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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Just Trying To Help
Words: 1070 / Pages: 4

.... quickly when they are confronted. The regret I had about never standing up for, not just the members of my family, but for any person, or group of people, that is discriminated against, led to a problem I encountered a few years ago during my sophomore year in high school. My high school is predominantly white, with a few Asians, and very few black students. One of the few black students, Kaasa, happened to be in my phy-ed class during the first semester of my sophomore year. The problem was that Mike Hartman was also in the same class. Mike was kind of known to the people in our grade as “Mr. Racism”. He was always quick to come up with a .....

Trip To Cedar Point
Words: 325 / Pages: 2

.... 300 feet and then drops at about 65 miles per hour. We all made excuses not to go on. {Beating down upon our backs}, all we wanted to do was find some shade from the sun and get something to eat. So we went into a pizza place and ate. After dinner we went on all our favorite rides. As we were walking around all of our friends were asking us if we rode Demon Drop. Instead of getting ridiculed the whole way home, we decided to ride it. We had just enough time. {Strapping us in} my heart started pounding. As we slowly lifted off the ground it started to beat harder. I could see far out over Lake Erie as we steadily rose to the top. It was like .....

Personal Writing: Jim Thomson's House
Words: 953 / Pages: 4

.... I was very happy to go out the university for more experiences especially to this interesting place. When the day that I had been waiting for a week came true, I was quiet excited and worried because I had to go there by oneself. I really didn't know how to go there!, However, I met my friends Bird, Poy and Beau at the bus-stop a few minutes before they got a bus number 47 to go to Jim Thomson's house. Then we arrived in there about 16.30 pm. Before I reached the Thai home, I felt strange and had a question again that why the beautiful teak house was surrounded by many cement buildings and was located on the end of a long Soi. I didn't appreciate i .....

Personal Writing: My Dreams
Words: 767 / Pages: 3

.... I often see over again in different dreams. I don't know why I have dreams that include water, maybe my body is telling me I am thirsty or that I need to drink more water. My war dreams are the ones that I would be most interested in learning the latent meaning to. After waking from one of the war dreams I feel great, like a hero, like I accomplished something. I was recently thinking about joining a military service so I could be related to those thoughts. Often, the war dreams occur when I'm angry or have conflict in my life, so maybe it's my way of getting rid of that anger. My war dreams are some of the clearest and fun dreams I have, but I d .....

What Family Is To Me
Words: 441 / Pages: 2

.... this unconditional love to me and to each other. The second part in a family is respect and trust. Trust is something that can take years to build, but can be broken very easily. By breaking trust with a family member one is also breaking respect of the family. The two ideas go hand in hand. My parents respected me enough to tell me that I was adopted, instead of lying to me and having me find out later in life that I wasn't their biological son. This respect that my parents gave me, in turn gave me their trust. And I gave them the respect and trust that was given to me. Without sacrifice, a family cannot be. The sacrifices that family m .....

Creative Writing: Destroying Racism
Words: 1128 / Pages: 5

.... other. They went on trips in the summer, and spring, and this time came back to a message on the lawn. I sat there that day watching cars go by their house as if it were haunted or something. I guess it can happen anywhere. But this snow-covered house is still a reflection of America, white on top with a hatred burning underneath. I go to a college, where the races meet every day. Colored man helps white man; white man helps colored man. Doesn't sound right ? That's how bad our society has gotten. Disturbing? Of course. But what is more disturbing is, lately when these issues of racism have come up, there seems to be impatience and annoyance. "Do .....

Life: The Personal Experience
Words: 623 / Pages: 3

.... of that terrible scene. Few minutes later, the cops and the ambulances quickly arrived. We heard the loud noise come from the police and ask us to help them, we quickly got off the van and helping the fire fighters and the cops to pull people out of that vans, I saw lot of our church friend got burned to death and some other just crushed by Small pieces. Everyone is in tears including the police and fire fighters. After the rescue, we find out most of people in that van died, but some in serious condition. After that accident, I learned that life is meaningless, and learned that we should help others while we can. My goal was to let God int .....

Creative Writing: The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday
Words: 2033 / Pages: 8

.... book. icculus had given the helping friendly book to the lizards thousands of years earlier as a gift. it contained all of the knowledge inherent in the un iverse, and had enabled the lizards to exist in harmony with nature for years. and so they lived; until one day a traveler arrived in gamehendge. his name was wilson and he was quickly intrigued by the lizards way of life. he asked if he could stay and live in the forest; and the lizards, who had never seen an outsider were happy to oblige. wilson lived with the lizards for a few years, studying the ways of the helping friendly book, and all was well. until one morning when they awoke .....

Do As To Others
Words: 808 / Pages: 3

.... this new job, he finally would have enough money to buy that house he'd had his eyes on for years. Perhaps he would even be able to buy a new car, instead of having to drive this heap of junk to work every day. He dreamed about how much better his life was going to be, unconsciously pushing the pedal harder and harder acting like a knife as he mercilessly cut a path through the wet night air. All of a sudden there was a sickening thud as the car hit something rather large. Shit!. I don't have time for a pathetic, dead animal! Jack slowed and pulled the car to a halt on the gravel. Turning the engine off, he sat listening to the patter of the rain .....

Even Elephants Are Afraid Of Mice - A Creative Essay
Words: 785 / Pages: 3

.... the past sixty minutes, I've heard nothing but fish gossip." The ensign was only trying to ease the pressure with his antics, but the humour in his voice was clearly forced. The Captain grunted, and several petty officers chuckled. Yet, none could deny that Fear lived among them. The spectre was clearly an unwanted and certainly uninvited guest, but not even the many fathoms of jet black water could keep him from his prey. He fed on fear, and the greatest feast of all was just beginning. Meanwhile, the mouse began to grow restless in his hole. "Helm," the voice was confidant, "bring us about to a new bearing - 6148 mark 72." "Ye .....

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