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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Volunteering For A School Of Handicapped Children
Words: 1819 / Pages: 7

.... Lori was there in the same school ready to yell hello in a crowded hallway. At first, this was the most embarrassing thing that she could do to me, because other kids would tease me and ask if she was my girlfriend, just stupid shit that kids do. As time progressed I became more educated on why Lori acted the way she did. For me, the more I understood, the more patience and compassion I had for her and people like her. During my Junior and Senior years of school I took a class (with much prodding from Lori) which involved going into the special education classroom and helping these kids. Not only did I help teach book lessons but also how to re .....

Personal Writing: Karate Class
Words: 768 / Pages: 3

.... that no one my size could defeat me. I started to get better and my teacher was training harder with me each day we had class. He told me if I worked at the rate he was teaching me, I'd be able to compete in the Olympics at the age of sixteen. My first chance to show my friends and family that I was good at karate was in the Lower East Side of Manhattan in a public school. I was so nervous about this tournament I felt sick. Well it was my time to shine, and shine I did. In the peewee division for my first event I had to display my form. I did every step of my form so precisely and well, that I beat everyone in my group and won first place. Th .....

Personal Writing: My Life
Words: 475 / Pages: 2

.... I wasn’t a nerd. I loved to make friends. One of the many differences between America and China is the fact that computers and the Internet were not easily accessible there. But once I came here, I immediately fell in love with web surfing and online chatting. I love flirting with guys, however I understand the importance of studying so I tend to have little time for that. Therefore, I gave them a Chinese riddle. I said I would talk to anyone who could answer it. The riddle is: What can walk without legs, eat without a mouth, pass through a river that has no water, and die without a soul? The answer is Chinese chess. The next day I got an emai .....

Creative Story: The Chronic Swamp Murders
Words: 580 / Pages: 3

.... If the man was a hunter where did his gun or bow go? How often did you find a dead hunter just lying in the middle of a swamp? Even with these questions police told the Hemps that it was an accident and they were in no danger. The Hemp's life went on with no interruptions until about two weeks after the hunter was found. Another body had been found in the swamp. This time the body was a male whom had a business suit on. The police came back and investigated this death. After about a week they concluded again that it was a broken neck that had killed the victim. There were no signs of a struggle so the investigators said that it was some type of .....

Personal Writing: The Current
Words: 712 / Pages: 3

.... Wallace's Point. He said, “Wallace's Point is lined with so many root wads (root wads are clumps of tree stumps, roots, branches, leaves, and whatever else might float down the river) along the banks, and it has so many sunken canoes and sunken logs along it's main channel that safe passage through it is impossible - unless you stick to the right side of the bend.” As we neared the end of a long straight away in the river, I noticed the speed of the water was increasing exponentially. A look farther down the river told me what I had been dreading this whole trip now lay before us, and we were going into Wallace's Point from the wrong sid .....

Creative Story: Grandpa
Words: 1041 / Pages: 4

.... even better because it was at night and all the hotels were lit up. It looked like it was Christmas everyday there. Every single hotel was lit up of all different pictures. We had fun seeing that but it was time to go back to the hotel room. When we got back the front desk informed us that somebody had called from San Fransisco. We all had an idea of what it was about. My mom and grandma were both sobbing. They were crying in way that didn't show. My dad and I felt very sad even though we didn't know my grandpa very well. Before we had gone to Las Vegas we sat down with my aunt and my mom said " if anything happened to my grandpa to call us at the h .....

Creative Writing: Origin Of The Big Dipper
Words: 301 / Pages: 2

.... about it and told him to take care of his brothers and sisters. The couple filled a pot with water and started to boil it. Once the water was ready they put the mother chicken in when she was still alive. The little chicks had just seen their mother die and suffer, so they were really sad. The oldest one was so sad that he jumped in the pot right after her mother did and the rest followed him. The monk saw this and felt sorry for them and felt that it was his fault. He made the little chicks who cared so much for their mother into stars in the sky in order to honor them. The constellation that the stars form now are known as the Big Dipper. .....

Personal Writing: Devon
Words: 575 / Pages: 3

.... he looked in my direction I waved at him to get his attention. When he reached the table I shook his hand and introduced myself. He introduced himself "Hi my name is Devon." He sat down on the other side of the small table. Devon is well known in the coffee shop. He goes to the coffee shop about 3 times a week and tries to meet someone new every time he goes. He is really nice and it's not hard for him to make friends. Almost everyone in the shop know who he is. If he sees someone he doesn't know he'll go up and talk to them. Devon told me why he dressed the way he does, "I do it to show people that everyone is different and to lik .....

Creative Writing: Terror On Halloween
Words: 839 / Pages: 4

.... with just two tiny holes where the eyes would be. The other figure then said "whats it gunna be lady, trick or treat?" Jess opened the door fully now and beckoned them to come inside. "Just wait here", she said as she ran up the stairs and into the bathroom where Sal was still combing her hair. "Sal what should I give those two boys", asked Jess. "I dunno give them one of those chocolate things near the fridge", Sal replied. Jess turned and went back down the stairs into the kitchen to find the bars. "Are you still there boys?", she yelled. But there was no reply. Jess stopped and went back to the front door. To her surprise the b .....

An Asian American In America
Words: 771 / Pages: 3

.... did not received anything to eat until they died. When my parents had their lives threaten, they decided to go to America, the land of opportunity. We escaped from Cambodia twice, the first time we got caught and were sent to jail for one day. The second time, we escaped into Thailand and stayed there for about one year. My aunt living in the United States decided to bring my family to the United State, so we made the long and tuff struggle to America. We went to the Philippine Island for six months so that were medically prepared to go to the United States. After six months we were given a departure date. During these times, my parents struggle .....

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