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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Personal Writing: The Day Of Doom
Words: 622 / Pages: 3

.... we looked for something exiting and diferent to do. We took a detour down into a sand pit on the way to my friends girlfriends house. Taking turns doing donuts with his car in the sand we passed away about an hour. I needed even more of a rush so I hoped on top of the car, held onto the roof, and told my friend to take off. After exiting the sand pit we flew off down the piper pond road going about 70. My eyes and face were getting wind burnt so I tapped on the wind sheild for him to slow down. After coming to a stop I told him he had to try it so again we sped off but this time he was the one flapping in the wind. When we pulled into his gi .....

Killer Instinct
Words: 2351 / Pages: 9

.... and settled in the far corner next to the miniscule stage, nursing a half-pint of beer. Mulligan's being the type of place it is, he wasn't alone too long. "Useta call me Black Billy," he growled, lumbering to his feet. His head ducked and dodged, body swayed, as he danced on his toes, shooting lefts and rights at an imaginary opponent. His scarred face looked troubled for a moment. "Coulda been the Champ. Didn' get a chance. Said I don' got the killer instinct. I know I got it. Jus' need a chance." His audience nodded appreciatively and exchanged understanding glances. Billy shuffled to a stop and shook his big head as a huge grin split hi .....

The Chase
Words: 1499 / Pages: 6

.... too happy to go as well, so I had no say. I think the walk was meant to savour the moment, which wouldn't be that bad. I felt content and I think the others felt the same way. We walked up a dark street, lit only by streetlights, just talking about nothing. We turned into the first road on the right. I thought this was going to be a small detour before we'd return to my warm room for the third film. The cold air was only going to have a few minutes to find a way into my impenetrable jacket. It tried getting through my zip, up my sleeves and down my neck, but it still didn't succeed. Neither Ben nor Mike seemed to notice. Ben had already finished his .....

Personal Writing: Boot Camp
Words: 1294 / Pages: 5

.... pushups until nobody could do anymore. We were being punished for being so loud and insubordinate on the bus. Some people started crying because they couldn't do any more pushups, but still were forced to do more. You are probably asking, why didn't they just stop and refuse to do the pushups? The answer is because your parents paid a lot of money for you to go to this program. A fee of about five hundred dollars all together. That money is for the uniforms, bus ride, reserved tickets for the bunks, and money needed when on the base. After that the worn out bus load was escorted to a room with other cadets from other cities. All togeth .....

Personal Writing: What I Learned This Semester In English Class
Words: 713 / Pages: 3

.... I find myself working over twice as hard for half the grade. This isn't a completely bad thing, though. It teaches me that my writing really wasn't very good. What I used to think deserved an "A" I now realize only does deserve a "C." Now I have to take my writing more seriously, and try much harder at producing good output. Also, my goal isn't to write a paper that will get a good grade. Now, my goal is to write better papers. I write to become a better writer. That is, I feel, a very important thing that I learned this semester. I don't think, "O.K., I have to get at least a B on this paper." Instead, I think, "O.K., I have to use this as .....

Creative Writing: The Wave
Words: 327 / Pages: 2

.... deaths of innocent men, women, children. He particularly hated Jews. The only thing wrong is how will I show them that they are becoming similar to one of the evil dictators ever. I could show them the dead, massacred bodies of the innocent Jews. I would show them a movie of Hitler and his Nazi's to show these students what they are becoming. I will tell them all that they would make great Nazi's. I mean, look at it, how close did they come to World War Three happening in the extreme. That would make me the new age Hitler and I can't and won't let that happen. Well, that is what I will do, I will stop this immature stupidity and end this. It has to .....

Personal Writing: Statues On Campus
Words: 444 / Pages: 2

.... thing I notice was how worn down and weathered it looked, I have know idea how long it has been there but it looks kind of dull. This statue also kind of reminded me of the statue of the man who has his face in his hand thinking about things. I do not know what it is called but it reminded me of that statue because of the intentitive look on face. The person in the statue looks intent on reading or studying, and looks like he understands the literature that he is reading. When came back to look at the statue Sunday night when it was dark out, I saw few changes that caught my eye. First was the way the lights around the library reflex off the statue. .....

Creative Writing: The Case Of The Broken Hutch
Words: 5097 / Pages: 19

.... the cards. Also in about a year I would be moving out into an apartment of my own, and I also would be started to attend Sacramento State. I pay for my own schooling either out of my pocket or by getting student loans. When I first started working for this company they were short handed and all the employees at the store I started at were new to each other. That is they had worked for the company at other stores but had not worked together. I was hired when the manager went to his yearly manager meeting in Reno. When I was hired I was hired on as a delivery driver. The delivery driver is responsible for all of the deliveries and pick- .....

Personal Essay: I Propose To Change The Status Of Craighead County, AR From A Dry To A Wet County
Words: 928 / Pages: 4

.... we can conclude that people purchase the alcohol elsewhere. Money that could recycle itself into the economy of Craighead County contributes to others. There are numerous small businesses along the county line that sell only alcohol. Craighead is a college county. College students spend approximately $4.2 billion annually to purchase 430 million gallons of alcoholic beverages. These businesses could be run here, in Jonesboro, instead of places like Harrisburg and Truman. The fact is that people are going to drink. Why not sell to Craighead citizens in Craighead? It makes far greater sense to put back where you take out. Meaning if you earn a .....

The Day In The Life Of A Drug Addict
Words: 843 / Pages: 4

.... shirt sleeve on my right arm. I looked at my arm. I had tracks, needle marks, up and down my arm. My shirt sleeve had blood stains on it from the day before. I held out my arm and demanded "I get the first one and I want coke not watered down coke!" Doug pulled my arm close to him and inserted the needle in my arm. As I was shaking, he told me "Make this last for a while girl." I felt the dope hit me and ran out of the restroom. I was shaking and could not get my breath. I enjoyed this feeling although I knew it was not going to last. I could hear every sound outside and inside the house. My heart beat grew faster and I felt the rush going .....

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