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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Personal Writing: My Goals And Dreams In Life
Words: 511 / Pages: 2

.... Habitat for Humanity, and many others the effort to better my communication, volunteer, and leadership skills. With exceptional athletic ability, during my high school career I was a representative of my high school as a member of the Varsity Basketball and Varsity Soccer teams. Athletic and Academic Awards, Extra Curricular Activities, Community Involvement, and Leadership positions all play an important role in my life. The following titles are accredited to me: Varsity Basketball player, Varsity Soccer player, Habitat for Humanity Volunteer), Kohl's Department Store(Volunteer), DECA Club Member, State DECA Club Member, National DECA Club Me .....

Personal Writing: Fragment - Changes In Life
Words: 1149 / Pages: 5

.... funny and it isn't really considered anything serious. Some happenings in our lives are very serious and aren't as easy to talk about with others. Even though this is true it does help the person feel better to talk about their problems whether they realize it at first or not. Changes in life like these can change you both physically and mentally for the rest of your life depending on the severity of the situation. In early August of `96 my life at home became a living nightmare. I don't really know what it was that started this thing between me and my parents but I do remember that they were always doing anything they could to just annoy me. I .....

Custer's Last Stand
Words: 1847 / Pages: 7

.... today. Custer: Thank You for the compliment Bill, you are looking good yourself. I myself have been on a Nutri System Diet and have lost 15 pounds, I feel like a new man. Bill: Ok we have a very short time slot here so lets get the most out of this once in a lifetime interview. Are you ready? Custer: I was born ready Bill. Go Ahead, Fire!!! Wait don't fire, I meant start asking your questions when your ready. All I have to do is answer them, you have the tough half in asking the questions. Bill: Ok, here goes, Are Those Bugle Boy Jeans that you are wearing??!!?? Custer: Why yes, as a matter of fact they are. I bought them just for this sho .....

The Ultimate House
Words: 613 / Pages: 3

.... and adjusts the lighting. All of this information is previously stored in a computer database for all of the people who live in my palace. The high ceilings and modern artwork let you know you are in a very special place. Although it is seldom used, the Living Room is fit for a king. The furniture is all made out of leather, for ultimate comfort. There is a projection television that rolls up and out of your way. Plus, there is every game console ever made. Finally there is a refrigerator, which is disguised as an oak cabinet. An extravagant Television Room is essential in every house. My house is no different; there is another projection te .....

Creative Writing: The Person Behind The Mask
Words: 827 / Pages: 4

.... but they weren't the highlight. He was certain; He would be a clown when he became older. After many years, he changed town and started on a career as an accountant in a big company. Nobody knew him better than by name, and nobody cared. He just sat there behind his desk, working, day after day, week after week. He was an « every chief's dream.» But he was also a lonely man with no friends who would say; "How are we today?" His colleagues envied him, so they froze him out. He could see the guys meet in a corner. Whispering and giving him looks. He tried to be a pal, but they didn't want him to. He was the average guy, with average pay and .....

My Freshman Experience At The University Of Alabama
Words: 598 / Pages: 3

.... been very difficult moving away from all of them knowing that they are all still there with each other. I also miss my parents. I was use to getting all the attention, since I was the last child to leave the house. Now that I am three hours away it is hard to get all the attention I am use to. I miss them all very much, but the phone has proven to be my best friend. I talk to them all everyday, making sure that I do not miss a thing that goes on in Atlanta. Another issue that has effected my college experience is meeting new people. Meeting new people is usually something that I never have a problem of doing. Since I have been here I have fe .....

Creative Story: The Golden Sock
Words: 1109 / Pages: 5

.... of miles already, and we still have not come close to finding the "golden sock". I want you to look at the feet of every man on this island, hoping to see the "golden sock". This may not be easy, and we may have to fight, so I want every man to be ready to go to war," Odysseus claimed. Odysseus and his men came to a cave and were directly surrounded. They got ready to fight, but the people were only trying to find out if they were friendly or hostile. The people were called the Takol Klan. They invited Odysseus and his men for the verrano feast. The Takol Klan, that greeted them, seemed to overly excited to Odysseus. "Hey, do two o .....

Personal Writing: Drag Racing
Words: 689 / Pages: 3

.... of my spare time is spent working on my 1996 Honda Accord. With a big import drag racing approaching quickly, I spent most of my waking hours for a week tuning my car. Sweat and hours of hard work finally prepared my car for racing. The interior was stripped down to the sheet metal and contained only the driver's seat to reduce weight. The whole exhaust system was removed to gain that little edge of power, which is essential for racing. My car was finally race ready, waiting to tear up the track. The following day, our race team met up at the track. In the pit area, we changed out our street tires for high performance drag slicks. After a few .....

Creaitve Story: Desert Island
Words: 534 / Pages: 2

.... the many questions that my mind bombarded me with, I decided to take a tour of the island, and search for a possible means of escape. "OH SHI-!" I stopped myself short of a curse, and looked down at my aching toe. I painfully leaned over and examined the ground around my feet, discovering a 1922 Sears catalogue. Exhausted and hungry, I reached for a coconut from the only tree. I leaned against the palm tree eating the coconut and leafing through the ancient catalogue. Thinking aloud, I muttered, "Gee, I wish I had some clothes". POOF! Magically, I was in the latest fashions of 1922. Hmmm.......could it be? I flipped through the catalogue u .....

Personal Writing: My Jungle Safari
Words: 485 / Pages: 2

.... any leaves on the ground my black boots sank into the rich black soil like your foot into the mud on a beach. The air smells so luscious and full of moisture, it was as if I could drink the air. As the tangle of bushes and vines grew thicker I had to withdraw my sword and cut my way through. The sword caught what little light that had somehow found its way through the trees and it danced on the nearby trees. It made a swish as it flew through the air. When it hit the brush the sword vibrated through my hand and the brush gave way to the knife and allowed me to pass through. A tiny light became clearer to me and I headed toward it. The bugs b .....

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