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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Creative Story: Lonely
Words: 1235 / Pages: 5

.... a small card beside his foot. Funny, he hadn't noticed it there before. Maybe it blew up in the breeze. Yes that's what happened, the wind had blown it there when he was off in dreamland. Oh well, he thought and then he picked it up. The card had printing on it. It simply read, "go look in your mail box". Keith gave out a small chuckle and thought about his mailbox. Was someone joking around with him? It was probably that pesky neighbor boy, James. He was always coming up with something new and unusual to try out on his neighbors. "What the hell", Keith said aloud. He then stood up and walked over to his mailbox and opened it up. "Yep, .....

Creative Story: Positraction
Words: 507 / Pages: 2

.... half in the street and half in Roger's yard they all yelled "Hey Fuck-o" and speed off. "You little bastards callin me a buck-o" Roger yelled as his hudge buck teeth bit his bottom lip " I'll kick your ass". Then Roger jumped In his shit brown FORD truck and started the engine (well I mean tried to start the engine because he had to pull start it). Then he speed out of his driveway and took off with smoke coming from the tires (and from under the hood). He caught up with the Cougar and started hanging out the window trying to hit the car but he couldn't hold the steering wheel and do bash the car at the same time. So he got THE CLUB out from underne .....

Personal Writing: A Schoolyard Lesson
Words: 1336 / Pages: 5

.... labyrinth of streets that we call our neighborhood, and meeting my first crossing guard; I made my way into the school. It was quite crowded , but I knew where I was headed. I proceeded up the stairs and down the hall to room 212, where I sat down in the front row. I turned around and took a quick peak at the class; scanning the room for someone to talk to. When I saw no opportunities I began to get a bit timid, but as soon as the bell rang I felt all right. We went through the motions for awhile: filling out paper work, introducing ourselves, all the first day stuff. I heard a few kids say they were new to the area, of which Brian Vedder was .....

I Was With ______ When ......
Words: 3928 / Pages: 15

.... curley's wife and was mumbling "I've done another bad thing..." We asked lennie what the heck he did. He just stood there looking at us like we were some alien from a diffrent planet. He just started screaming and ran off in the distance. I told george we had better tell the gang this. We gonna get our hides whipped when curley finds out about this. A few minutes later when curley and the gang came over and saw this he said to george "You fat Son- of-a-*****" you killed my wife. I'm going to beat the living daylights outta you. George sensing curley's fustration moved back a few feet. George stammered " I didn't kill your wife it must've been .....

Slow Ride
Words: 601 / Pages: 3

.... And I, wanting to show off my recently fashioned driving skills, was being a little "reckless". There were no other cars around and I wanted to have some fun and impress those girls in the back seat. I was pulling hand-brake turns, pretending that I was in a Formula one racing car, screeching the tires and driving on the wrong side of the road. I was taking hairpin turns thirty kilometers over the speed limit. "I'm in England!" Jack would yell as he poked his head out of the sunroof. Though I could barely hear him above the blaring music. I felt care and worry free. We were headed for the first party of the school year, and rather quickly at that .....

Creative Writing: Jimmy Valentine The Safe Cracker
Words: 337 / Pages: 2

.... the shoe store. Jimmy was so sure of himself, that the next night, he had a document made that stated that in the event of a divorce, or the death of Jimmy, the shoestore would be completely owned by his wife, Annabelle. Two months later, Jimmy and Annabelle Spencer were married. That same day, Jimmy threw all his safe cracking tools over the bridge into a small stream. For three years everything went well. Their shoestore had great buiesness, They had 2 children, and they bought a beautiful home in the country. Everything was going well untill one day Annabelle woke up and her beloved husband was missing. Nowhere to be found. Also, when Jimm .....

People And Places
Words: 780 / Pages: 3

.... from the police station, which is rather unusual for a club. As soon as we walked in, a huge cloud of smoke blinded us. Right away, we noticed that everybody knew each other. It was like a small family. What was more amazing is how everybody blended in so perfectly and how they matched the place like a puzzle. As we were wandering around, the owner came up to us and welcomed us to his club, noticing that it was our first time there. Now that I have known him for over a year and a half, I can say that he is one of the nicest people I've ever met. Speaking with an Italian accent, always gesturing, dressed very elegantly and always wea .....

The Rule
Words: 445 / Pages: 2

.... room all day, or a girl be in a guys room all day, but must leave at night? Their is no harm being done if he or she stays. If your roommate doesn't mind then their shouldn't be a problem. If we are told that we are responsible enough to go and live away from home, then why does it matter who we live with? Why aren't we trusted when it comes to that issue? I feel that one should be trusted until one proves otherwise. The rule may forbid boyfriends, girlfriends, or just friends to stay in a room, but why family members? Have a heart. Your family member drives all the way to your school to see you and they must sleep some where else, why? Didn' .....

Creative Story: Lobito
Words: 1823 / Pages: 7

.... almost say “let me at him”. The funny part is when we actually do let him go, he's surprised we let him go , and gives us this look like hey hold me back! Another thing that goes along with his fighting techniques, are his day dream desires of being a security dog. We have this one dog named Pinto that Lobito hates with all his heart. Being that Pinto is alot older and bigger than Lobbito , Lobito never dares raise a bark at Pinto. But don't ever tell Pinto to go outside the house, because as soon as Lobito hears the words “Pinto outside”, hell breaks loose. Lobito will come tearing around the corner like if he heard Puppy Chow was going to .....

Childhood Experience Of Religion Conflicts
Words: 1177 / Pages: 5

.... which seemed so inspiring to me at that time. In my mind every human being seemed the same and I treated my friends equally. When I got back to my homeland, I couldn't wait to see my old neighborhood friends. It was like a dream come true to be home again. The next day I was able to enroll in the same grade as my friends and I couldn't wait to hang out with them once again. I went to my class and the teacher set me down with an old friend of mine. She didn't even want to look at me. I tried to explain who I was but she stubbornly turned around and whispered something to the person next to her. "What is going on here?" I asked my self, I knew .....

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