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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

Capital Punishment Deters Murder, And Is Just Retribution
Words: 374 / Pages: 2

.... to do something, if he or she thinks that harm will come to him. Another way the death penalty deters murder, is the fact that if the killer is dead, he will not be able to kill again. Most supporters of the death penalty feel that offenders should be punished for their crimes, and that it does not matter whether it will deter the crime rate. Supporters of the death penalty are in favour of making examples out of offenders, and that the threat of death will be enough to deter the crime rate, but the crime rate is irrelevant. According to Isaac Ehrlich's study, published on April 16, 1976, eight murders are deterred for each execution .....

Marijuana: The Legalization
Words: 900 / Pages: 4

.... for medical purposes upon the recommendation of a physician are not subject to criminal prosecution or sanction. (C) To encourage the federal and state governments to implement a plan for the safe and affordable distribution of marijuana to all patients in medical need of marijuana. (Proposition 215 Section 11362.5) Of course, it goes on and breaks into fine detail into which I choose not to venture. To summarize it all, if you're sick, or think you are, your doc can get you some pot. Just like that. So what's so great about this? It supposedly brings relief to those with terminal illnesses. (Such were listed in 215) Cancer .....

The Fatal Addiction
Words: 377 / Pages: 2

.... coming from. He also expressed that he was horrified that he was capable of doing something of such great damage. Some people may have forgiven him, but he will never be forgotten. What pushed him over the edge and how did he deal with it? The disturbing influence of violence in the media, alcoholism, and the ambition to let go, pushed Mr. Bundy too far. He learned to accept what he had done and lived his life the best way he knew how. Even though he did not want to die, he was still forced into the electric chair. Before he was put to death he said that killing him would not restore the people he had already murdered nor would is lessen the .....

Child Abuse
Words: 1658 / Pages: 7

.... know what that word means. The woman left for work acting as if nothing major had occurred and I was left with a little boy with a huge bruise on his face for his first day at a new school. I immediately reported the incident to my chain of command, wrote up my observations, then had to wait patiently to see what would happen. The result - nothing. Child Protective Services said the report was not submitted within 24 hours, so they couldn't do anything. We had another case that we reported just two weeks ago to Child Protective Services. Another five- year old was involved. The teacher noticed a bite mark on his cheek. She asked him what happened, an .....

Capital Punishment: Is It Required
Words: 1997 / Pages: 8

.... earliest of times. The Babylonian Hammurabi Code(ca. 1700 B.C.) decreed death for crimes as minor as the fraudulent sale of beer(Flanders 3). Egyptians could be put to death for disclosing the location of sacred burial sites(Flanders 3). However, in recent times opponents have shown the death penalty to be racist, barbaric, and in violation with the United States Constitution as "...cruel and unusual punishment." In this country, although laws governing the application of the death penalty have undergone many changes since biblical times, the punishment endures, and controversy has never been greater. Perhaps the most frequent argument for .....

Drugs: A Major Problem In Canadian Society
Words: 694 / Pages: 3

.... to a reduction of the natural pain-killers that exist in the body of non- drug users. These symptoms include chills, sweating, cramps, headaches, diarrhea and excessive vomiting. The treatment of drug addicts includes an extensive program of detoxification. Medical drugs, such as Naloxone, are sometimes given to patients to aid in overcoming these addictions. These drugs occupy opiate receptors in the brain to block all effects of the damaging drugs, however the Naloxone is not an addictive drug, as the others are. The downfall to the medical drugs being used to help addiction are that there effects are very short-term and cannot cure the patient, .....

The Drinking Age
Words: 1276 / Pages: 5

.... and perspectives. The original purpose of , besides keeping young adults from drinking, was to uniform the states’ drinking ages. For a long while, since the passing of , there has been a controversy over whether or not the issue of drinking age should have been left up to the state governments instead of the federal government. “The federal government has been suspected of threatening to stop federal funding for the states highway systems if they did not comply with the proposed uniformed drinking age.” Many feel that as a result of this the states were pressured into their decision of raising the age limit. laws, in some ways, prevent yo .....

Police Work And Related Fields
Words: 1217 / Pages: 5

.... to find the route of the problem, where as if they were to encounter the same situation their policy was to arrive in two minutes and stay for 20 minutes. This new program is the starting stages and already it has had great reviews and great public support, as it brings the police closer to the community. Another part of this community based policing is that there are crime prevention comities that are run by various community groups that have monthly meetings with the police. A police officer starts their career with on the job training and then they move on to become a constable where they must be able to relocate to any part of the country whe .....

How Should The United States Treat Todays Criminals?
Words: 691 / Pages: 3

.... For example, in the United States Penitentiary, Atlanta, an inmate brutally stabbed a correctional officer to death with a homemade knife. This inmate is not allowed to possess or manufacture such weapons and has no need for such a weapon. Under the “Justice Model” this inmate is held accountable for the life that he had just taken by receiving the death penalty, but the “ Medical Model” would have sentenced this inmate to a number of rehabilitation programs believing that this decision to take human life was caused by the environment that the inmate lived in. Unlike the “Medical Model” the “Justice Model’” will not sentenc .....

Words: 1438 / Pages: 6

.... to the plant, but known to botanists as Cannabis Sativa. It has been recognized in various forms around the world: in Africa as "dagga," in China as "ma," in Northern Europe as "hemp." Although it is thought that cannabis most likely came from the steppes of central Asia, it now grows in almost any climate, spreading like milkweed of thistle, crowding out neighboring grasses and reaching heights of three to twenty feet at full growth. has been cultivated for at least 5,000 years; it is one of the oldest agricultural commodities not grown for food. The stalks of the plant contain fibers that have been woven for years to make rope, canvas, an .....

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