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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

A Modern Interpretation Of Everyman (the Excerpt)
Words: 1932 / Pages: 8

.... to spend their days. Their days of sin and gluttony, of indulgence and of cuckoldry. The days which will fade away, and leave the signs of sin and of adultery. At any rate I promise the show will be a thing to remember and a good thing to retain, for it fortells of how God will judge us and our deeds, and the anguish and the pain. Of those who would not change their ways, to do well and to be kind. So once the show is over it would do you good to keep these events in mind_[Cue Energetic Dance Music]Sports Commentator. LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!! HERE COMES GOD WITH SOME ACTION-PACKED HIGHLIGHTS!!! EVERYBODY, COME ON AND RAISE THE ROOF FOR .....

Personal Writing: It Was The Perfect Lifeoff
Words: 567 / Pages: 3

.... of the window. They landed on the cloud and feeling a slight chill tucked themselves into the fluff of the cloud. Then hearing a creaking sound on my left I turned and watched as my sisters window began to open. She then levitated and floated onto the cloud as well, she sunk into the cloud and continued her dream. I whispered, “sweet dreams” to my family and continued to fly. This was my night to share with my mind body and soul. I kept my cat Felix with me though, his loving silence has only shown love and that face of a sleeping tabby is to amazing to exclude from this fantasy. The scenery above is much different from the scenery below. Up .....

Words: 821 / Pages: 3

.... the drawing Amina brings home. The reason why she doesn't want the father to know is that he's the dominant one in the family. Maybe the mother is scared that he will punish Amina, or maybe even the mother, for not bringing up her daughter properly. Then Amina's mother teaches her to draw patterns from the Koran. Amina likes to draw the patterns and she is no more confused. Next day at school, they're all going to draw nice Christmas cards. Amina draws the patterns that her mother has just taught her. The teacher tells her to draw people instead, and she throws away the Christmas card with patterns on it. Amina refuses to draw people, and reminds the .....

Personal Writing: Welcome To Maysville
Words: 316 / Pages: 2

.... area. Shopping in Maysville is not a problem due to the various shopping centers and the downtown shops with park and go accessibility. With the shops downtown you can park and the walk where ever you choose with much convinces. I enjoy shopping in Maysville since we have a variety of stores to choose from. We have a country club that is full of fun activities to do including golf. The YMCA is a great place to work out at. With a pool, running track, weight room, gym, and a daycare for the kids this a definite place to workout at. This town has been a home to me for seven years and I have found the town to have a nice community. Every town a .....

Creative Story: Father's Handicap
Words: 538 / Pages: 2

.... me the good news, I tried to find something to do. I tried watching television but that didn't work. Then I tried to play some videos games. I grew tried of that rather quickly. So, I deiced to get some much needed rest. The next morning I got up at eight o'clock because my dog Barney had to go outside. I knew he had to go outside because he started to cry. So, I let him out. Then I went to see if my mom or dad had made me breakfast. I looked and found nothing had been cooked for me. Which was really odd because every Saturday and Sunday morning they had made me breakfast since I could remember. My sister Amy was watching television. So, I .....

Personal Writing: After "Casino"
Words: 972 / Pages: 4

.... my car. What? He says. I said it's cool, there's no pee on my car, it's pretty damn disrespectful to be pissin' on someone's car. And with that it was over I walked away with Ryan (who had joined me) back to his car. On the way over to his car I mentioned to him how I wouldn't have had that attitude with they guy if we hadn't seen that type of movie. I guess the fellow in the car still thought I had a problem because he pulled his truck up, got out, and got up in my face. What were you sayin' to your friend just now? You talkin' sh*t? Listen man, I said, it's cool, there's no pee on my car! Well I think you two still gots a problem over here. With .....

Personal Writing: Fortunate To Be In America
Words: 465 / Pages: 2

.... matured, we could see how this once tangible dream began slipping through the fingers of my parents' out stretched hands. That was just it. Once in America, my father and mother expected success to land in the palm of their hands. Unfortunately, it did not. Without a formal education and the ability to speak English, it was impossible for them to exploit the opportunities that were presented. I, being the youngest in my family, watched as both my older brothers began working right out of high school. Thus, they also have yet to utilize the endless resources that an education has to offer. As I reflect on the past and examine the present, I focu .....

Personal Writing: My Holiday
Words: 866 / Pages: 4

.... friends also accompanied us on the holiday. We went to Pune by train and it took us about five hours to get there. I had not been feeling well and therefore, I was very restless during the train journey. Even then, I was very excited as it was my first train journey. I kept on looking out of the window and let out loud shrieks every time I saw a monkey in the trees. The scenery was beautiful as the train passed between two mountains. There were trees on either side and I kept on running from one side of the train to another to count the number of monkeys that I could spot during the train ride. It was an exhausting journey. We got to the hotel, .....

The 1930s
Words: 518 / Pages: 2

.... fifty cents, and for their meals. Also, a lot of men had to use the Workers Progress Association to get enough money for them and their families to survive. Cars in the 1930's were much different than the cars today. Hand cranks were replaced with electric starters. Heaters were factory installed to replace mainfold heaters that were available for owner installation. Those who did not have heaters put hot coals under their car to get the oil warm before they went into town. In the 30's larger tires with safety tubes were developed, and carried less air pressure compared to the old narrow, solid rubber tires which required about sixty pounds of a .....

Creative Writing: Slavery
Words: 229 / Pages: 1

.... I was not free. All of us slaves were shy. We did not talk to each other. As a matter of fact, we only talked to people we knew. We barley had a chance to talk to others because we were hard at work. Because of the treatment and conditions of life, we were shy. As I said, these conditions of life were horrible. For example we were beaten and abused by our master because we dropped a glass full of water. I was hurt physically and mentally. Like I said we were abused and beaten by our master. We were not only beaten and abused, but we were also hard workers. We can do a lot in a day. I picked crops and cooked food for the master and his fam .....

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