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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

How To Enjoy Reading A Novel
Words: 604 / Pages: 3

.... be read in a hurry. If a novel is read in a hurry, the joy of reading it is lost because the reader would most likely look over the words just enough to understand the plot but would not go in detail. The detail in a noAs soon as a novel must be read or becomes part of a literary course, the joy of reading it is immediately lost due to the fact that the particular novel may not be interest to the student, the student may hurry to finish the novel and by the extent to which the novel is studied. The joy of reading a novel is lost when a novel is not of interest to the reader because the reader would not be able to relate to any of the characters, .....

Personal Writing: Friendships
Words: 1154 / Pages: 5

.... and feel comfortable. It really feels good to gave friends on the same level as you. Friendship is a very personal and unique thing. No two relation between any two people will ever be the same because only those people know what they have been through or shared together. This is what makes friendship such an exceptional thing. A large part of friendship is learning lessons together, and for almost everything in the world there is a lesson that must be learned. Learning these lessons through friendships is a very powerful and exceptional thing. These lessons have varied from one extreme to the other in my life and have changed and shaped a larg .....

Personal Writing: Going To College And Studying Social Service
Words: 629 / Pages: 3

.... This became very confusing to the patients who were used to going to see any doctor they wanted without having referrals. The other biggest hassle with the HMO's, patients usually had a co-pay, which they needed to pay as they checked in with the receptionists. I can honestly say that this was the worst part of my job, and I know the other receptionists I worked with felt as I did. Most of the patients were quite rude about having to pay this before they even saw the doctor, but if you didn't collect this co-pay the patient would never stop to pay it on their way out of the office. They would make us feel as if we were actually pocketing th .....

Creative Writing: John Griffith Biography
Words: 730 / Pages: 3

.... hard to find but I was employed by the fish patrol in San Francisco Bay. Imagine hopping on every boat that pulls into the bay and counting the number of fish on board and having to write fines to the sailors that had too many fish. This sure wasn't a popular job in the bay area. I was smart enough to figure I could be on the other side of the law and rob and steal vessels so I became an oyster pirate. I had a real passion for the sea and so in 1893 I took a job as a common sailor aboard a sealing vessel that ventured as far as Japan. This lasted about a year. When I returned back to the bay area I drifted from job to job. I told .....

Creative Writing: An Unforgivable Choice
Words: 2180 / Pages: 8

.... man ask Lucinda to see her ticket and then Lucinda said “my stepbrother is under six years old”. The train stopped again and almost every body hurried out. “Why are you in the train and where's your m other?” Lucinda asked. “My mother said that I was old enough to take care of my self. So my mother sat me on the train and said that if there came any of the cruel men I should hurry out, and I don't believe in Santa. But if you do he properly heard you lien, I'm 7” Jason said “Would you like to buy some christmaspresents with me?” Lucinda asked. “I don't know -maybe some of the shopasistents will recognise me, and I'm really not su .....

Personal Writing: Why I Need A Car
Words: 661 / Pages: 3

.... come, it's far away from everything, and the weather is terrible. The buses come every hour on weekdays and only three times on Sundays. I have complained before, but they don't care to what I have to say. Even when the buses come they are always late because the routes are convoluted. It takes hours to get anywhere. The closest commercial area to my house is Park Royal and that is a two hour walk away. There are no small stores and if I want milk, the closest store is in North Vancouver, would you believe. I guess they expect everyone to be so rich, so they can afford a car for every member in the family (think again). Waiting for the buses .....

The Doll And A White Rose
Words: 821 / Pages: 3

.... and said, "Are you sure I don't have enough money?" She replied a bit impatiently, "You know that you don't have enough money for it." The aunt told the little boy not to go anywhere, that she had to go get some other things and would be back in a few minutes. And then she left the aisle. The boy continued to hold the doll. After a bit I asked the boy who the doll was for. He said, "It is the doll my sister wanted so badly for Christmas. She just knew that Santa would bring it." I told him that maybe Santa was going to bring it. He said, "No, Santa can't go where my sister is . . . I have to give the doll to my mamma to take to her." I ask .....

Creative Writing: The Chase
Words: 501 / Pages: 2

.... just behind the rail road tracks near Market St. at I-15. Efficiently he removed all traceable evidence of his existence from the Bronco. Now heading in the opposite direction he was originally going, he and his package continued the chase already in progress. Entering onto the interstate he planned on obtaining a very large lead on his pursuists furthering his immunity from an almost inevitable prison cell, where he almost certainly would end up if apprehended. At this very quick speed he increased his lead and put himself out of danger. After half an hour, he exited in a conspicuous place where his hide-out was located. "They'll never catch .....

Personal Writing: Why I Should Receive This Scholarship
Words: 384 / Pages: 2

.... I recognized that within myself, I was no longer a shy kid who just falls in the back of everyone's mind. I had leadership skills and would develope them to my fullest potential. Later my freshmen year, a teacher encouraged me to participate in a national project to make a difference in the world. This was a project where I could help use my skills to help others. This project was not only about helping those less fortunate than myself. This was a project that would help build my confidence, and help realize what a joy it is to me to help those who are in need. Because of my exposure to this and other community service projects, I know tha .....

My Personal Belief
Words: 439 / Pages: 2

.... know that God will always be by my side to lead me in the right direction. I feel that my belief in God helps me to be a better person because it teaches me such things as loyalty, understanding, honesty, patients, values, and morals. These things assist me in leading a more fulfilling lifestyle, as well as making other people's lives better. I also believe in Christianity because I feel that everyone continues their existence beyond this worldly life. I believe that there is a Heaven and a Hell, and everyone will go to one of the two when they die. I believe that if you choose to accept God as your savior then you will live a life of eternal h .....

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