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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

The Stalking Of Celebrities
Words: 1213 / Pages: 5

.... because there rich or famous is wrong. The law defines stalking as placing a person in fear of his or her safety, even without intent to carry out the threat.4 Being famous increasingly means living in fear.5 There is an estimated 200,00 stalkers in the United States. Seventeen percent of the stalker's victims are celebrities.6 “Stalking of celebrities is not done by your average autograph hound.7 The stalking behavior due to delusional disorders affects 3 out of every 10,000 people and only 1%-2% of all mental patients,” Dietz says. “ But it is increasing as our culture promotes celebrities as the religion of the day.”8 “ .....

The Seat Belt Law
Words: 2526 / Pages: 10

.... more likely to buckle up their kids. Of course, I had to wear my seat belt and sit in the back seat. I did not always do what my parents asked, but I did tend to wear my seatbelt all the time. It became habit to jump in the car and buckle up. Without a seatbelt, I feel as though I am missing something and I feel completely naked without it. In the past fifteen years, I have, unfortunately, been a passenger in approximately ten car accidents. A few of these were significant enough to cause minor injuries. But in two specific cases, the police officer reminded the driver and myself of the luck we encountered by wearing seatbelts. I have bee .....

Referendum Reaction
Words: 293 / Pages: 2

.... of medical marijuana has proved successful in other states. And most importantly it would make the lives of ill individuals much more bearable. The legalization of medical marijuana would create a new job market for some Mainers. People who might not have had a job before can become a registered grower, and not only make money to support their family, but help the ill in the process. In later years, other states in the vicinity of Maine might legalize medical marijuana as well. Our advanced agricultural practice might monopolize their market and registered growers of Maine could offer their services to help farmers in other states. Medical .....

Crime And Gangs In America
Words: 600 / Pages: 3

.... them from their owners and even the clergy who suggested they were genetically inferior. But American slaves were better mannered, more civil, and less inclined to commit a crime than their white owners. They were, on the whole, by most historical accounts, a very civil, obedient and law abiding people. They were better citizens than their educated, well-fed owners. Why? Some may say fear. Fear of Massah? Or maybe, the slave owners? Perhaps to a degree. Fear certainly is a motivator. I do not think the average American criminal is much afraid of the law or society, today. Society is not their master. So I concede that fear will work, to a .....

Rockefeller Drug Laws
Words: 350 / Pages: 2

.... discriminate between the dealer and the mule or sibling or wife of the dealer. They can all be sentenced to the same amount of time even if they weren’t the one running the show. The drug penalties are more harsh than other worse crimes. Why should someone in the possession of an ounce of cocaine be given more time in jail than a rapist, or murderer? At least if you commit those crimes you can have the chance to appeal and get out on good behavior. Seriously what can be the good of keeping these laws? The worst thing about the is that they just don’t work. The enactment of these laws has not stopped the use or the sale of drugs, an n .....

The Caning Punishment Issue
Words: 377 / Pages: 2

.... a reasonable level to introduce corporeal punishment. Men committing such crimes would normally be sent to jail. While not being free is bad, these men really lose nothing but time. The victim should also get the relief of seeing some damage done for his pains. This would be a little bit of vengeance for the victim. As a victim this might not set it right but it would help them feel a little better. This would also make a very big impression on me. If I knew I could get a very bad lashing for doing something wrong, I would not do it. With the growing crime rate some different actions have to be taken. What we are doing now is not working ver .....

Lysergic Acid Diethlamide (LSD)
Words: 416 / Pages: 2

.... to the nervous system. Physically, there is an increase in heart rate, an increase in blood pressure, dilation of the pupils, and some facilitation of the spinal reflexes. Once ingested, LSD takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes to fully onset and the effects last anywhere from six hours to four days, depending on the dosage. If taken in large enough amounts, one can die of an overdose of LSD. Psychologically, LSD has a tremendous effect on a person. LSD is an unpredictable drug in which the effects are different each time it is ingested. A person under the influence of LSD ifs flooded with visual experience, as much when the eyes are closed as whe .....

Hate Crimes And Punishment
Words: 790 / Pages: 3

.... will receive harsher punishment. Despite why the crime took place, the point is that a crime took place. No matter why the victim is chosen, “he or she was still harmed, the family is still going to grieve, and someone must be punished” (Staff editorial 1). Whether a person is killed for money or drugs or out of hate or prejudice, the fact still remains that he or she has been killed. With hate crime laws, the hate is being looked at, more so than the crime itself. Even though hate is a terrible thing to have in your heart, all Americans have the right to hate whatever or who ever they want (Hudson 1). Besides, if officials start punishing hate .....

Drug Abuse
Words: 1024 / Pages: 4

.... goes up because of drug abuse, including auto, health and homeowners. Worst of all, the crime rate will sky rocket if we let this behavior continue. Illegal drugs and their abusers are a plague to society for many different reasons.. Drugs have very harmful effects on the user and the people with whom the user interacts. The user is affected in many ways. The most popular drug in America, alcohol, is generally thought of as socially acceptable and relatively harmless. But it can have devastating effects. Alcohol might seem very harmless but it can harm the user very easily. Alcohol is easy to obtain and consume. It is taken as a bever .....

Computer Generated Evidence In Court
Words: 4698 / Pages: 18

.... issue and this necessarily involves the adduction of evidence which is then presented to the court. The law admits evidence only if it complies with the rules governing admissibility. Computer output is only admissible in evidence where special conditions are satisfied. These conditions are set out in detail in section 69 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 1984 (see further Nyssens 1993, Reed 1993 and Tapper 1993). In general the principles of admissibility are that the evidence must be relevant to the proof of a fact in issue, to the credibility of a witness or to the reliability of other evidence, and the evidence must not be inad .....

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