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Creative Writing Essay Writing Help

Personal Writing: My New Life In India
Words: 752 / Pages: 3

.... who already attended an Indian boarding school, told me in scratchy long-distance telephone conversations how great life was in India at his boarding school. "We have the best futbol (soccer) field in all of India," he said. "It has an electronic scoring board, and the surface is fluorescent blue astroturf." This was an enormous motivation factor, due to the fact that soccer is my favorite sport. "And the food is delectable," he went on, "They serve chicken curry with juicy vegetables four out of the seven days of the week." I ate chicken curry every chance I got, so this, added to the soccer field, made the school sound fantastic. .....

Creative Story: My Golden Age
Words: 564 / Pages: 3

.... own Golden Age, this is what I would do. I would start with my present standing in life. That would be a tenth grade student in high school. Then to make it dream like, I would analyze to see what I could do to make my life better. I would find out what things were important to me at that time and what things I could change to make my future life better. For example, I would probably start out with school, since that is very important to most people at my age. There are pretty much two things that are important to kids around my age, the social aspect and the academic aspect. I would not change my personality, but I would rather like to be fri .....

Creative Play: A Royal Life
Words: 573 / Pages: 3

.... This is a very enjoyable time for me. JADIE: Yes, Yes, how true. Especially the pretty things. Our dresses are brightly colored and extremely detailed, as that was the movement in fashion of our time. These things are very expensive and only royalty such as ourselves can afford such a luxury. LAUREN: Say, do you know what's for dinner tonight? JADIE: Silly girl! Its what we have every night in the castle Ingvey, Everything! A feast of huge proportions. Bread, cheese, meat, fish, vegetables… all made fresh by the peasants this morning. Yes, what a glorious time to live. LAUREN: And you people (looking at the class) would you care t .....

Father I Love You
Words: 682 / Pages: 3

.... was the quiet, reserved type. I remember the day we found out he had lung cancer. It was hard for the family to except. It was especially hard for my mother. I was only sixteen years old I did not quite understand what was going on with my father’s health. I saw my father go from a well-built six foot two inch construction worker to a skinny very sick man. My mother pulled me aside one day about a week after we all found out he was terminally ill and explained to me what was going to happen. The next day I went to go see him at the hospital. The minute I saw him I started to cry he grabbed my hand and told me “stop crying it’s not th .....

Words: 350 / Pages: 2

.... believe in the saying that imitation is the sheerest form of flattery, but I also believe that it henders the evolution of a person's psyche. To the best of my knowledge, this is what my intuition on the conformity of mankind is based upon. The other source that aided in the instillment of individualism in me, is the various authors, poets, songwriters, and other dignitarys who I valued as authority. Any sort of publication that celebrates the individual captures my attention and can range from the books and essays of Henry David Thoreau to the rebelious content in the music of Rage Against the Machine. Since I read Walden, Thoreau has branded .....

My Dad's Influence On Me
Words: 479 / Pages: 2

.... me to school when the weather was bad, since my driving skills were not very sharp. As usual, when listening to this I thought that he was trying to take away some of my freedom. I didn’t understand that he was trying to protect me from the many dangers of driving in bad weather. Then one day there came an especially bad morning. It had been very foggy the previous night, and by the morning the fog had greatly thickened. Before leaving for work my dad reminded me to ask my mom to take me to school. I thought, “I’ve been driving for a few months, I can handle it.” So I proceeded to drive to school. The fog was so thick that I could not see .....

Personal Writing: Nothing Can Bring You Peace But Yourself
Words: 776 / Pages: 3

.... each other. Oh, how we fought! One time she accused me of taking her purse, knowing what a notorious prankster I was, even though I had no idea what she was talking about. Later she found her purse in her friends locker. It seems she had forgotten she had put it there. This turned out to be the first, but not the last, accident that would occur. What didn't we argue about? After about, four years, we became the best friends ever. We were perfectly compatible with each other. We began spending all our time together. We were vital to each other. I came to know each and every detail about her life as she did about mine. It was the most endu .....

My Stock Track Portfolio
Words: 1831 / Pages: 7

.... the company, but people in class were talking about it so I figured I would give it a shot. All the kids in class were buying stock in computer software and upcoming telecommunications companies. I really didn't know anything about them so I bought a stock called Nextlink communications. I have no idea what the company is about, but it did pretty well so I was happy. Then I bought NPC International Inc., just because I wanted more stocks and it sounded good. I bought Music Land stores because I play the guitar and I love music so I had to buy that stock. I already own Walt Disney stock in real life. My grandfather bought it for me for my 10 .....

Creative Writing: The Substitute
Words: 465 / Pages: 2

.... all seemed normal and then a minute passed. The silence was broken by her bolting out of her chair and locking all the doors and pulling all the curtains. Seating herself back into her seat she began rummaging through the duffel bag. She stopped and seemed to hesitate for a second slowly scanning the room as if to check that she was alone. She went back to her foraging and before long she had pulled from the bag a small black box. Engraved with the letters P, O, and another letter that I could make out were on the cover of the box. The final detail that I noticed about the box was that there was a small socket on one side. After setting the box down .....

Nowhere, Kansas
Words: 694 / Pages: 3

.... gave us a ride into the town, which was about three blocks long, and that’s where we were, waiting for the outcome. A middle-aged, tall man with dark hair, and a thin mustache walked by us, as to get our attention. This skinny man with his apron tied around his small waste started to bustle around picking up a few boxes, “Sorry about the mess,” he replied, in a strong southern accent “just a few days ago we met head on with a twister.” I looked at my cousin with a slight smirk on my face. I knew we were thinking the same thing, “that was rather ironic.” I turned to the worker and replied, “it was no inconvenience to us.” We conti .....

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