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Science Essay Writing Help

The Threat Of Nuclear Energy
Words: 3057 / Pages: 12

.... core there is a 5 foot thick lead plate and above that there is a meter thick floor composed of iron, barium, serpentine, concrete, and stone. The exploding steam fires the floor up like shrapnel. The metal plate goes through the four foot thick concrete roof like butter and reaches and altitude of sixty meters. You can hear ripping, rending, wrenching, screeching, scraping, tearing sounds of a vast machine breaking apart. L. Ray Silver, a leading author who covered the disaster at Chernobyl, said that within the core, steam reacts with zirconium to produce that first explosive in nature’s arsenal, hydrogen. Near-molten fuel fragments shatter near .....

Depression 5
Words: 2664 / Pages: 10

.... the seriousness of the depression. People who are depressed may find it difficult and become overwhelmed by simple daily tasks, which is why sometimes they withdraw from daily activities altogether. They may even withdraw from families and friends. Rod Steiger an Academy Award-winning actor who had starring roles in over 72 films is clinically depressed. During a time when Rod was down he wrote a letter to his wife and son: I want to die; I don’t want to move. I have no feeling for movement. To be left alone, to disappear. Not to be bothered with washing, shaving, talking, walking, going to the bathroom. If only to get out of this tunnel and hea .....

Flourescence In-situ Hybridisation And Its Advantages
Words: 235 / Pages: 1

.... FISH will be able to decrease the chances of a miscarriage by using samples of maternal blood instead of amniotic fluid. The problem with amniocentesis is it uses a hollow needle to take fluid from the mother's uterus. The needle could damage the developing fetus if not inserted properly. Another advantage of FISH is that the parents get a much quicker test result than amniocentesis. After the sample is taken, amniocentesis can take up to three weeks before a test can be administered. With FISH, a same day result is given, which is much more convenient to the parents. Additionally, FISH is a simpler process. It uses specially prepared mole .....

Frog Disection
Words: 838 / Pages: 4

.... to help the stomach and the small intestine with mechanical digestion. The gall bladder stores bile, which breaks down the partially digested foods that, enters the small intestine. Bile has no enzymes but still manages to break down fat into tiny droplets that are ready for faster chemical breakdown. The frog’s stomach is not as complex as a herbivore’s because they have to break down cellulose, which takes a longer time. (Giffard R. & Nat, M 1986) This concludes my study on the digestion system of the frog. FROG'S CIRCULATORY SYSTEM A frog has a closed circulatory system just like humans. This means blood is always enclosed in bloo .....

Preserve The Forests
Words: 529 / Pages: 2

.... down daily in a matter of hours in order to produce more buildings and houses in this already over-crowded world. If the rate at which we cut down trees is continued without any regulation, the forests will all be gone in ten years, so we should do mankind a favor and try to preserve what is left. If the old growth forests are gone, then they can never return because it takes over five generations to produce one and at the rate that the human population is increasing, there is not enough land to have a secure place for a new forest. If we realize that it is best for the human race to stop destroying the natural resources, then we must destroy, to .....

Creation Versus Evolution
Words: 1119 / Pages: 5

.... society, a neutral party, and the Christian community all have their opinions and insight regarding this matter. Evolutionists feel strongly about their stance on the issue of presenting creationism to America's classroom. They feel that by bringing this medium into schools, the Christians will be able to "further advance their various agendas" (Flank) by forcing their religious beliefs on students who do not believe in God, or in the same god. This is where the separation of Church and State comes into play. Evolutionists are adamant about keeping religion out of school, according to the guidelines of the Constitution. The Supreme Court .....

Pesticides Are Affecting Our F
Words: 2666 / Pages: 10

.... by pesticides. According to the Natural Resources Defence Council, “pesticide exposure to adverse health effects including cancer, birth defects, reproductive harm, neurological and development toxicity, immunotoxicity, and disruption of the endocrine system.” Children are more likely to be affected by pesticides than adults because, they are strange eaters, they breath at a higher rate, and tend to spend more time on the ground were chemicals may settle and then enter a child’s body through breathing, orally, by touching something with a residue and then putting their fingers in their mouth, and through a child’s skin. Pesticides wi .....

Biological And Physical Process Of Aging
Words: 645 / Pages: 3

.... will lose its firmness. Another sign of passive aging is the breakdown of lipids at the biochemical level. As aging membranes leak during this lipid degeneration, a fatty, brown pigment known as lipofuscin accumulates. As this happens, the mitochondria, or the “powerhouse of the cell” begins to break down, thereby decreasing the amount of energy that is being supplied to the cell. This cellular degeneration may be set into action by highly reactive chemicals known as free radicals. These molecules have an unpaired electron in the outermost valence shell. This causes the molecule to grab electrons from other molecules, setting into motion .....

Biology Heat Loss Practical Write Up
Words: 1982 / Pages: 8

.... at the same rate. So a flask, with a volume of 200cm3 with a surface area of 160cm2 and a surface area to volume ratio of 1.25:1, will loose heat at the same rate as a similar flask of volume 625 and a surface area of 500 which also has a surface area to volume ratio of 1.25:1. However, generally when you increase the size of an object the surface area to volume ratio decreases so in this example it is very likely that the two flasks in question are different shapes. In this experiment the two flasks which will be used will different surface area to volume ratios as follows: 100 cm3 flask: Volume = 100, Surface Area = 115. Surface Area to Vol .....

Jaguars 2
Words: 1172 / Pages: 5

.... jaguar is the leopard. The cubs of the jaguar are born with no father. The father leaves the mother after they are through mating. When they are born, the cubs are blind and weigh from 25-32 ozs. At two weeks, once their eyes open, They can begin to explore outside of the den. At one month the cubs go go outside the den and follow their mother around. When six months comes and the cubs have learned how to do things the way their mother does, they begin to hunt with their mother. At one year the cubs can now hunt for their own food. Even though they can hunt for their own food they still stay with their mother for a few years before finding th .....

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