundreds of thousands of pieces of E-mail over the Internet every month, thereby cutting back on postal and telephone costs. It is not uncommon to .....

Usage Of The Internet
Words: 819 / Pages: 3

.... purchased products online, indicating that the business value of the Internet is in promoting products, not in sales. (Associated Press, March 13, 1997) According to survey results released by DeWitt Media in February 1997, almost two-thirds of all marketers have advertised on the Internet. 54% of those surveyed plan to increase their online advertising budgets in 1997. (Online Marketing Growing Strong, January 21, 1997) In addition, Advertising Age reported, "of the 100 Leading National Advertisers, 46 have purchased Web advertising" through July 1996, and nearly all have corporate Web sites. Many plan to make online adv .....

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