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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Personal Writing: Teacher On Trial For Teaching Religion In School
Words: 422 / Pages: 2

.... those fairy tale books. What he read from the Book of Genesis and Fairy Tale books have no difference because the are just stories. He was not teaching religion! If he was teaching religion, then he would've not just read the stories from the book of Genesis. The stories that he read were not religious scriptures, but just plain old common stories. Even if it was a religious scripture, what did this man do wrong? Would you say taking stories from a religious book teaching religion? I wouldn't think so. I would see it as taking parts of stories and criticizing about them. What did he criticize about the book? Was it the holy scriptures? No .....

Creative Writing: Downfall
Words: 1171 / Pages: 5

.... he has forgotten to do one thing or another. Then, just after I had finished breaking fast, the sensation revealed its true purpose. I was told to travel to the chapel at the edge of the village; the same chapel which had haunted my slumber earlier. At this point madness must have surged through my blood for before I understood what was happening I found myself staring at the rickety old sign at the border of our town which read Melas. As I came nearer to the chapel I expected the tormenting sensation in my head to diminish. Alas, it did not. The truth is that the throbbing increased to what I can only describe as a cranial vibration. This timb .....

Quarry Hill
Words: 2060 / Pages: 8

.... a frustrated Rudy. I looked up to the stars and tried to think. Finally an idea excited me enough to actually say something. "I know! Lets go to the Quarries in Uxbridge and go swimming! I've never been and I hear it's a cool place!" "Yeah!" It was clear to me that Rudy is a quick thinker -- I barely finished my idea before he was in agreement. "Come on Tom, lets go to the Quarries!" Rudy said to get a response out of him. Tom -- still in his "quiet mode" -- looked Rudy right in the eye, blinked, gave a half laugh, and smiled. "Well, all right. It's 1:00am, I think I'm going to go to bed now." I was getting bored with the s .....

Personal Writing: I Love Horror Novels
Words: 808 / Pages: 3

.... goes into my work and I feel if people read enough of my work, they will discover certain personal feelings I would prefer to keep private. -- Honesty Check...I also think my work sucks. -- As to where I get my ideas from for my sick excursions, I sincerely do not know. Like Stephen King (who got the idea to write IT when looking off of a bridge) I seem to receive my mad phantasms out of thin air. For example, when I first began writing the first draft of this essay, I started out writing about writing horror stories and ended up writing a short story about a vampire in London. It is safe to say I get ideas out of thin air. W .....

Bleeding Ireland And Black America
Words: 4743 / Pages: 18

.... radio, “If you have never been to the ghetto, don't ever come to the ghetto,” as I put in a tape. My thought stream continues as it takes me to another place where guerrilla warfare and terrorism are a part of daily life. The gunshots and unruly pitbull barking registers over the calm of the wet playground. Trash strings the streets and every dwelling has an eight foot, black, metal fence circuitously about it. Two white faces gape over the hood of a parked Cadillac. Besides the police parked down the block, they are probably the only Caucasians in a five mile square radius. Two companies of drug dealers fire at will scrambling for control .....

Have Another Beer
Words: 629 / Pages: 3

.... world sucks!” She is never satisfied until she has drank as much as she can and has informed half of the party of her problems. The best drunk known to man and this party was Fred Funny. Fred is the kind of drunk you want at every party. He has everyone on the floor, rolling in hysterics. He has people crying because they are laughing so hard. Fred likes to have an audience of at least five people. The group seems to grow as everyone hears what he is saying. Fred loves to tell jokes that he’s heard all week, and make wise cracks at the rest of the drunks. Fred can often be seen doing stupid things like spilling his drink or trip .....

Personal Writing: The Game
Words: 730 / Pages: 3

.... surface the referee informed them of the rules. “I want a clean game. No elbows, no scratching, or biting,” said Bob, the head referee. Bob tossed the ball high into the thick air and the game began. Shelby won the opening tip and converted it into a quick two points. The Detroit Central Cougars brought the ball up the court and scored a lay-up. Todd was determined not to let this game slip out of his fingers. Led by Todd the Tigers had been to the finals three years in a row and had lost every time. Now that he was a senior it was Todd's last chance at redemption. Exchanging baskets the teams battled it out for the lead and at the end of .....

The Old Lady Next Door
Words: 831 / Pages: 4

.... it was a car. In fact, you might even be tempted to take the big heap of blue and white trash away to the recycling center. All the paint is falling off; the wheels are made of soft rubber that go flat when you sit in the car. The inside smells like someone died. I don’t even think that she’s ever washed anything in there. When looking inside, you see more garbage than you could ever find in any garbage dump. The seats are all torn up inside, as if she let a wild cat run through her car and tear it up. If you listen very closely you can hear little scratching noises. I think that it’s from the mice and rodents inside the car somewhere. .....

Personal Writing: My First Time Experiencing Riding A Bicycle
Words: 588 / Pages: 3

.... material. The bicycle remained in my backyard as a decoration for a month because I refused to ride it. Honestly, I was scared to try it. After a month, my dad gave me a lecture to teach me what being a man was all about. I was finally determined to try it. My dad was proud of me and I felt very manly. He and I went to the park to see what we could do there. The park was empty when we arrived. I had no dought that my dad told everybody not to be there because we had to use it. I felt badly for other people, but I was proud to have such an onnipotent person as my dad. We found a smooth and a often space. My dad was .....

No Need For Drastic Change
Words: 854 / Pages: 4

.... very restricted in possibilities for the future. Society today has been shaped by the ways people interact with one another. Communities have a unified distinction by population, wealth, and place of living such as city, suburb, or country. Everyone knows the rules and understands what it takes to succeed in the place they live. Lao-Tzu states, “Let go of the law / then people will become honest” Mitchell. 57. 2-3). This is a mere desire of what he would like to happen in his world. But in reality the world would turn into complete chaos if we let go of the laws. People would not understand right from wrong and would feel lost where they on .....

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