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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

Psilocybin Mushrooms As Hallucinogens
Words: 482 / Pages: 2

.... them. How many people really love to get nauseated. I sure don't like to have that feeling. Some of these things are not such a big deal either. This is because it is such a small dose. However, it is still abusing your body, and your body's functions. Besides all that, there are also legal consequences. When someone takes Psilocybin Mushrooms in a medium size dose (1.25 grams - 4.0 grams), there are effects that are a little more serious than taking psilocybin in a small amount. These effects are things such as open-eye visual effects, lights gain auras, star-pattern effects, rainbowing around lighting, increased peripheral vision, sometimes .....

Child Sex Tourism Bill In Australia
Words: 1986 / Pages: 8

.... child sex tours, such as travel agencies and the like, who have specifically run sex tour packages. Defences to these offences such as stating that the defendant had no knowledge of the child's age will be also targeted, as currently, this is a major stumbling block on the course to justice. Finally to save time and cost, video link hearings will be setup between the child in question overseas, and the Australian courts. The changes stated above were required to not only protect abused children residing overseas, but to prove that the Australian Government is in touch with the community values within Australian cities. The amendments made to the .....

Gun Control
Words: 1231 / Pages: 5

.... form being violated by gun control laws. One of the NRA=s main weapons in this crusade is the second amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. The amendment=s translation in the eyes of the NRA and many American citizens, clearly protects the individual rights of all citizens to possess and operate firearms. This would easily make any and all gun control laws unconstitutional. And therefore illegal. This translation, however, is not accepted by all people. Including the United States Government. They believe that the amendment guaranteed no right for individual citizens to possess weaponry, but merely allowed for th .....

Capital Punishment: Right Or Wrong?
Words: 1153 / Pages: 5

.... we are pretty much telling them to go ahead and kill people, because there will be no real penalty for it. Which brings me to next point, if a potential murderer knows that if he is found guilty of murder, he himself will be killed, then he is less likely to commit the crime. The saying, “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” comes into play here. For example, New York State has a “zero tolerance” policy for murderers. Since this policy went into effect, the murder rate has been cut in half. This is because the killer knows he himself will be killed if he committs the crime. Also, no one has been put to death in New York State since 19 .....

Capital Punishment
Words: 2571 / Pages: 10

.... they invalidate the right of the perpetrator to membership and even to life. A community founded on moral principles has certain requirements. The right to belong to a community is not unconditional. The privilege of living and pursuing the good life in society is not absolute. It may be negated by behavior that undermines the nature of a moral community. The essential basis on which community is built requires each citizen to honor the rightful claims of others. The utter and deliberate denial of life and opportunity to others forfeits ones own claim to continued membership in the community, whose standards have been so flagrantly violated. The pr .....

The Drinking Age: An 18-Year-Olds Right
Words: 1958 / Pages: 8

.... be lowered to 18. During the period in the 70's when many states were lowering their drinking ages scientists started doing studies to determine whether or not the younger drinking ages had any effect on automobile accidents. These studies generally concluded that traffic accidents significantly increased among teenagers after the MLDA was lowered.(Toomey 1) It can, however, easily be argued that since these studies came out right after the drinking ages had been lowered, they would naturally show that there was an increase in death among teenagers. Anytime you change something dramatically it takes a while for things to settle into a routine. I .....

Our Court System Is Inefficient
Words: 849 / Pages: 4

.... though similar in methodical procedures, the court cases are longer and much more time is spent on each individual part of the case, from presenting the evidence to cross- examination of the witness, this is because of the amount of information involved. The general atmosphere and behaviour in the Provincial Courtrooms were general loose and calm. The people, lawyers, judge, clerk and recorder seem to know each other very well. They joked openly, even while the court was in session, the defence lawyer asked if he could persuade the judge into a lighter sentence after the judge had already made a decision in a very easy and friendly tone of voice, .....

Legalizing Marijuana
Words: 792 / Pages: 3

.... to all these lobbying groups which show substantial evidence that marijuana can be used as a prescribed drug. Also many advocates who are pro marijuana complain that morphine and cocaine are legal and are very dangerous drugs, that brings up the question why not legalize marijuana as medical drug which is proven to be less dangerous than cocaine and morphine. Lobbying groups in a San Diego, California , council committee unanimously voted to urge president Bill Clinton and congress to end federal restrictions against the use of marijuana for " legitiment medical use." City council women Christine kehoe said she wanted the city of San Diego "to go o .....

Substance Abuse Increasing In Inner-City Minorities
Words: 1099 / Pages: 4

.... in different forms. The upper and middle class teenagers seem to want to experiment more with designer or new age drugs. The reason that there is so much media hype about the drug abuse amongst the poor is because the rich have the political power to cover it up, the poor don't. Crack is cocaine mixed with baking soda and cooked in to rock form 6. Even though crack and cocaine are the same drug (just in different forms) the courts give out stiffer sentences for crack offenders than powder cocaine offenders 7. According to federal law if a person is caught with five grams of crack they get a mandatory five year sentence 8. To get a five year senten .....

Marijuana Effects
Words: 1056 / Pages: 4

.... of Indian Hemp. They are Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Rudderalis. These three plants vary in size and mood altering effect. The hemp plant has many uses and has been farmed for centuries. Marijuana can be taken in three ways, by eating, made into a tea, or smoking (the most popular). Smoking it can be done three ways, through a pipe, a joint, blunt. A joint is a rolled piece of paper that is twisted at the ends. A blunt is normally an emptied cigar wrapper filled with marijuana. In a blunt you can fit much more marijuana. Though a blunt isn't always purely marijuana, it can be mixed with other drugs such as angel dust. The .....

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