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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Creative Writing: Unexpected Horizons
Words: 1029 / Pages: 4

.... offshore. All-in-all, the long awaited perfect fishing day had come, at least in our minds it had. In the meantime, my dad backed the boat into the salty murky water as I got the boat ready for our day long journey. I set the navigation system to a favorite fishing spot of ours which was about twenty-five miles out called the Pelican Flats. We headed out on the gently, quiet, rolling blue monster's back as our twenty-two foot vessel handled the one to two foot ocean swells with sheer ease. Finally, after an hour long haul, and fifteen fishing minutes later, we ran into our first sign of action. "Fish on starboard!!" screamed my younger b .....

Creative Writing: A Murder On The Eighth Night Was Caused By An Old Mans "evil" Eye
Words: 348 / Pages: 2

.... him, I then dismembered his body in the bathtub so there wouldn't be any traces of blood to be found. I then put the body parts under the planks in the floor," explained the butler. "When we went to the house to check out a scream a neighbor heard, the butler opened the door and was real nice, he let us snoop around the house to show us that nothing was wrong. He said he had a bad dream. Then when he took us into the old man's sleeping chamber he started to get real impatient and started to act weird that is when he confessed the murder to us." explained a detective. "When we took off the planks we saw the dismembered body parts and then we ar .....

Creative Story: State Highway
Words: 837 / Pages: 4

.... his head. "Will I make friends?" "Will I be comfortable so many miles away from home?" As these thoughts raced through his mind he felt alone and a cold shiver was sent through his body. He was no afraid and cold in the hot summer air. He knew consciously and logically that he was not alone. For his mother and grandmother sat next to him in the minivan and would do whatever they could to help him. But yet he realized something had changed. They were there but would some be gone and that he must draw strength, self-confidence, and a sense of security from within himself and not rely on the people around him to fulfill these feelings because they could .....

Creative Writing: Manifest Function
Words: 447 / Pages: 2

.... brought about if he could stop hunting for profit by taking the game off the menus at the near by restaurants. However latent functions occurred with the passing of the law, the amount of people who suffered food poisoning from the meat cooked at the restaurants went down. However latent dysfunction's occurred, somewhere ville, their neighbor to the east, who's economy was propelled by their firearms and ammunition industry suddenly had no customers, and promptly went bankrupt. A wave of unemployment and bitterness swept through the town, and the people became angry at what the foolish mayor of New Brunswick had done to their city! Back in .....

My Truck
Words: 458 / Pages: 2

.... I got mad, I wouldn't eat dinner that night. The next time I refused to let her move them and I got into a lot of tantrums over this. My mom tried to draw the positioning of the blocks onto graph paper, so she could put them back later, but it did not work out. The trucks and the blocks just continued to get me into trouble. My windows would be open in the summer, we didn't have air conditioning, and it was very windy. My door would slam in the night. The rest of the family would not get any sleep. So, my mom came in to close the windows a little and she would kick over my blocks and cars. In the morning, I woke up ot see how muck dam .....

Creative Writing: Hackers Manifesto
Words: 559 / Pages: 3

.... a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like me... Or feels threatened by me... Or thinks I'm a smart ass... Or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here... Damn kid. All he does is play games. They're all alike. And then it happened... a door opened to a world... rushing through the phone line like heroin through an addict's veins, an electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from the day-to-day incompetencies is sought... a board is found. "This is it... this is where I belong..." I know everyone here... even if I've never met them, never tal .....

Personal Writing: Childhood Invents That Influenced Me
Words: 795 / Pages: 3

.... tales. With my friends, the most popular were ghost stories. As a rule, for the best effect, these frightful stories were ghost stories. A group of five to ten children would sit around and listen to the teller with great attention and tension. As a rule, for the best effect, these frightful stories were told at nighttime in the garden. Everybody tried to look very brave, including me. However, in the depth of my heart, I was afraid of darkness. That’s why each time I returned home I did not walk, but ran with the feeling that heroes of the stories would come alive and make terrible trouble for me. I don’t remember how long these story-te .....

Personal Writing: An-Yang
Words: 651 / Pages: 3

.... yelling "An- yang!!"(grandmother) all the way. She would yell in a similar fashion "Ah! Shua- nging!" (ah, children!) Smells of old-fashioned Shanghainese cooking would assail my senses, as my mouth watered in anticipation of the savories to come. One particular afternoon, after we had finished eating, we draped ourselves around her living room. I was sitting on a dilapidated couch, whose colors were made indiscernible by time, and was looking around her room. My gaze swept from the thin, worn carpet, bare in some places, to the scarred wooden dresser, to a dirty doll with an eye missing. (My grandmother could never bear to throw anything awa .....

Route 66
Words: 788 / Pages: 3

.... John says with an uncaring attitude. The officer states, “I clocked you doing a hundred and twenty-four miles an hour.”. “Why doesn’t this registration have your name on it?”, the officer questions suspiciously. Thinking quickly john replies “My cousin owed me some money so he gave me the car and I haven’t had time to change the registration yet.”. Doubting the truth of Johns answer the officer asks, “Then why is the car reported stolen?”. John refuses to acknowledge the officer. Sensing trouble the officer demands, “Turn off your engine, step out of the car and put your hands behind your head, NOW!”. John shouts “No w .....

Not Having Enough Money
Words: 593 / Pages: 3

.... $1.75 please. So you reach into your pocket and find out that you only have a dollar. The lady figures that you don’t have enough money and takes the coke away from you. You return to your seat in the lounge again still very thirsty. One time I went out with my cousin to a Chinese restaurant for some dinner. The place was packed with people, so we had to wait for a seat. After about ten minutes the waiter called my name and directed us to our seat. We opened up the menu and our eyes just focused on the prices, everything was around fourteen to twenty dollars. My cousin checked his pocket and I checked mine, for how much we had, and together we h .....

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