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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Creative Writing: No Coins Please
Words: 684 / Pages: 3

.... friend, Pete Ogrodnick. Howie, a tall, thin, blond, with glasses who seemed to be on the respective side. Nick, a boy that would go through life being superstitious. Kevin, was a photoholic. Sam, was one that liked to fight for his rights. Rob and Denis then told us that we were supposed to name our van. Denis came up with the name "Ambulance" and the rest of the group agreed. On our way to our first stop, New York, we got a speeding ticket because someone was tailgating our van. The next morning, in Central Park, the director gave a speech telling what they would be doing for the next few weeks. By the end of the speech, I was alrea .....

Personal Writing: My Poor House
Words: 582 / Pages: 3

.... fancy wooden frames. The fibers of the recently vacuumed carpet stood at attention displaying how clean they were. The varnished oak coffee-table glistened as the moonlight shined through the crystal clear window reflecting off its soft glossy finish. All the furniture was aligned perfectly with the symmetry of the room, like a life size geometry proof. My mother's knickknacks were arranged neatly in their proper order on top of the entertainment center. All of our CD's and tapes were put away in their correct spots behind the clear glass door of the entertainment center. The kitchen table was clear of clutter, and the sink was empty, accept for .....

Personal Writing: Evil
Words: 678 / Pages: 3

.... always the main culprit on pranks. I don’t think that there has been one toilet paper job on someone’s house that he hasn’t been a part of. The pranks are definitely not limited to toilet paper. During my Christmas vacation at about 5:30 am one Saturday morning, my mother rudely awakened me to get out of bed and “clean all that *&^%$ up off the front lawn.” I immediately knew who had done it. I assumed that it was toilet paper for the third week in a row, but I was shocked to see this. He must have stole every newspaper in Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and Livonia and threw it on my lawn. Every inch of grass on my lawn was covered. I .....

Personal Writing: Christmas Memories
Words: 548 / Pages: 2

.... As I yell "HELLO" I hear voices laughing, talking, and asking who's at the door? In the next second "Millions" of relatives are giving me there greetings and gladly inviting us into the house. As my family and I are quickly made comfortable, I look around..... Plates full of Christmas pastries, Christmas decorations, and Christmas music lightly penetrates the air as the family socializes with each other. The constant murmer of the voices, serves as a background for the music. My cousins are running making their laps around the living room while playing tag and laughing to their hearts content. I hear a voice saying "My have you ever grown up! .....

Personal Writing: My Room
Words: 375 / Pages: 2

.... from your friends. This is because my mind makes my room. Even though my walls cannot speak, if they were able to, they would tell you many secrets and important event that took place in my life. Just like the secrets in my room, my soul is filled with emotions and feelings. My room captures the memories from birth till now. Even though I have not lived in this room all my life, I keep the memories in my heart and they show up in my room. From a baby till now, my mind has held a lot on in. It has held death and life, good and bad. It has gone through bliss and depression. My floor too is holding a lot on it. There are pile .....

Studying Abroad And Its Effects On Me
Words: 708 / Pages: 3

.... of unpleasant emotions. I have now more peace with myself than before. During my first week in the university I was so depressed that I seriously thought of leaving the university. Few weeks later I changed my mind and I recognized how much could I have regret this action if I had did it. This added to me the experience of ability to coupe with life either good or bad. In the University I still haven’t made any trustable friends and there was no one who could listen to me. I had no thoughts or imagination for my future however now I have a dream that I am trying to accomplish. I am now more responsible for myself and I am able to manage my need .....

Personal Writing: Realizing My Powers
Words: 426 / Pages: 2

.... the best one made in my life, so far. This decision has helped me to become who I am today. I have made many decisions because of my relationship with Jesus. This decision will follow me for the rest of my life. Every year my youth group delivers food to shut-ins. I have been involved in my youth group for 5 and a half years. Every Thanksgiving we take food to those that cannot get out and come to church. This service helps each person in the youth group to think of others and realize the fact that there are many unfortunate people in the community. During my eleventh grade year, I helped to get the FCA started. We have always had one for .....

Personal Writing: Taking Some Time Off To Watch Nature
Words: 423 / Pages: 2

.... with no leaves on the branches. While sitting there watching the leaves I saw two squirrels running up and down a tree chasing one another. I looked deeper into the woods and saw a squirrel burying his nuts in the ground, so it will have food for over the winter. A few feet in front of me were red ants clawing all over a dead log. There were tons of them clawing all around carrying little pieces of food. All the animals where getting ready for the cold winter that is ahead of us. Across in the neighbor's backyard were birds eating from a bird feeder. I heard birds chirping then over top the birds I heard geese for off in the woods by the lake. I .....

My Decision To Get A Degree
Words: 410 / Pages: 2

.... working and learning about computers, it would not be considered work. I have so much to learn and value the knowledge I have knowing it is going to stay with me throughout my life. My children age ten and four, will see the effort and hard work that is required to be an over achiever. I believe this will motivate them to succeed and maybe “compete with mom”. With the computer information technology, it brings even more opportunity to learn a whole new area of skills. Some people have not grown with the knowledge of computers and are finding they need more education in that area in order to function at a modern pace. Whethe .....

Self-Reflective Essay
Words: 354 / Pages: 2

.... time in the real world. I also believe that the way you carry yourself has a great impact in your future career. In the medical field, there is a lot of caring and attention involved with doctors and the patient. You have to make the patients feel like they are wanted, and you as a doctor, can help them with any problem or disorder they may have. In my case I decided to work with children, since I was once a child and I have worked with them before(at a summer camp). Even though I may be early, I have been able to observe others on the way they behave. I especially observe children, since I want to deal with them as a career. In order to do this, .....

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