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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Skiing - Creative Essay
Words: 705 / Pages: 3

.... above me at the bottom, really didn't appear that high anymore. If I had a tall enough ladder, I mig ht be able to touch them. As I gazed out over the landscape, the city below seemed unrecognizable. The enormous buildings which I had driven past earlier looked like dollhouses a child might play with. The towering smokestacks of the factories wou ld not have caught my eye had it not been for the tiny stream of gray emerging from them. At this distance, the smoke spiraled upward like tree branches reaching for the sky. The air was raw and stung me through my many layers of clothing. There was snow all around me. It was on the trail an .....

My Friend T.W.
Words: 895 / Pages: 4

.... call best of friends. Travis Walker Gerron is a light complected, red headed, freckle faced, god fearing, honest individual. When I say freckle faced, I don’t mean it literally. What I really mean is that if I had a dollar for every freckle on his body it would be palm trees and coconuts from here on out. Red headed is just a polite way of saying, are you sure your not Irish? Nevertheless, he has always been and still is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. This is the type of kid who made A’s in every class and couldn’t wait to get home and do his homework. (The one area we differ in.) As for his character, I again hav .....

Words: 618 / Pages: 3

.... gown I quickly took it and sat to me admire it. Its funny how the simplest things can symbolize a whole new beginning. I sat and looked at this ugly maroon gown with this weird looking square hat. The ceremonies were to be held at the Mullins Center on the campus of the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. The ceremonies were to begin at 7:00p.m., yet I had to be there at 6:00p.m.. When everyone arrived we rehearsed on how we were to walk in and where we were going to sit. You could the excitement in everyone’s eyes. No one could wait for the moment in which our diplomas would be handed to us. They lined us up by height with the boys t .....

Personal Writing: Response To My Visit To The Boott Cotton Mill
Words: 998 / Pages: 4

.... I realized that this was more of a museum than an industrial plant. The entrance had hardwood floors and was quite modern. From there I went to the entrance of the Weave Room. The most interesting part of this exhibit was the pictures and quotations located outside the Weave Room. Throughout the building, all the pictures with people in them, nobody had a smile on their face. That solidified the impression I had that people weren't happy working in the mills. The quotations from former mill workers also exhibited their unhappiness. Grace May Burk, a former mill worker said, “Work started at 6:30 a.m. and ended at 5:30 p.m., on Saturdays wor .....

Creative Writing: Who's In The Wall?
Words: 659 / Pages: 3

.... about? Please leave." I realized this was a waste of time and decided to go. The next morning I called Mr. Machiano and asked him to meet me at the palace. As I approached the area where the body was found I began to feel a little queasy. I searched the ground around the body hoping to find some clues. I noticed the sparkle of metal pertruding from the ground. I picked it up and saw it was a gold and diamond ID bracelet with the name Montresor inscribed on it. I decided to do a little more research on this man. I went to the station and asked the secretary to show me the file on any person missing for more than 20 years. The list only .....

Narrative Essay On An Unforgettable Experience
Words: 254 / Pages: 1

.... from shop to shop in a last bid to complete their shopping. unfortunately mum and I were also completing our shopping at Margate on the last Saturday before christmas. Hundreds of people were in the complex. Parking was at a premium. Fortunately we went early and got a parking. We went about to complete our shopping. Shortly after midday we had just entered a jewellery shop when all of a sudden there was a tremendous explosion. My first thoughts were that it was an earthquake. My hair was standing on ends. I turned around and to my horror there were several people lying down with blood around them. Slives of glass were strewn everywhere. Babies .....

College Essay: Which Of Your Possessions Reveals Most About You And Why?
Words: 702 / Pages: 3

.... from this mundane article, Watson?" Watson dutifully furrowed his brow and attempted to employ his ingenious friend's methods. "Aside from noting its battered appearance and its distorted shape, which, no doubt, results from transporting great weights, I can produce no inferences about its owner. You, I should imagine, feel like you have known her all your life?" "He, Watson, he. I conclude that the possessor of this book bag is a young man of a scholarly nature, most likely a teenager, a student of various academic disciplines. His eyesight is most likely poor, and it seems that he is very exceptional, but tries to make up for his faults. He obv .....

Creative Writing: The Chicken
Words: 872 / Pages: 4

.... right next to her mother's chicken coup. There was a garden on the farm that Sarah's family used for canning their own food and Sarah's job was to pick the bugs off of the beans, tomatoes, and cabbage. She would take the bugs and put them into an old Mason jar. When the jar was full of bugs, she took them to Maryanne's coup and fed the bugs to her as a special treat. She also fed Maryanne laying mash which was supposed to help her lay eggs and keep her healthy. One morning Sarah went to her mothers chicken coup to feed and water the chickens and she saw some hens sitting on their nests and they wouldn't get up to eat or drink. She went .....

Personal Writing: My Father's Desire To Be A Doctor
Words: 370 / Pages: 2

.... think about getting a license as a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in order to support his large family. Nonetheless, he still worked at the air force in the morning while preparing for the first level of examination for the license. As a result , he passed it. Then he started studying for the second level examination, but it was not as easy as the first one. He had to memorize everything in certain books word-by-word. In fact, it took him eleven years to pass it. In the meantime, he failed the first ten exams with scores like 58.9, 59.2, or even 59.98 when the passing score is 60. Frustrated, he had very bad tempers during that period of .....

Creative Writing: Under The Spell - A Travel Tale By Danny O'brien
Words: 4979 / Pages: 19

.... had arranged for a rental car, to be picked upon arrival at the harbor. I thought perhaps we would be shown how to operate it. Instead the attendant said in his sweet Irish brogue, "It's the wee red one over there," and handed me the keys. Still dazed by the sudden entrance in to "The Spell" we sped off in our wee red Ford Fiesta. Every so many hundred yards along the road signs reminded us to "Drive to the left." On the open road it was no problem, however moments later in the congestion of Wexford I was near panic, yelling at Travis to help remind me what side of the street I was on. It didn't help that he often mixes left and right up in h .....

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