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Health Essay Writing Help

Physician Assisted Suicide Right/Wrong
Words: 500 / Pages: 2

.... most persistent and are stilll widespread. The most basic of these is that suiicide is forbidden by the Bible. In fact, there are no specific biblical instructions against suicide, only prohibitions of killing which are better interpreted as forbidding the unlawful killing of others.Besides, the suicides that do occur in the Bible-Samson,Saul and Judas among others-are not described in a disapproving manner. Both Jewish and Christian disapproval of suicide dates from the fourth century AD, late in the development of both religons, and does not derive directly from scripture. Ironically, the Christian Church, encouraged by the arguments of St.Augusti .....

Words: 937 / Pages: 4

.... rates have tripled for the 15-24 age group, due to an increase in mental illness in young people, increased drug use, and availability of firearms. Gender also plays an important role. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, four times as many men, as women, complete . Women are about two to three times as likely to try to kill themselves, as men. It is believed that more men succeed in committing because they are more deliberate in their intentions, they tend to use more lethal methods to kill themselves, and are less likely to talk to anyone about their plan. There are several factors, which place individuals .....

Spontaneous And Induced Abortions
Words: 912 / Pages: 4

.... with serious deformity, mental deficiency, or genetic abnormality; or to prevent a birth for social or economic reasons (such as the extreme youth of the pregnant female or the sorely strained resources of the family unit). By some definitions, abortions that are performed to preserve the well-being of the female or in cases of rape or incest are therapeutic, or justifiable, abortions. Numerous medical techniques exist for performing abortions. During the first trimester (up to about 12 weeks after conception), endometrial aspiration, suction, or curettage may be used to remove the contents of the uterus. In endometrial aspiration, a thin, flexible tu .....

Is Ritalin Over Prescribed?
Words: 1676 / Pages: 7

.... methadone and methamphetamine (Snyderman 1). Both cocaine and Ritalin use the same receptor site in the brain, giving the same "high" and in medical research are used interchangeably. The only difference between cocaine and Ritalin is that cocaine leaves the receptor site quicker than Ritalin, possibly making it more addictive (Snyderman 1). Ritalin is not a drug that is typically sold on the street like cocaine or marijuana. It is a drug that doctors prescribe to help children and adults with hyperactivity and attention problems. But are these trained professionals over prescribing it? The road a child has to take to get on Ritalin is very long .....

Words: 548 / Pages: 2

.... a thick, hard deposit that can clog those arteries. This condition is known as atherosclerosis. The formation of a clot (or thrombus) in the region of this plaque can block the flow of blood to part of the heart muscle and cause a heart attack. If a clot blocks the flow of blood to part of the brain, the result is a stroke. A high level of LDL reflects an increased risk of heart disease. That is why LDL is often called "bad" . comes from two sources. It’s produced in your body, mostly in the liver (about 1,000 milligrams a day). And it’s found in foods that come from animals, such as meats, poultry, fish, seafood and dairy products. Foods f .....

Down Syndrome: An Informative Essay
Words: 468 / Pages: 2

.... Some of these are: larger or almond shaped eyes (sometimes Brushfield spots on the irises), smaller than normal features, such as smaller ears or a smaller nose, short stubby fingers, a single palmar crease on their hands, and having exceptional social intelligence. Because Down Syndrome is cause by a cell abnormality during meiosis, it can not really be proven that Down Syndrome is hereditary. A perfectly healthy mother could have a Down Syndrome baby even though there was never any sign of the disorder in her pedigree. There are however, three different kinds of Down Syndrome. 95% of Down Syndrome babies have Trisomy 21. This is the p .....

Words: 379 / Pages: 2

.... people with AIDS are pneumonia and Kaposi's sarcoma, which afflict 70% of the infected people. AIDS is transmitted in three ways. Intimate sexual contact is the most common. While direct contact with infected blood and transactions to babies from the infected mother's fetus will also cause the disease. Although some speculation, you cannot receive the disease from air, food, water, or insects. AIDS is a life and death issue. To have the AIDS disease is a sentence of slow but inevitable death. There currently is no cure or vaccine for this disease. There are drugs that have been proven effective in slowing the spread of this deadly disease. We .....

The Human Heart
Words: 526 / Pages: 2

.... body temperature, circulate hormones, and flight infections. The brain cells are very dependent on a constant supply of oxygen. If the circulation to the brain is stopped, death ensues shortly. Since heart attacks are the number-one cause of death in the United States, the heart gets a great deal of attention. The heart's wall has three parts, Muscle tissue, or myocardium, is the middle layer. The inner layer, or endocardium, that lines the inside of the heart muscle consists of a thin layer of endothelial tissue overlying a thin layer of vascularized connective tissue. The outside of the heart, the epicardium, is in intimate contact with the .....

Life, Death, And Politics: A Run-Down Of The Abortion Debate.
Words: 2501 / Pages: 10

.... that when a society legalizes abortion, it is sanctioning murder. In today's more industrialized societies, technology has simplified the abortion procedure to a few basic and safe methods. Technology, however, has also enhanced society's knowledge of the fetus. Ultrasound, fetal therapy, and amniocentesis graphically reveal complex life before birth, and it is this potential human life that is at the heart of the debate. In order to form an opinion on this matter, we must first question and define several common factors which are numerously debated. I. When does human life begin? Scientists identify the first moment of human life as that inst .....

Mandatory AIDS Testing
Words: 1987 / Pages: 8

.... is discovered for AIDS, the numbers will increase and people will keep dying. Therefore it is of vital importance to educate people about AIDS and to promote safer sex. The key word now is prevention. Among many proposed policies to help prevent AIDS infection, one of the most controversial is mandatory AIDS testing. Mandatory AIDS testing is theoretically very effective, however, when it is applied, it is not practical at all because one is dealing with human nature, the odd nature of the virus itself, and also all of the stigmas that are attached to AIDS. Therefore, not only will mandatory AIDS testing not prevent HIV infection, it will indirec .....

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