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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

The Death Punishment
Words: 526 / Pages: 2

.... than is legal imprisonment an act of kidnaping". Finally, the same Bible that condemns murder also advocates "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". This statement could be further developed to include a life for a life. It is argued, the death penalty should be banned to prevent the execution of innocent individuals unjustly convicted of capital murder. Statistically this has occurred; however, given the lengthy appeals process, all but few ultimately die, innocent or guilty. The above statistic applies to all crimes, from theft to kidnaping. Should no one be punished because of shortcomings in the judicial system? Obviously .....

The Increase Of Violent Crimes
Words: 342 / Pages: 2

.... the United States is a gun culture. Guns are not very difficult to buy in the United States. The right to own a gun is set out in the American Constitution which reads, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." In 1997, 63% of gun related arrested in the United States were under the age of 25. Another disturbing trend is that those using guns are getting younger. Boys are learning to live by the gun, and sort out their arguments with guns. In 1997, more than 27,000 young men between the ages of 12 and 15 were killed or injured by handguns. Television and films have helped to glorify the gun through the Westerns and poli .....

The Legalization Of Marijuana For All Purposes
Words: 2969 / Pages: 11

.... country's revenue. The government could then focus on cracking down on the harder drugs like crack and heroine. The government should also legalize marijuana because of its several medicinal and industrial purposes. Legalizing hemp based products could create a whole new industry. Fuels can be made by extracting oils from seeds and the hemp fiber could be used to make ropes, clothing, or paper of a higher quality because of the strength of the fibers.1 Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in Canada. Four million Canadians have used marijuana, including 1.4 million teenagers.2 The large number of users can probably be explained by the .....

Drinking And Driving
Words: 861 / Pages: 4

.... under the influence of alcohol so that: the alcohol content in their blood during the drive or after it is at least 0.5 per mille. OR he/she has at least 0.25 mg. of alcohol in a liter of exhalation of the air. Drunken driving can result in a fine or maximum imprisonment of three months imprisonment. Underage is also becoming a large problem in America. Alcohol is found to be a significant factor in teenage crashes. Studies have shown that young drivers are less likely than adults to drive after drinking alcohol, but their crash risks are much higher when they do. This is especially true when their blood alcohol concentrations are lower and is .....

Words: 1478 / Pages: 6

.... the contributing factors to why people commit fraud. Some people commit fraud for the sport and thrill of it. There are other recognizable reasons why honest people may commit a breach of trust. Need is the most common reason. A desperate financial need is usually the cause of most frauds. Still some people commit fraud to pay for an elevated life style which other wise they could not afford. Needs arise from a number of locations these include: Drug or alcohol addiction, Marriage break-ups and/of extravagant love affairs, Gambling Debts, Business losses, Unexpected family crises, Mounting debts, and the desire to live a lifestyle far beyond .....

The Impact The Death Penalty Has On The Global Community
Words: 578 / Pages: 3

.... United States and the number one concern among americans about the death penalty was the fact that, someone could be wrongly accused and get the death penalty.(The Death Penalty In America) One qoute I found that I agree with is this "No matter how careful courts are, the possibility of perjured testimony mistaken honest testimony and human error remain all too real. We have no way of judging how many innocent persons have been executed, but we can be certain there were some."(The Death Penalty In America) Now days there are a lot more advanced technology such as the DNA testing that they can use to prove someone's innocence. The criminals had a t .....

Capital Punishment
Words: 2116 / Pages: 8

.... to curb. is immoral and unethical. It does not matter who does the killing because when a life is taken by another it is always wrong. By killing a human being the state lessens the value of life and actually contributes to the growing sentiment in today's society that certain individuals are worth more than others. When the value of life is lessened under certain circumstances such as the life of a murderer, what is stopping others from creating their own circumstances for the value of one's life such as race, class, religion, and economics. Immanual Kant, a great philosopher of ethics, came up with the Categorical Imperative, which is a .....

What To Do When You're A Crime Victim
Words: 900 / Pages: 4

.... no suspect is still present. Upon entering your home or business, do not touch things unnecessarily as you may disturb or destroy fingerprint and other evidence. Inform the police of anything that has been moved from its original position so that it can be checked for prints. Notify the police if you find anything that is not yours that may have been left behind by the burglar such as tools, clothing, etc. (Driver's licenses and other identification have been left behind by burglars before!) Be prepared to provide the police with serial numbers and a complete description of all missing property. Tell the police if you have engraved any of the ite .....

Reviving The Death Penalty
Words: 1750 / Pages: 7

.... for the crime of murder in all 50 states and to carry out the executions of those sentenced to death. Capital Punishment is the lawful infliction of the death penalty. In England, by 1500, only major felonies carried the death penalty: treason, murder, larceny, burglary, rape, and arson. The American colonies adhered with Englands' view on the death penalty, for there was little they could do about it. However in the 1750's reform movements spread through Europe, and in 1847 they reached the United States. In 1847, Michigan became the first state to abolish the death penalty for murder. Beginning in 1967, executions were suspended to allow .....

Pedophilia: Causes And Typologies
Words: 1667 / Pages: 7

.... honoring young prostitutes(Kahr, 1991). Sex with children in the modern era is alive and well, the power of an older person is so great that their young victims often never tell of the horrors that they have endured. There is also a pedophile enhancement movement, with confessed pedophiles insisting that their behavior is not wrong or immoral. Organizations dedicated to the social acceptance of sex with children are not new, yet have had a large upstart in membership since the early 1970's(Charon, 1979). Because of the extreme sensitivity of the subject, research in this field is quite underdeveloped. Researchers have even had trouble in ag .....

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