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Health Essay Writing Help

Words: 633 / Pages: 3

.... The organisms responsible for human infections are viruses. Viruses are simple life forms consisting of nucleic acid, encoding genetic information , and surface components of protein that enable them to enter cells. Viruses are unable to multiple outside of cells. Mono is found in the DNA in the body. Another name for mononucleosis is glandular fever because of the fever and swelling of the lymph nodes throughout the body. What causes mononucleosis is the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which is like herpes. The herpes virus also causes some cases of mono and other diseases. Mono usually occurs in adults 15 to 30 years old, but is known to appear .....

Words: 419 / Pages: 2

.... is known as "flat line" the person, is officially dead. What this actually means is that although there may not be any brain activity, other vital organs can work by means of certain equipment. Now heart- lung machines can augment the duration of life. Well some say that life is precious, HOW IS LIFE PRECIOUS, WHEN IT CAN NOT BE LIVED TO THE FULLEST ?. I believe that Euthanasia should be legalized because of that option of dying. People say that their should be a option to live, but I think that there should also be a option to die. Many also think that they should stay alive because they don't want death for their own reason. Why not .....

From The Menstral Cycle To Birth
Words: 478 / Pages: 2

.... activate and negative feedback inhibiting the release of FSH and LH. Without FSH and LH the corpus luteum deteriorates causing uterine contraction to expell the endometrium. However, if the egg is fertilized the level of estrogen and progesterone must remain high so the endometrium is not shed. The outer layer of the egg mass(blastocyct) produces a hormone(HCG) to maintain the corpus luteum for the first 3 months of pregnancy so it can provide high levels of estrogen and progesterone. After the third month the placenta provides enough estrogen and progesterone to maintain the endometrium and also to inhibit further ovulation. Conception is w .....

Flour Baby Project: Parenting
Words: 1868 / Pages: 7

.... budgeting all the money in the house to save up for the new baby. Having a baby is a lot of trouble but in the end it is the best thing ever. Having to lug around this baby causes a lot of back pain and a lot of stress on the body itself. The stomach gets really big and stretch marks do appear and it just gets heavy at times. The pregnancy keeps on going for 2 more trimesters the 2nd trimester is based on shopping for maternity cloths, checking for blood sugar, avoid strenuous physical labor, and plan for maternity leave. the third trimester is a little more complicated your must see your practitioner once a month through week 28 and every two .....

AIDS And You: The Lethal Relation
Words: 1109 / Pages: 5

.... death. I've already lost one friend from AIDS. I may soon lose others. My own sexual behavior and that of many of my friends has been profoundly altered by it. In U.S.A. one man in10 may already be carrying the AIDS virus. While the figures may currently be less in much of the rest of the country, this is changing rapidly. There currently is neither a cure, nor even an effective treatment, and no vaccine either. But there are things that have been PROVEN immensely effective in slowing the spread of this hideously lethal disease. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Defficiency Disease. It is caused by a virus. The disease originat .....

Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors
Words: 1955 / Pages: 8

.... of OCD. All sources agree that the most common preoccupations are dirt (washing, germs, touching), checking for safety or closed spaces (closets, doors, drawers, appliances, light switches), and thoughts, often thoughts about unacceptable violent, sexual, or crude behavior. When the thoughts and rituals of OCD are intense, the victim's work and home life disintigrate. Obsessions are persistant, senseless, worrisome, and often times, embarrassing, or frightening thoughts that repeat over and over in the mind in an endless loop. The automatic nature of these recurant thoughts makes them difficult for the person to ignore or restrain successfully. .....

Anxiety Disorders
Words: 866 / Pages: 4

.... was coming home crying every other day. I would sit in a corner in the dark all the time. I was scared all the time, and through all of that, I scared my son to death. He would come to me and say "mommy what's wrong, why do you do these things, please mommy let me help you". But he couldn't help me, I couldn't help myself. I decided to go to the counseling center first, just to see if I could talk my problem out. There I found my salvation and my sanity. I was told that I had not been in school in over twenty years, and here I was all gun ho about school and I just simply bit off more than I could chew. They suggested three things to me. One w .....

Words: 869 / Pages: 4

.... regardless of how foolish or immoral the desire might be. [Rachels, 56] My position is almost identical. I believe there are some instances in which euthanasia is immoral, but I believe it should unquestionably be legal. In the following paragraphs, I will display the position of the opposition to the legality of euthanasia as well as the position of the supporters. I shall attempt to prove that, yes, euthanasia should be legal. There is a strong opposition against the legalization of euthanasia. The main argument against the legality of euthanasia is sometimes known as the slippery slope argument. People argue that if euthanasia was legally per .....

Alcohol And Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Words: 1700 / Pages: 7

.... and behavioral traits that result from maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy. The term Fetal Alcohol Effects, FAE, indicates that alcohol is being considered as one of the possible causes of a patient's birth defects. In other words, FAE is a less severe form of FAS. Both FAS and FAE are the results of the use of teratogens, which are nongenetic influences that can potentially complicate fetal development.(Harris, p.85) FAS is due to the mother's consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. Alcohol in the woman's bloodstream circulates to the fetus via the placenta. There, the alcohol intrudes with the ability of the fetus to receive a suffi .....

Gregor Mendel's Theories Of Genetic Inheritance
Words: 336 / Pages: 2

.... and are distributed to different gametes. This hypothesis can be divided into four main ideas. The first idea is that alternative versions of genes account for variations in inherited characters. Different alleles will create different variations in inherited characters. The sescond idea is that for each character, an organism inherits two genes, one form each parent. So this means that a homolohous loci may have matching alleles, as in the true-breeding plants of Mendel's P generation(parental). If the alleles differ, then there will be F hybrids. The third idea states that if the two alleles differ, the receessive allele will have no affect on t .....

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