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Computers Essay Writing Help

Battle Of The Bytes: Macintosh Vs. Windows 95
Words: 1131 / Pages: 5

.... some from the Macintosh interface and has improved on it. Some improvements are the ability to work with folder icons that represent directories and subdirectories in DOS. Windows 95, unlike the Mac, logically groups data and resources. A Taskbar menu lets you call up and switch between any software application at any time. Thus feature is better than the Mac's because its use is more obvious. It clearly shows what is running and allows you to switch programs with a single click of the mouse. Control panels have been added so you can configure your hardware. There is easy access to frequently used files. You can make very long file names on Wind .....

Integrated Computer Controlled Video Viewing Systems
Words: 967 / Pages: 4

.... which contains a set of icons, push buttons, scroll bar, custom controls and feedback indicators. To operate an computer controlled video system is not very difficult and you don’t need a supercomputer. All the crew will need is a Pentium PC compatible, 8 MB Ram, FlashPoint®, 128 Lite Video Frame Grabber Card, and Windows NT 4.0® or Windows 95®. SPECIFICATIONS Digital SONY camcorder with VHS, S-VHS and digital output signal for PC signal processing Very high resolution (480/line) for macro imaging of particles Pre-programmed controller for starting time, recording time and - interval Deployable as particle camera or observat .....

Computer Simulations
Words: 2260 / Pages: 9

.... Army, joint and coalition force training distributed across the globe. a. The WARSIM 2000 simulation system will use a computer-based simulation and associated hardware to support the training of unit commanders and their battle staffs from battalion through theater-level as well as to support training events in educational institutions. Designed and built using modern computer technology, modern software engineering techniques, and validated algorithms and databases, it will allow units world-wide to train using their organizational equipment. A key feature of the system will be its use of technology to minimize the total Army's overhead associated .....

A Tour Of The Pentium Pro Processor Microarchitecture
Words: 2646 / Pages: 10

.... to exceed the original performance goal. Building from an already high platform The Pentium processor set an impressive performance standard with its pipelined, superscalar microarchitecture. The Pentium processor's pipelined implementation uses five stages to extract high throughput from the silicon - the Pentium Pro processor moves to a decoupled, 12-stage, superpipelined implementation, trading less work per pipestage for more stages. The Pentium Pro processor reduced its pipestage time by 33 percent, compared with a Pentium processor, which means the Pentium Pro processor can have a 33% higher clock speed than a Pentium processor and still be .....

Virtual Reality Technology And Society
Words: 3875 / Pages: 15

.... Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Interactive Input Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Computers and Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 THE HISTORY OF VIRTUAL REALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Virtual Reality in the Past . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Virtual Reality in the Present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Virtual Reality in the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 THE SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF VIRTUAL REALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 New Rules of Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....

The Internet: How It Works And How It Effects The World
Words: 1646 / Pages: 6

.... up. Because so many people wanted to use the Net, ARPANET started getting hard to manage, especially with many university sites on it. Therefore, it was broken into two parts: MILNET, which had all the military sites, and ARPANET, which had all the nonmilitary sites. "The two networks remained connected, however, thanks to a technical scheme called IP (Internet Protocol), which enabled traffic to be routed from one net to another as needed. All the networks connected by IP in the Internet speak IP, so they can all exchange messages." (Levine 12) Even though there were only two networks at that time, IP was made to allow thousands of networks. T .....

Words: 289 / Pages: 2

.... devices for the purpose of eavesdropping. Bugging an office is a relatively simple process if one follows a few basic steps. First, a person needs to select the bug. There are many different types of bugs ranging from the infinity bug with which you can listen in on a telephone conversation from over 200 miles away to an electaronic laser beam which can pick up the vibrations of a person's voice off a window pane. The infinity bug sells for $1,000 on the black market and the laser for $895. Both, however, are illegal. Second, one needs to know where to plant the bug. A bug can be hidden in a telphone handset, in the back of a desk drawe .....

Computer System In The Context Of Retail Business
Words: 1328 / Pages: 5

.... systems such as : the supermarket POS system, provides efficient and accurate calculations when customers purchasing goods. Absolut Software, provides a host of state-of-the-art capabilities vital for increasing sales and productivity. Absolut Software will easily reduce the number of operators and supporting hardware by 15 percent. Absolut Software provides a training mode for novices and a high-speed mode for the experienced. Features: * Complete mailing list management * Promotion tracking * Catalog and telemarketing * Importing sub-system * On-line order entry * Inventory control (multi-site, serialized, lot number, decimal quantities, and .....

What Is A Computer
Words: 389 / Pages: 2

.... advise farmers how and what crops to plant, bind books, and analyze population trends. Computers are even used to design and build faster and build faster computers. Computers can be classified as analog or digital. Both types process data, but in different ways. Analog computers are best suited to solving problems in which several quantities vary continuously over a period of time, making exact answers difficult or impossible to obtain. Digital computers are capable of providing exact answers to problems. The basic concept of a computer is very simple. A computer processes step by step, performing one operation at a time. For example, a computer read .....

A New Technology
Words: 365 / Pages: 2

.... The third camera takes a high-resolution photo of your eye, which the ATM then compares to a photo taken when you opened your bank account. If the two match, you can withdraw money. You won’t have to look into a viewfinder, or even open your eyes wider than normal. The cameras work at a range up to 3 feet away, and only take two to four seconds to find, photograph and match your iris. The security benefits are obvious: no two people, not even identical twins, have the same iris. While cards and PINs can be stolen, irises cannot. Van Naarden says iris-scanning is also being used overseas at teller windows, kiosks, vaults, and safety deposit box .....

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