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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Creative Writing - World War I: Letter Home
Words: 1843 / Pages: 7

.... be able to duck out of their responsibility to their country. The whole idea of conscientious objection seems absurd to me; it is just a front used to cover cowardice. Conchies don't object to war, they are just scared that they might get hurt. They should see this war for what it is: a chance to help and serve their country, and earn some glory, both for themselves, and for Britain. The Boche needs to be taught a lesson; they cannot expect to just march around the globe, invading countries for no reason, other than selfishness. If we do not step in and act decisively soon, who knows where they will stop? How can the army act decisively if many .....

Personal Writing: Learning About Myself
Words: 802 / Pages: 3

.... I was going to do it. Maybe I was. I still do not know. Something about myself that I have learned is that sometimes you do not know what to expect of me. I like to be spontaneous, and I like a lot of excitement. My family can never tell what I am going to do. That afternoon they might have been wondering exactly what they should expect. I did not want to go to the top of the mountain. It would take a long time, and we wanted to go shopping and head back to our cabin before it got too late. I walked into the woods and soon I was beside a lake totally enveloped in fog. I was facing a rock wall. The blue dots on the wall indicated that the tra .....

Personal Writing: Museum Of Tolerance
Words: 833 / Pages: 4

.... our tickets, we got the student discount. Our tour time would be at 1:15. To waste a little time we decided to walk around a little and look at the displays. There were many Jewish items that I had never seen before but Coley pointed out most of them and explained what they were and what they were used for. It didn't take very long for our tour guide to show up and lead us to the main tour. There was a short, maybe 15 minute tour with a tour guide, then a two and a half hour audio tour. The tour guide led us to two doors and told us to choose one. Above each door was a label one with the word "prejudice" and one with the word "unprejudiced." I .....

Personal Writing: Court Experience
Words: 557 / Pages: 3

.... money from the state for some property that they were confiscating for construction. The state was offering around $60,000 and he wants $300,000. The lawyer for Guge went first. He went on forever it seemed like. It was over an hour that he went on talking. Some of the jurors were falling asleep as well as the judge while he was speaking. It seems that he could have been more concise with his argument. Pretty bad when even the judge nods off. The judge even got up and left during part of the closing arguments. The states attorney began his closing arguments. His name was McKinney. His argument was straight to the point. He got his point acros .....

ABC Book
Words: 1106 / Pages: 5

.... she walks down the street. Doctor Armstrong, a former doctor who likes time to think. Whenever he thinks about the past one of the first things to pop into his mind is the fact alcohol ruined his life. If only he hadn't had a couple of drinks before operating on his patient, he might not have accidentally killed him. Everyone was dead when the police got to the Island. Nobody could figure out what happened. The police did not find any suicide notes and searched the island a couple of times. The police found no-one in hiding and were left open- mouthed and clueless. Fred Narracott was the boatman who took everyone to the island on his boat. As .....

Creative Writing: The Snickers Bar
Words: 275 / Pages: 1

.... I smelled that sweet aroma of the sweet chocolate and caramel blend. Those chocolate covered peanuts and caramel were very tantalizing. Then we were allowed to open the wrapper. I opened it, careful not to rip the wrapper. The second it was uncovered, the sweet smell got stronger. That chocolate and caramel aroma was now increased with the glorious smell of roasted peanuts. Oh! How I longed to taste that tempting Snickers bar. The top of the bar itself looked like an ocean wave just before it crashes onto the beach. It was a perfect picture, frozen in time. It felt smooth, yet gooey at the same time. Then I heard those magical words. "you m .....

Personal Writing: You Will Always Remember Your First Time!
Words: 1539 / Pages: 6

.... that I was in the back of an Ambulance at my first professional supercross. The only thing I could do was play the past events over and over in my head. I couldn't believe it as I looked at a shiny gold and silver card. This card signified all of the rights and privileges of a professional supercrosser. Now I would have the right to race with the worlds best. “Dad look it finally came!” I shouted. My dad looked at me with silly grin and said “Well you knew it was coming, you won your 25th race last month.” As I stood there with a smile bigger than the sun on my face I said “I know but I am still excited about it. Just think I will .....

Creative Writing: Friends Till The Very End
Words: 1329 / Pages: 5

.... it across the harbour waters, but stopped abruptly, remembering that the gods did not like land removed from the island. As the stone slipped from his fingers, his eyes followed the ripples that glided on and off the grey beach where he stood, then rose almost by habit to gaze once more at the Arizona Memorial stretching white and graceful, remembering painfully that this would be the last time that he would ever walk along this beautiful beach. As his eyes watched the waves, and how they caressed the muddy shoreline, he began to think of the future. His thoughts were quickly disrupted. “Hey bud, how's it going? What was so important that you had .....

Personal Writing: Jealousy And My Friend
Words: 397 / Pages: 2

.... nightmare. It’s her goal to embarrass the crap out of me. She’s very self-conscious about herself and so anything I try on or think I might buy she practically screams about the high price or how slutty she thinks it looks. I always leave the mall empty-handed when I’m with her. The funny thing about this, however, is that a week later she usually ends up buying these clothes for herself. I just smile at her and tell her how nice they look on her. Finally, she’s most jealous of my other friends. She’s constantly telling me ridiculous things about them in hopes to turn me away from them. God forbid me spend time with them one night .....

Personal Writing: Piercing - An Extra Hole
Words: 972 / Pages: 4

.... eyebrows, her septum, nostril, tongue, belly , and lip pierced. It gave me some sense of comfort knowing she had survived all those un-natural holes, courtesy of In the Flesh . Tiffany was giggling nervously looking around the store . The pierced girl gave us a paper we needed to fill out, we gave them to Tiffany's mom to sign on the line stating that we had authorization from an adult .The girl showed us all the body jewelry we could choose from to pierce our navels with. There were all colors of small rings with little colored beads connecting them . There was baby blue, teal green , royal purple, sterling silver, gold, and then I saw it - a .....

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