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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Personal Writing: Volunteering At Summer Quest
Words: 1492 / Pages: 6

.... from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This was a very difficult assignment. I had to plan fun events, but also make them very inexpensive. This was an interesting task that allowed me for the first time to use many of the skills I had learned in my Organizational Communication classes. I had to negotiate prices for admission, and figure out transportation and food cost. It also taught me a lot about planning and time organization. I had to plan months in advance, and fill in every second of the day with activities to keep the students busy. Now I know that in the future when I am in the real world, I can plan big .....

Personal Writing: Results Of My Grammar Retest
Words: 266 / Pages: 1

.... done was( I think ) hard. The first test, I studied for about 1 hour and after that I thought that I would score high on the test. I ended up getting a little lower then I expected. Then, I heard that there would be a retest so I felt no need to study hard but to only review what I have learned. During a test, I have many suggestions to my classmates. First the best way to get a good result is to study until you are capable of remembering what you have studied. Then, in the morning, I always do a review just to remember more. Sometimes, I just do a small review in homeroom. Some other times I would come early to study. When I get the .....

Love By Way Of Chance
Words: 429 / Pages: 2

.... Some people might not like a stupid, fat, or repulsive looking mate, but I feel it shouldn't depend on physical appearances. Affection should be based on what's in the heart and possibly the brain. The way I see it falling in love by way of chance is the most beautiful feeling in the world. Love by choice, especially not yours, is a horrible way to live a life. It's hard for the one who didn't have the choice. If one has to pick their husband or wife it should not depend on their money status or their popularity, it should be a careful decision that will make one happy for the rest of their life. A good example that my classmates and I could .....

Creative Writing: The Inferno
Words: 523 / Pages: 2

.... pictures adorn the walls; they are all of one person. I know her, but who is she? Her eyes are dark and enigmatic. I can see the sadness in her eyes. Her eyes. They lack the luminescence of the youthful character they portray. Her glances pierce through my being like light through glass. The carpet is a sea of scorn. It stabs my feet with its blades of contempt. The walls of mockery laugh at me as I foolishly try to climb them to rid myself of its presence. Yet there is no escape. I have inflicted more pain upon myself. Nothing is soft in here; everything is jagged. My un-sanded wooden dresser rests on the right side of the doorway. .....

Creative Writing: There Isn't Much Time
Words: 641 / Pages: 3

.... these reasons are just excuses for people's fear of failure, fear of lost security, and need for pressure. Back high school, I had a friend, Eric, who dropped out of school because of bad grades. As his friend, I knew he was doing fine until the period of final exams. He was a smart and responsible person which laziness is not a factor of his bad grades. Eric could not pick up the books soon enough before the exam because he was afraid of failure. Since Eric's older brothers had achieved excellence academic records and great careers, Eric' parents expected him to follow his brothers' foot step. As the result, Eric was afraid to try because he f .....

Advice I Often Receive From Parents
Words: 351 / Pages: 2

.... enjoy in order to make their parents proud. The problem with saying "as long as you do you best" is that when I know I could have done a better job, I have a sort of guilty feeling. I hate it when I get a mediocre mark or fail in something and my parents say "as long as you tried your hardest." It gets quite annoying when I second guess myself about what I could have done. However, when I know I did the work as well as I could and it isn't a good mark, I don't worry about it as much as some people might. In conclusion, the piece of advice that I receive most often from my parents is basically a good one, and often it keeps me motivated i .....

Creative Story: The Crash
Words: 301 / Pages: 2

.... squeal came back to haunt the young man inside. With a shudder and a bang the plane's prop stopped. Within seconds the stall horn began to blow and the plane rolled onto it's right side and plummeted to the snow covered ground. Bob awoke, not knowing how long he was out, hoping that some one had received his frantic calls for help. After a day he decided to try and hike out, he took everything he could carry. He made good distance during the day but at nightfall he knew it was over; the temperature had fallen below negative fifty mark. The rescuers sent out search parties and finally found him in his sleeping bag next to a burnt out fire. .....

Creative Writing: The Wind In His Sail
Words: 755 / Pages: 3

.... kids in school. "Hi Julie," moaned Cobi in reply, "what are you doing here?" A shocked, but smiling Julie answered, "Just came to see ya." "Well visiting hours are over," Cobi uttered as he pushed past Julie and trekked up the rocky shore to his home. His home! His home was a picturesque array of hand-crafted pillars and intricate woodwork that beautified even the aesthetic sandy ocean beach that encompassed it. As always, after sailing practise, he was greeted by a honk and a wave from his father returning from work. His father was a partner in Jones, Jefferson, and Deveau, the most successful law firm in Nova Scotia. He was ab .....

Personal Writing: The Day Of Surprise
Words: 906 / Pages: 4

.... On Valentines Day I felt loved by everyone. On that day, I would obtain the card that I had picked out from my father. Classmates would give everyone Valentine cards. Some extremely generous kids would even attach candy to the cards. It didn't matter if you hated each other, on Valentines Day everyone put aside their differences and even presented cards to the children nobody liked. That one day of love seemed to unify the worst of foes through love and forgiveness. I could hardly wait for that day to come. As the night before Valentines Day had rolled around, anticipation had escalated to an all time peak. Nevertheless, it was all set aside as .....

Personal Writing: About Me
Words: 725 / Pages: 3

.... have suffered in the past and have helped in creating us. We are a very religious culture and that can be seen at the many festivals honouring various saints. When my family visited Portugal, my breath was taken away by the beautiful sights and simple life on the farm. Nobody had a rushing schedule and everything felt as peace. They lived day to day on the food they grew and the milk from their cows. In my eyes, this kind of life is very fulfilling. There was always something fun to do and I was always spotted playing with the cows and chickens. Farm animals are only one type of animal I adore. I own three dogs, a bird and two degu, (which are like ha .....

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