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Music Essay Writing Help

A Rock Concert
Words: 379 / Pages: 2

.... to move as the crowd allowed or insisted. Everything was done as a group. There were no individuals here. It was only one group of crazed fans fighting for that one glimpse of their favorite band. The crowd would shift as people passed out. This only allowed me to move closer to the front. As you can tell, I was packed in until the end. Your sight was not left out either. Plenty of pyrotechnics kept your eyes filled with colorful wonder as the music played on. Souvenir "AC/DC money" fell from the top of the building. The bills fluttered down to the hungry hands of the crowd. The stage was a constant flurry of excitement. This was gene .....

Words: 1787 / Pages: 7

.... would need a group of committed players who would be willing to practice intensely and extensively in order to master the complicated music and the improvisational style that they sought to achieve. The first person they recruited was a freshman drummer named Jon “Fish” Fishman. One day, Trey walked by Fish’s room while he was practicing, and asked him to join the band. He agreed but he also played in another band at the time. Fish taught himself how to play the drums by locking himself in his room and trying to copy the sound of bands such as Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. When he moved to college, he started to move toward jazz and hard .....

Classical Genres
Words: 692 / Pages: 3

.... These are still popular today being performed in rock music, for example, Aerosmith's latest hit includes an orchestra that is playing a type of symphony. The string quartets, on the other hand, are quite different. These are instrumental pieces of music for small audiences with one player per part. Included in the string quartet there are the first and second violins, a viola, and a cello. A quartet does not have a conductor like the symphony does, but they didn't need one because they weren't intended to be played for many people. Mozart and Haydn were known for having "jam sessions" in Mozart's apartment. An rarely known fact is tha .....

Louis Armstrong
Words: 827 / Pages: 4

.... Records) And 17 years after his death, "Armstrong's record of "It's a Wonderful World" generated a new young audience when it was featured in the 1987 film 'Good Morning, Vietnam' ". ( Most recent research gives Armstrong's birth as Aug. 4, 1901. He grew up in New Orleans and received his first music instruction in 1913 at a children's home. By 1915 he was sitting in with local bands. "He came north to Chicago to join King Oliver in 1922 and made his first records with Oliver the following April". ( "Though Chicago would be his base for the next 12 years, he went to New York for the first time in Septem .....

Film Score Music
Words: 3198 / Pages: 12

.... in films is put there on purpose to create a certain feeling, emphasize a point, give more life to a character or sometimes to simply add humour. What the average moviegoer does not usually realize is that a great deal of time and thought goes into writing the score for a film and choosing the background music for a scene. None of the music is arbitrary; themes and sub themes have been created with specific ideas in mind and have been put in place only to add to the story and the characters. It is also important to acknowledge that the evolution into the type of film scoring that we are accustomed to today was not a quick or easy transition. It h .....

Acculturation: The Beginning Of Music Education
Words: 1849 / Pages: 7

.... rooms (that includes a tape player and compact disc player), and some money (available to buy recordings and equipment). Next is the age range of the children. This is not related to the resources, but important. The age range is between shortly after birth and about 36 months (3 years). The first stage is Absorption. One of the most difficult things to do when guiding children through these stages is to know when the right time is to move them to the next stage. This often requires much patience. The reason that you need so much patience is because all children move through the different stages of preparatory audiation at different times. T .....

Wind Chimes
Words: 481 / Pages: 2

.... be louder, for instance, if the rods were built with the inclusion of small chambers containing a volume of air whose fundamental harmonic was the same as that of the rod-- when struck, the rod would transfer vibration to the enclosed air as well as directly to the atmosphere, resulting in a louder tone. A hard connection between rods and frame would also accomplish this result somewhat; the vibrations of each seperate rod would be commuted to the others, resulting in more vibrating surface area (and hence, more volume). The transmission of the chime's sound without the abovementioned alterations is quite simple; each rod releases longitudinal .....

Music And The Civil War
Words: 661 / Pages: 3

.... in attendance were highly gratified with the entertainment."1 The popularity of the events is further indicated through the paper's assurances that the public "will be ever ready to favor the performers with the presence when called upon."1 Other social events in Augusta County that were widely popular were the "fine concerts by Turner's Silver Concert Band."2 The newspaper reports that the popularity of "these concerts have always heretofore drawn crowded houses.2" In the style of other articles, the paper comments that the "merit of the music will ensure to the concert an abundant success"2 Musical performances in Franklin County were much .....

Origin Of Musical Instruments
Words: 2644 / Pages: 10

.... was at a high level in those ancient days. cylinder-seal of a queen of the land of Abraham's birth, who reigned about a thousand years before his time, reveals the fact that timbrels were being used at banquets and at religious gatherings. Jacob's father-in-law Laban, lived in Babylonian territory, and when Jacob left him in haste, he said to him: "Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly . . . that I might have sent thee away with mirth, and with songs, with tabret, and with harp? (Gen. 31:27). This suggests the possibility that some of these musical instruments as used in Babylonia found their way into the life of the early Hebrews. Egyptian Musi .....

Monteverdi’s Eighth Book Of Madrigals
Words: 667 / Pages: 3

.... book of madrigals was published. The eighth book is the largest of Monteverdi’s secular works. The eighth book contains twenty-two seperate works. These works are divided into two sections. The first of these sections is called ‘Canti guerrieri,’ or ‘Songs of war.’ This section contains nine works. Of these nine works, four of them have more than one section. The second is made up of two sections, the third: three sections, the sixth: four sections, and the ninth: two sections. The second section of the book is entitled, ‘Canti amorosi.’ The English translation of the title is ‘Songs of love.’ This section is made up .....

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