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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Personal Writing: The Hamster
Words: 991 / Pages: 4

.... my grandparents' house like my parents recommended, I decided to stay at home. Both of my sisters went to my grandparents' house, so I had the whole house to myself. I even had some company: my sister's hamster. I was the hamster's sole caretaker. Without me, it would starve, die of thirst, or somehow find a way to escape the confines of its little cage and wreak havoc throughout my parents' house. Because I've never taken care of a hamster before, my sister had to tell me how I was to take care of her hamster. I was to feed it, make sure there was plenty of water, play with it, and give it some exercise by putting it inside of a plastic ball a .....

Personal Writing: My First Impression Of My Teacher Miss Vicki
Words: 385 / Pages: 2

.... class comfortably. As fate would have it, she was fortunate enough to be my form teacher that year. I almost choked in alarm when I heard the news. This time round, however, I resolved not to cower in terror whenever she was near. I decided to face the fact that we were going to meet each other for the next 365 days. Instead of trying too hard to lick her boots, I tried my best to be my natural self in front of her. Still, I could not shake off the ice-cold image that she possessed in my heart. True, her corney jokes sometimes sent me into frolicking laughter, yet at other times these jokes simply fell flat the moment she uttered them. My lovely c .....

Creative Writing: The Highwayman
Words: 1100 / Pages: 4

.... the nearing prey. The sound alerting all the nearby predators to keep a good watch, to be ready, for the prize will soon be in their grasp. The fog, like a blanket spreading it self out on the land, concealed all stars, the only light was from a lantern suspended above the stage driver. The passengers nervous, expecting to hear shots fired. The jumped at every bump in the road that the wheels struck. Clutching their baggage close, they prayed that the night would pass quickly. The Highwayman, alerted to the approaching stage, was hidden by the road, and concealed by the fog, he was not yet able to discern the light from the quickly approaching .....

Personal Writing: Fragment - Changes In Life
Words: 1149 / Pages: 5

.... and it isn't really considered anything serious. Some happenings in our lives are very serious and aren't as easy to talk about with others. Even though this is true it does help the person feel better to talk about their problems whether they realize it at first or not. Changes in life like these can change you both physically and mentally for the rest of your life depending on the severity of the situation. In early August of `96 my life at home became a living nightmare. I don't really know what it was that started this thing between me and my parents but I do remember that they were always doing anything they could to just annoy me. I d .....

Training My Dog
Words: 647 / Pages: 3

.... the unconditioned response (UCR), shaking; the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), tapping his leg, by using operant conditioning and liver treats as positive reinforcement. Day 1: I began by acting like I was going to grab Max’ head. Just as I suspected he put his paw on my arm. I tapped his leg and I gave him a treat as a positive reinforcer. I am using operant conditioning at this point in order to establish an unconditioned stimulus (taping Max’ leg) and an unconditioned response (putting his paw in my hand). Once I have shaped this behavior I can then go on to the second phase using Pavlov’s classical conditioning. Day 2: After two days of .....

A Bird
Words: 429 / Pages: 2

.... lonely. I was looking for Mrs. Right for centuries with no luck. I want to have family, infants at my nest, and duties to do. I can’t live alone. My solitude is killing me. The worst thing about being phoenix is that I’m born to be male once, and then the next time I resurrect I’m female. When I’m in state of being male I’m Ho and when I’m female – I’m Oo. Though I know that I’m the only phoenix on the earth, I still hope and pray that I will find my soul mate and live happily ever after. People who know legends about me say I’m the Bird of Paradise or the Bird of Sun. Well they might be right. I receive solar energy from .....

The Mountain Of Death
Words: 729 / Pages: 3

.... in size and the beauty of it over came all with emotions. Looking at it made the imagination wander and made you second guess yourself. Sawtooth just smelled of fear, but it was what everyone came to do. Right when everyone started out it was no problem. Each step came with ease and grace. The view around was beautiful. It was unlike anyone could ever imagine. When the group got to only the tenth switch-back they all looked about and could see the beauty of the valley floor and where they had just started out that day. It looked like a little green dot painted into the valley floor by an artist and his brush. I did not realize how hard it .....

Creative Writing: The Quest
Words: 889 / Pages: 4

.... She looked down and thought about this for a few moments, then ever so slowly, she brought her head up with a dumb look on her face and said, "The telephones are around the corner over there." Dumbfounded by the stupidity of this woman, my friend and turned around and walked away, laughing. When we were out of earshot, in a mocking tone, I said to my friend, "Hi, I'm an American, I'm a dumb-ass!" With that defeat behind us, we continued on our quest for some American money. Eventually, by wandering aimlessly about the mall, we managed to find an information desk. I walked up to the woman behind the desk, and said, "Hi, would I possibly be ab .....

My Job At E-Dak
Words: 725 / Pages: 3

.... and the world's telecommunications providers increased their investment in high-capacity fiber-optics. With an innovative product line that provides pavement for the information highway, E-Dak quenches an unending and growing thirst for bandwidth. For me E-Dak has meant working at the fourth fastest growing company in Silicon Valley, with $500 thousand of revenue exploding to over $60 million in four short years. It has also meant playing a role in the information revolution. E-Dak gives me a broad business perspective. It's relatively small size facilitates a close interaction with department heads. If had I stayed in public accounting o .....

"The Stone Boy": Psychiatric Report
Words: 1312 / Pages: 5

.... and his state of mind. The day of the accident, Eugie had promised Arnold that he would go pick peas with him. Arnold carried his 22-caliber rifle with him hoping that "if there were any ducks he'd take a shot at them."(p.1) On their way to picking peas, they had to climb "…through the wire fence that divided the wheat field from the marshy pasture around the lake."(p.2) Eugie had gone first. When it was Arnold's turn, his rifle caught on a wire and consequently fired. The next moment, his brother, Eugie fell forward, dead. Some would suggest that Arnold, being the youngest, was jealous, but the evidence suggests that Arnold greatly .....

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