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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

The Lesson
Words: 336 / Pages: 2

.... One day, from a neighboring, a young farmer came to ask the wise king what his secret was. The king told him that he kept the most accurate books of what was sold, when, and to whom. He said that the key was to guard these books as If your life depended on it. So the young farmer went back and worked on his books, trying to keep everything in order and soon found himself to be as rich and wealthy (in grain) as the king. This, now rich farmer, bought a very precious ruby and to the king to deliver as a gift as a gift of gratitude. When my father told me this, it was one of those special times in my life, To learn from a man of experience, whom .....

Creative Writing: Mayor Of Casterbridge
Words: 535 / Pages: 2

.... to spite the people who had turned him away. He also felt he owed it to himself to try and pick up the pieces of his shattered life in case Susan should ever find him again, despite the slim chance of that ever happening. Though he had his faults, Henchard was strong-minded when he decided to be. At the next several doors, Henchard was very stubborn. When he would at first be refused, he would insist upon a chance to prove his worthiness by performing some task for the shopkeeper. Most simply refused, but at some places it got him in the door to speak as best he could on his own behalf. It was near the end of the street that one shopkeeper a .....

From Memory Back To Reality
Words: 885 / Pages: 4

.... again? Not really, but there is a book what we called high school yearbook. The yearbook can remind the memories all the special events throughout the year. For example, inside the yearbook of 1998, there were pictures of Homecoming, Winter Formal, Prom, and sport events. Furthermore, the yearbook must have picture of each student individually, teachers, staff, etc. I found it on the bookshelf in my room and withdrew it from the shelf. I placed it on my study desk and looked at the book cover of the yearbook. The color of the cover page was combined with many colors such as purple, green, blue, white, brown, and yellow. The title of the book .....

Creative Writing: "The Sin Of Cinderella"
Words: 788 / Pages: 3

.... all that America loves best. She’s young, she’s beautiful and she’s on the verge of realizing the American dream. Rags to riches, triumphant, what could be better? However, ominously, Cinderella, has a darker side. How do I tell Blair about Cinderella’s fatal flaws? For, despite, the picture perfect image, and despite the advancing years, Cinderella, is still as codependent as ever. In fact, the sin of Cinderella is her ongoing, untreated codependency. Where has Cinderella been this past decade? Why has she been in denial while the rest of America worked on its’ inner child, adult child and dysfunctional family issues? It .....

My Vision Of Tomorrow
Words: 621 / Pages: 3

.... in the future and we may even develop communities on other planets, such as mars, or perhaps on the moon. Numerous scientists and writers have already also predicted this. Life will also be made much, much easier in the future for humans by robots, computers, and other automatons. Many simple tasks done today by humans such as cooking, cleaning, and repairing household items will be done by these machines much more quickly and efficiently and with less pollution. Almost all of the current manual labor jobs, especially in the United States, will become obsolete and robots will do all of the work for us. The advantages of using robots and com .....

Personal Writing: My Autobiography
Words: 490 / Pages: 2

.... I was two years old my parents got a divorce. This began a long series of moves for me. Mom and I moved to Knoxville to live with my maternal grandmother, and I often stayed with my aunts while Mom and Grandmother worked. When I was four, Mom got remarried, and we moved to Jacksonville, North Carolina. We lived in a duplex for six months, just long enough for the three of us to find a house. Then we moved only five miles away to a place I could finally call “home.” In August of 1988, I started kindergarten, at Swansboro Primary School. In October of that same year Mom gave birth to my sister Kira. In 1990, to my sister Kristy was bo .....

Personal Writing: Non-Conformity
Words: 673 / Pages: 3

.... students. James, the son, would constantly make fun of his mother. It seemed as if our group only talked about service projects, which need to be done and are great, but never God. I really wanted to grow spiritually and know more about God. I was not receiving that knowledge at that church. I met some really great people last year who went to Redeemer's. I was invited to one of their youth group meetings, and I was amazed that thirty high-school kids were there. We talked in-depth about Jesus and chapters of the Bible. I really enjoyed it. I talked to my parents about switching churches. They knew that Redeemer's was right for me, but at the same t .....

Interview With A UFO
Words: 434 / Pages: 2

.... ugliest fact at me and started talkin Japanese back and forth at each other. All of a sudden I heard Bessie again, but when I looked over, they zapped that poor ol' cow up to their hunk of metal spacecraft. I told `em they better put her back or I was gonna call the UFO sightings hotline on them like I did on all of their friends. I said " I know about all of your tests you run on them poor animals like Bessie cause I've been watchin' the X-Files on my big 10 inch black and white TV." Then they started gibbering back and forth again and I'll be dang if they didn't zap my old John Deere up on that ship too. That's when I got really mad. I think they u .....

Words: 878 / Pages: 4

.... His name was Timothy Johnson, a teacher from New York City. He went over the class syllabus by explaining how he expects everyone to participate in class discussions, but I did not care at the time. However he got my attention when he said, "My home phone is on the top left corner of the page. Please call me if you need to talk to me regarding class, that statement stunned me. Never before in my academic career had I had a teacher give out his or her home phone number. How many teachers do you know that give out his or her home phone number during your academic career? One seemingly endless week passed. Even with a burst of effort on my part, I rec .....

Personal Writing: Salvation
Words: 546 / Pages: 2

.... has taken place! There is a noted change in my demeanor from the embittered woman that I had been before. I see the world through different eyes. Through my quest, I have learned that religion cannot fill the void in my heart. It takes a person to fill that void and that person is Jesus Christ. Salvation is not found in religion, but in a relationship with Him. Jesus said, "Ï am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me"(John 14:6). Now my life has meaning and purpose. My walk with Christ has been very fulfilling. It has not been only happy events. In fact, I have encountered many difficult trials, .....

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