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Science Essay Writing Help

The Prospect Of Cold Fusion
Words: 1350 / Pages: 5

.... only in dozens of laboratories in the United States, but in numerous foreign research centers, particularly in Japan. Cold fusion is a real but still incompletely explained energy-producing phenomenon that occurs when ordinary hydrogen and the special form of hydrogen called deuterium are brought together with metals, such as palladium, titanium, and nickel. Usually, some triggering mechanism, such as electricity or even acoustic energy, is required to provoke the "cold fusion" effects. Both ordinary hydrogen and deuterium are abundant in ordinary water so the process would likely end many of the world's energy concerns, if it can be developed com .....

Cirrhosis Of The Liver
Words: 1785 / Pages: 7

.... from slight retardation, to downs syndrome to even a higher risk for heart disease later in life. Chronic and Degenerative Diseases are diseases that go on for a long time or return from time to time over a long period. Usually they can not be cured but many can be helped by medical treatment. Chronic diseases are also degenerative. Such diseases gradually lead to the breakdown of tissues and organs of the body. is a Chronic Degenerative Disease. is the irreversible change in the normal liver tissue that results in the degeneration of functioning liver cells and their replacement with fibrous connective tissue. Cirrhosis can have a number .....

Magic And Science
Words: 1503 / Pages: 6

.... mind. The first accounts of magic were recorded around 1700 B.C. It appeared on the Westcon Papyrus and was recorded by an Egyptian chronicler. Stories of magic were handed down for centuries (Blackstone, 12). It has made a profitable living for soothsayer and gypsies, but there are times when magic was a form of entertainment. During the seventeenth century magic has become a living for some entertainers. Jugglers, wizards, and fortunetellers often appeared as scrub than a man of talent. These respected entertainers attracted lots of attention, not only because of their flaming clothing, but also because of their talents. In time there we .....

Geography Reading Project (timeline)
Words: 1145 / Pages: 5

.... form the 1400’s this all seems very mysterious. One of the representatives form the company that sent the professor back in time goes to the site in Scotland and explains what’s going on to all the other of archeologists and asks for a few volunteers to go back and bring the professor back to the present. When the volunteer’s go back they’re reappearing in front of some knight’s scares them so there two guides are killed and they are left alone in the 14th century trying to find the professor. While they are in the 14th century they prove true some of their hypothesis of what they thought that the area looked like. .....

Long Term Affects Of Fas
Words: 764 / Pages: 3

.... characteristics, and body malformation problems. Children who display only some of these effects are claimed to have FAE, or fetal alcohol effects. The sad thing is that most infants and children who suffer from fetal alcohol effects go unnoticed. They are looked upon as having behavioral problems. Because of this lack of recognition the treatment of their problems are mishandled which creates a very difficult and confusing childhood for these children. (McCreight, 1997). Even when fetal alcohol effects are recognized there is limited treatment. There are hardly any programs in schools and society to help the children maintain normalcy. It wa .....

Aluminum: The Element
Words: 326 / Pages: 2

.... by reducing aluminum chloride, with sodium. Deville displayed pure aluminum at the Paris exposition of 1855. Aluminum the most abundant metallic constituent in the crust of the Earth. It is never found as a non-metal. It occurs most commonly as aluminum silicate or as a silicate of aluminum mixed with other metals such as sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, and magnesium. Charles M. Hall and Paul L. T. Heroult, independently and almost simultaneously found out that alumna, or aluminum oxide, would dissolve in fused cryolite (Na3AlF6) and then could be decomposed electronically into a crude molten metal. Uses- The given volume of aluminum weighs less .....

Aquaria In Relation To Science
Words: 529 / Pages: 2

.... weeks is essential to healthy fish keeping. It generally takes a tank 21 days to cycle. During those 21 days there are 3 days where the ammonia spikes to a large amount and 2 days later on when nitrites spike generally. There are 2 types of filtration for fish tanks biological and mechanical. Biological is what I spoke about in the previous paragraph. Those bacteria grow best on objects besides gravel. That is why having plastic plants and other décor in the tank doesn’t just make the tank look nice but also give the bacteria a better place to grow. Mechanical filtration aids in biological filtration in two ways, the water is filtered throug .....

Words: 407 / Pages: 2

.... 75% of women with the disease show no symptoms. In those that do, it is usually a yellow discharge from the urethra, painful urination, or painful sex. ½ of all cases of pelvic inflammatory disease, which leads to an ectopic pregnancy in pregnant women, is caused by . Ectopic pregnancy is the leading cause of death of pregnant teens in the inner city and poor neighborhoods. also causes conjunctitis. This is a swelling of the eyes which can lead to blindness. The bacteria also can lead to pneumonia. Although it is the most easily treated STI, most people in danger won’t get checked until complications show, and that is why the disease is .....

Words: 761 / Pages: 3

.... people feel no effects while others reported reduced or poorer quality sleep. The article also states that has very little effect on blood pressure. Only people that are highly sensitive to , experience a short period of higher blood pressure then they normally have. In an experiment done by the Harvard Medical School in 1990 say that has no direct link to infertility either. Nor does it have an effect on a pregnant woman and/or her unborn child. In addition all of the talk that says will stunt a child's growth is just rumors. is said not to affect children any differently then it does adults. In another article entitled Coffee may not be s .....

Infectious Diseases
Words: 2610 / Pages: 10

.... rates. The efficiency that these diseases carry is also alarming. They are able to lie dormant for years before attacking their next victim. It is for this reason that the number of cases increases on a yearly basis. This is why individuals should take further precautions in preventing these diseases as well as preventing the spread of them on a global scale. Many people in today's society must take a more serious look at the implications that an infectious disease can have on one's life. What are STDS? Sexually transmitted diseases (STDS), also known as venereal diseases, is a broad term that refers to more than fifty diseases and syndrom .....

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