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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Creative Writing: Dogs And Cats
Words: 5027 / Pages: 19

.... snarled. "Okay, it's over." Mustard sighed and lay down. This was the third time in a week that they'd failed. He had been around long enough to know when he was beat. "No respect. Where's the respect?" Scampi circled the tree in a haze of anger, his tiny legs beating furiously on the grass. The beagle could never quite get over a loss. Mustard lay his head on the ground and watched the passage of time on the street while Scampi vented. Soon, Roy the Basset and his owner walked by. Mustard nodded hello. "Who's that?" Roy asked, looking in the tree. "Dunno. New in town." "Which house?" "No house." "Freeloader, hm? Give him one from me." Roy .....

Creative Story: Kid In Closet
Words: 1163 / Pages: 5

.... only the grotesque mind could imagine such a horror. But when Wolfgang was really menacing or his dad was drunk he would tell the story of the kid in the closet. The kid in the closet story scared Wolfgang so much he wouldn't dare get near one. The night had fallen and the dealers came out just after dusk, so Wolfgang moved his toys from the corner and walked up the apartment stairs. As his little twelve year old legs climbed the steps, he had to pass the bums that lay cold on the steps with their bottles of liquor. Once to the top of the staircase he passed a late dealer, and headed toward his home. As Wolfgang reached to the door it swu .....

Words: 274 / Pages: 1

.... a teenager, time definetly controls me, it has to. I have to be up at a certain time, so I wont be late to school. During the school day I have to be in class on time. After school I have no time! I have work and extracurricular activities that I am involved in. After this I eat dinner, study then go to bed. My time is mainly consumed by Sleep, school, and work. Ou of the 168 hours in a week I sleep for 52.5 and am in school for 32. Work usually takes up about 23 hours a week. All my after school activities take up 6 - 12 hours a week depending if it is a busy week for the clubs I am in. This leaves me between 6 - 18 hours to study, and fo .....

Creative Story: Deadlock
Words: 1526 / Pages: 6

.... as she went, to get some coffee. "Well, since I'm already up, I might as well take a look at the rest of those Rasssjemani-Quazaric-Smith Equations and see why they were causing all those robots to go psycho," she thought. "Good thing that U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men hushed up that little incident, I'd be out of a job if the whole world, the xenophobic and primally-fearful lot of them, knew about that!" As she got out and buttered her toast, she mulled the day ahead of her in her mind. Weekends were never truly weekends for Susan Calvin, as she was forced to work for most of the weekend, with her only respite being Sunday, which she was allowed t .....

Spy Games - Creative Essay
Words: 8781 / Pages: 32

.... truth. Many of us wanted to become employed in the intelligence area. So really, we though of it more as an act of deception. We took our game very seriously. In fact we never even referred to is as a game. Mostly because we were working our maneuvers on real people who didn't know we were just a group of teenagers pretending to be spies. Every week we'd have at least one meeting at my house to talk about how things were going. Sometimes depending on the case or goal we were pursuing, the meetings would run on into the late of night. I guess it could be said that I was leader of our group. The meetings were held at my house, and I was th .....

Personal Writing: "Do You Want To Go To Space Camp This Summer?"
Words: 735 / Pages: 3

.... career goals. First, it was really fun and interesting to talk with American students. After camp started, I talked with the Japanese friends I had met at the airport because I was too afraid to speak in a language I had studied for only three months. However, I wanted to make American friends because I thought it was senseless to come here if I only talked with Japanese friends. On the second day, we were divided into teams with three to five Americans on a team. I tried to use my poor English to make American friends, but it was really difficult. First, I could not even introduce myself without looking at my note book in which I had wr .....

Creative Story: Lycanthrope
Words: 3561 / Pages: 13

.... was Lyle, calling to see how I'd been, what I was doing, that sort of thing. Then suddenly his voice took on a more serious tone. "Niles, you have to come here. I may need your help." "What is it, Lyle? What's wrong?" "I can't tell you over the phone." He whispered. "It's too important. You have to be here." "In Africa?" I said in disbelief. "Yes, here. It's that important." "But Lyle--" "I'm an animal over here!" He hissed into the phone. "I can't tell you any more. I don't dare. Please, Niles, don't tell anyone what happens when you get here, or anything about this phone call. It means my life, Niles, and it could mean m .....

Cinncinnati: Loveland: Paxton Woods
Words: 1273 / Pages: 5

.... the territory available for settlement. Ohio and all points west had nothing more to offer settlers than opportunity, although that was plenty to entice explorers, range rovers and wide-eyed gamblers looking for a chance to strike it rich in real estate. The westward movement began, and it didn’t take long for people to find the area that would become Cincinnati. Because of its rich soil and abundance of rivers, which were vital to the transportation and livelihood of the day, settlers started arriving by 1788. Most of the city’s early settlers arrived by putting several weeks worth of food and their life’s possessions on flatboats, whi .....

Creative Writing: The Life And Hard Times Of Grantly Marshall
Words: 627 / Pages: 3

.... and was the poorest he would ever be, Grantly wanted most of all to go to college. The best things Grantly knew how to do was act and recite poetry. He would memorize poetry with more than twenty stanzas in a week and recite them to anyone who would listen to him speak. Finally, with scholarships, student aid and multiple jobs Grantly fulfilled his dream of attending college. Majoring in theater Grantly graduated Kent State University in 1972 with honors. After he graduated, Grantly did act in local theaters for a few weeks and then decided to do to the Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany. Just weeks before he was to leave Grantly's fat .....

The Matchmaker
Words: 1628 / Pages: 6

.... hand, works for R.D. Olson Construction in Irvine, but spends every spare moment of time with his wife and kids. On several occasions, Homer has tried to set up Steve on a blind date. In fact, Steve’s last girlfriend was someone that Homer set him up with. Steve and Homer have similar interests in women, so Steve can usually trusts Homer when it comes to being set up. Usually, every girl complains that Steve is too into his team to have time for a girlfriend, let alone a wife. Homer is one of the “top dogs” at his work, and he has recently begun working with a lady by the name of Mary Larkins. It was kind of weird at first, for Homer, .....

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