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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Alone With Nature
Words: 367 / Pages: 2

.... to be the same- they all tower 2 or 3 feet above the dark, rich soil. They sway playfully in unison with the warm caressing breeze, carefully merging the two scents into one fresh, clean fragrance. You pry yourself away from the immense meadow, still filled with many unexplored treasures and turn back into the foliage covered depths of the forest. The sun is comfortably placed in front of the cotton candy clouds, in the midst of the soft blue sky. The occasional bird soars through in a last minuet attempt to catch a worm so it may feed the yearning mouths of it's young. The rough dirt trail ends and you are brought to the base of a rock. Your fe .....

Ghandi's Death
Words: 699 / Pages: 3

.... He walked up to Kramer and asked him what he was doing. Kramer said "I'm sitting here smoking a Cuban and having a beer." Cliff was so upset he took Kramer's beer and poured it over Kramer's head messing up his trademark hair. Kramer then took his beer nuts and threw them at Cliff. He ducked and they hit Norm. Edith, who was an ex-lunch aid at Saddle Brook High School, could not stand a mess and called her lunch aid friends to contain the matter. Meanwhile, Cliff took his mailbag and smacked Kramer with it. All of the sudden Superfly Jimmy Snucka entered the bar. Superfly, who was a wrestler, couldn't resist a fight so he joined in. He .....

Creative Writing: Trigatipede
Words: 1630 / Pages: 6

.... and empty-handed. At the airport in New York, I was greeted by Mr. Shrinton and a few of the other zoo investors. They quickly hurried me into a stretched limousine, and then my life changed forever. The investors asked me quite plainly if I would be willing to create their zoo for them. At first I was unclear of the meaning, but quick clarification had me realizing the enormous biological disasters such a project would generate. They wanted me to chemically produce hybrid's of different animal species. My first thought was that such a thing was impossible, but they showed me research and experiments done by the government that proved it was .....

Creative Story: The Dark House
Words: 1331 / Pages: 5

.... down the driveway, and stopped by the fence. That didn't make John feel any better at all. He looked like he had seen a ghost. I took a deep breath, and pushed the door. It wouldn't budge an inch. « Help me out», I said, but John kept chewing his nails. God knows why, there was nothing to be scared of. Or was it? I took a step backwards, and then kicked the door. It slowly slid open, and I went inside. «Wow! What a huge mansion we've got here!» John took a peek into the house, but didn't dare go inside. There was a huge hall in the middle of the house, with staircases to my left and right. I went right ahead, towards a glass door in front of m .....

House Burning Down
Words: 1222 / Pages: 5

.... rest of my family there, along with my neighbors and their son, my best friend. I just stood there in horror with the rest of my family and friends. We had no idea what had happened. The next morning I really don't remember very clearly, but what I did was reading the news paper and coming across an article about a house burning down not to far from mine. I really didn't know what exactly to think at that time until it all clicked upstairs. The noise the night before had been the house burning down and the natural gas line exploding. Later in the article it said that our block of houses wouldn't have any natural gas heating until the line was repair .....

The Nasty Restroom
Words: 479 / Pages: 2

.... only to scurry back to its hiding place. I quickly relieved myself and tiptoed to the sink. While cleansing my hands, the very sight of the sink made me wonder if using it would clean my hands or only contaminate them more. Globs of traveler’s toothpaste stuck to the cold water handle were teeming with ants, and clumps of hair gripped tightly to the drain. After thoroughly washing my hands under the hot water, I blindly grabbed for a paper towel from the mold covered dispenser. In a rush, I attempted to dry my hands over the trash can when my ring slipped off my finger and into the disgusting pit of vile objects. At first I was upset at my loss, .....

Creative Writing: Huck's Rebellion
Words: 1275 / Pages: 5

.... in her hand. She looked at me and smiled as if she had no cares in the world. We left the building and started to walk back to her house. Aunt Sally says to me , “Now that you with me all your old ways are to end”. “You will be starting school soon and I expect you to do as I say”. I turned my head towards her and nodded. Little did she know what kind of thoughts were going through my head at the time. After what she had just said I don't think that I will be able to stand it. I knew that I was a free boy, I made up my own rules and nobody was going to sivilize me no matter what! The house came into view after walking f .....

My Vacation In Acapulco Mexico
Words: 1091 / Pages: 4

.... was followed by an intriguing native dance, performed by a man dressed in an authentic looking costume consisting of only a rawhide g-string with a short apron front. His sandals had leather cords winding halfway up his legs. This dance depicted a story of a hunter and his prey. It was narrated by a woman who was also in costume. Brightly dressed Mexican men were beating drums and banging sticks providing the sound effects for the story. This was truly a great beginning to a wonderful afternoon. Behind the restaurant was a low mountainous area, accessible by walking trails only. We hiked one of these trails, observing the brightly colored tropic .....

The Immortal Harley Rider
Words: 1219 / Pages: 5

.... in the two-lane country road and entered the strange world of helpless fear. At the bottom of the hill a black Ford Fairlane was turning left into my unstoppable path. “Oh shit!” I exclaimed loudly. My five-hundred-pound metal stallion lunged relentlessly toward disaster, even though my right boot stomped hard on the rear brake. The bike fishtailed back and forth as I sought a path around the car – I first veered toward the ditch and then to the opposing lane, but a station wagon was already filling the gap and heading my way and the barb-wire fence and deep ditch barred that route. I laid my gallant monster on its left side and the asphalt .....

Words: 460 / Pages: 2

.... father and his brother and two sisters were sent to Cincinnati.They ended up Saint Al’s orphanage .This was a catholic home run by the sister of NorteDame.My father and his family would end up staying there until he went into the United States Navy when he was 17 years old. His sister, my aunt, Freada.Joined the convent and went on to become my best family friend over all the years.She love me through thick and thin.She knew what unconditional love was.My uncle Karl joined the United States Air Force.My aunt Mimi stayed in Cincinnati and went to work for a vending company. All the people mentioned in the above paragraph rarely took a drink.I s .....

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