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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Creative Story: Joseph
Words: 525 / Pages: 2

.... His parents thought they were doing the right thing by dropping him off at this church which was SUPPOSED to take care of him so that he could grow up with a normal life. In 1936 it was hard growing up in Germany. In the town we lived in there was never peace, the nuns would not tell us that, but we knew we all knew, accept for little Joseph. Nazi's would come in the church and try to teach us their "superior" ways. None of us fell for it, except Joseph. I guess he had no other place to turn to, so he slowly sank into these idiotic ways. About three years later the now 12 years old little boy was a nazi himself and the one of his kind in that .....

My Man
Words: 491 / Pages: 2

.... came over, and said "Ooops! Heh, that's MY bag." Okay, if she had been sincere, fine, I wouldn't have been so mad. But, well, if she had been any more fake, I'm sure she would have turned into plastic or something! Anyway, I got up, brushed off my legs, and with a little "hmph" I walked off. I sat down by the water and fantasized about how wonderful it would be if it were me with him. Soon though, in thinking that, my anguish turned into anger, and my anger into hatred. Hatred for that mean girl who had what belonged to me! I wanted to go up to her and hit her across the face and I wanted to show her who was the boss. I wanted to show her what happ .....

Personal Writing: On My Time
Words: 1406 / Pages: 6

.... a half passed out drunk and took him to the local bar, then got a few beers each before the show. We then returned to draw numbers for the order of the bands. I eagerly pushed my way to the front of all the other bands, being the obnoxious prick I am, and drew the first card. Unfortunately I drew the second band on stage out of nine. The best position to be in is about fourth or fifth band because that is when the crowd starts getting into the music. Pissed off I haphazardly wandered back to my group to inform them of my greatest mistake. We loaded the equipment into the worlds slowest elevator, and stumbled our way to the backst .....

WereWolf - Creative Essay
Words: 3739 / Pages: 14

.... and bloody, hanging in strips from his bruised body. Shurbs with thorny stems and low hanging branches slowed his escape, cutting him and barring his way. Making him more desperate, adding to his weariness. His lungs were burning, he was out of breath, the boy wanted to give up, his legs however denied him. They continued moving and running. His body was fatigued, his head ached, his muscles throbbed. Pain, his body cried out Pain, stop! He could not stop. It was gaining, only a few inches! Soon blood would be spilled! Blood will be spilled to appease the appetite of the beast! With powerfull hind legs, it lunged at it's prey from behin .....

Personal Writing: What I Learned This Semester In English Class
Words: 713 / Pages: 3

.... find myself working over twice as hard for half the grade. This isn't a completely bad thing, though. It teaches me that my writing really wasn't very good. What I used to think deserved an "A" I now realize only does deserve a "C." Now I have to take my writing more seriously, and try much harder at producing good output. Also, my goal isn't to write a paper that will get a good grade. Now, my goal is to write better papers. I write to become a better writer. That is, I feel, a very important thing that I learned this semester. I don't think, "O.K., I have to get at least a B on this paper." Instead, I think, "O.K., I have to use this assig .....

Personal Writing: Joining The Track Team
Words: 1273 / Pages: 5

.... not wait until Spring Training began. So around the middle of March we formed the 1998 North East track team, and I had no clue what I was in store for. Coach Decker and Coach Burke called a meeting for us one Monday afternoon and explained to all of us the hard work and determination that it was going to take to be on the track team, they “would not tolerate anything but 110% from every single person,” and this I was willing to give. So I informed my boss at work that I would no longer be available to work in the afternoons and that I could only come in after 6 o’clock. Practice was to be held immediately after school, until 5:30 p.m., .....

What I Would Place In A Time Capsule
Words: 551 / Pages: 3

.... I would include a compilation of the most popular and the most controversial music of the present era, and some background information on the songs and artists. Song lyrics, like poetry, can go beyond the written words of a book or a story, and give an in depth prospective on people and their lives. Guiding the new information and technology of today, computers serve as the most useful tool for teaching and productivity across the globe. With the aid of computers, new and better systems are manufactured and put to work constantly. The amount of data storage, speed, and processing power is increasing exponentially, and the obsolete models are ta .....

Creative Writing: Pacific Vortex!
Words: 198 / Pages: 1

.... the Pacific Vortex, a foggy sea zone where dozens of ships have been vanishing lately without a trace. Let me tell you it was not a lot of fun! Interviewer: I see. Could you also please tell me why you ventured down- Mr. Pitt: Sure. I was sent down there to find it, and salvage it, all before the sea explodes. Interviewer: Um, find and salvage what? Mr. Pitt: Oh yeah, the STARBUCK. It's the latest American super-sub, an underwater nuclear arsenal. So I had to go down there and disassemble all the nuclear warheads before they're reached by foreign terrorists. And I wasn't kidding, it really was no fun! All those assassins and traps, .....

Personal Reflection: John F. Kennedy's Assassination
Words: 478 / Pages: 2

.... of the fuzzy black and white television. She had the day off from school and after hearing the news, did not budge until her parents made her go do the chores. After the Holstein cows were milked, she once again fixed herself in front of the noise box. My mother was mesmerized by the disturbing set of events. In all her years, she had never experienced anything this horrible. She sat, glued to her spot in front of the television, and cried. Over and over again, she watched the replay of the shooting and would cry some more. Walter Cronkite’s voice echoed throughout her modest home, repeatedly recounting the tragedy. Two days later, her ent .....

World War 189
Words: 667 / Pages: 3

.... the absence of men, but as women often do, they forget about them. Helrac were furnished with similar surroundings but governed by ten-armed, one-eyed, green citizens. In this surrounding women were the aliens, and the citizens became more attractive to them as men became blurred in their mind. Helrac had similar transportation with more advanced technology, houses were compact, and the imaginary streets were infested with " absolute stop " signs with the subscript " violators can be fined up to 10,000 H. " No later than three minutes after the women’s arrival were the streets over populated with crazy women drivers whose excitement on a new su .....

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