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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Creative Writing: 6 Months Later
Words: 843 / Pages: 4

.... as a nurse for $100 a month. I stepped into the bedroom and I saw about 25 kids sitting around a middle-aged man, listening to a story. As I stepped in, the story teller stepped over to me and told me what I had to do. Educate them and talk to them. That was it. I was getting paid $150 just to teach a group of handicapped kids. I sat down next to the story teller, Bob, and I looked around and carefully observed them. As I did this, I could see Lennie's face flashing in my mind. What was happening to me. Why couldn't he just leave me alone. I survived through my first day of work, reluctantly. The hospital also provided housing. That night, I had th .....

Portrait Of A Dancer
Words: 1064 / Pages: 4

.... in the house, that afternoon I had needed to get out. I craved some fresh air and peace. These family gatherings were then, as they still are for me today, emotionally exhausting. Each member of this close-knit, loving group had an iron will and strong opinions. No one was willing to remain quiet, not even to keep the often fragile peace at these reunions. I was just as guilty as the others. At least our dinner table talk was never boring! It certainly would not be tonight. Because I was determined that this would be the night that I would tell my grandfather that I wanted to be a professional dancer. A rude gull squawked near my ear, rousing m .....

Personal Writing: Christmas Memories
Words: 548 / Pages: 2

.... As I yell "HELLO" I hear voices laughing, talking, and asking who's at the door? In the next second "Millions" of relatives are giving me there greetings and gladly inviting us into the house. As my family and I are quickly made comfortable, I look around..... Plates full of Christmas pastries, Christmas decorations, and Christmas music lightly penetrates the air as the family socializes with each other. The constant murmer of the voices, serves as a background for the music. My cousins are running making their laps around the living room while playing tag and laughing to their hearts content. I hear a voice saying "My have you ever grown up .....

Creative Essay: Moldy Bread
Words: 437 / Pages: 2

.... have come quite far in one days effort. They have basically converted a microwave into a modular operative unit for linking deprivitors, or MOULD for short. They will not release any more information than that, as they believe this could trigger world peace, and would rather have all the credit to themselves. They are certain that there is no harm in long term mould digesting, but they state they are not 100% sure, as further tests are to be held. A man was seen leaving the A Crock research centre Late yesterday afternoon, but would not comment on his identity or part in researching the bacterial growth. With the crowd of reporters surrounding h .....

Creative Writing: Packing List - Rave
Words: 419 / Pages: 2

.... a small bottle of water, Donald Duck Pez container, a green glowstick, and a fifty dollar bill. He carried some earlier purchases of hardcore mixtapes: Ron D. Core and DJ Dan. He also had leftover blowpops that he had been passing around, and a handful of flyers he had received. He carried his driver's license, now useless since he was lacking a vehicle. He carried a set of keys, with a car alarm remote. What company was he covered by? He would have to call them later. He had nothing to alleviate his current difficulty. He had some money, but not enough for a cab ride back to San Diego at 5am. He was sure that cabbies didn't take pez as currency. H .....

Personal Writing: My Big Problem
Words: 602 / Pages: 3

.... let her get it wrong, and let her deal with my parents. If she decides to start something with me, ignoring her just might prevent the world war. There would be the input, but no output. She'll think she's winning, and that I'm getting too easy, and she's too much for me. Sure it could work. But like I said I want to keep my "Macho man, don't mess with me" reputation, which I feel strongly about. Another thing I could do is simply help her whenever she does anything wrong. But the problem is, she does practically everything wrong. That can get very annoying, and could spark a match. And then I'm back to square one. One other problem I hav .....

Alone With Nature
Words: 367 / Pages: 2

.... to be the same- they all tower 2 or 3 feet above the dark, rich soil. They sway playfully in unison with the warm caressing breeze, carefully merging the two scents into one fresh, clean fragrance. You pry yourself away from the immense meadow, still filled with many unexplored treasures and turn back into the foliage covered depths of the forest. The sun is comfortably placed in front of the cotton candy clouds, in the midst of the soft blue sky. The occasional bird soars through in a last minuet attempt to catch a worm so it may feed the yearning mouths of it's young. The rough dirt trail ends and you are brought to the base of a rock. Your fe .....

My Job At HomeBase Of North Hollywood
Words: 433 / Pages: 2

.... accuracy. In addition, I acquired great phone communicational skills and gained confidence in my voice and my actions. By being a credit card representative, I found out how to process an application and deliver the response to a customer within three minutes. Working in the safe was one of the most accountable and trustful positions in the warehouse. I mastered how to operate the safe machine, count and balance the drops (money bags coming from the registers), and deposit money to the bank. The second reason was the idea of meeting new people, learn about their cultures, and find out about different ethics. Knowing that United States is a l .....

Creative Writing: The Haunted House
Words: 1536 / Pages: 6

.... her mother could hear her. "Din dong!" rang the doorbell. "I'll get it!" yelled Mrs. Cogswell. "Trick or treat!" Jenny and Katie stated. "Here's your treat. Come on in, Erin's in her room." "Thanks." Katie said. "Hi guys!" Erin said before they could reach the door, "Ready to go trick or treating?" "You bet!" said Katie, who was a ghost. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Jenny asked, she was a witch. They went to 98 houses before they went to the haunted house. They got 5 candies at each house, so they each have 490 candies. The 98th house was their last house except the haunted one which is supposed to be deserted. Chapter 2 The Fright .....

Personal Writing: Gifts
Words: 232 / Pages: 1

.... my aunt watching over me and my family. I have always thought of her as an angel because of her angelic voice. My grandmother died seven months after that Christmas, and then the pin meant even more to me. Now I felt as if I had two angels watching over me. During my ninth grade year, I put the pin on my Fremont cheerleading jacket. Sadly, during the middle of the year, I lost the pin. I was very angry at myself for losing the pin. Every time I looked at it, it was a reminder of my aunt and grandmother. I almost felt as if I lost them all over again. This year for Christmas, I received a gift-certificate from my other grandmother to the Bible Boo .....

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