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Science Essay Writing Help

Where Do We Draw The Line?
Words: 1239 / Pages: 5

.... and DNA to his forehead and sewing the newly grown nose back to his face. This brought to mind an article I had recently read about the dangers of scientific some advancements. Coincidentally, the article was called, “Brave New Worlds”. It stated that “Developments in the field of genetics offer the possibility of bringing all life processes under control. We must step carefully into this vast new field of science with the understanding that putting a patent on the melanoma gene or the baldness gene for that matter is simply playing God in a potentially dangerous way.” (Appleyard, Bryan, Jan 98, Smithsonian) These are only a few examples .....

Could Air Pollution Have A Negative Impact On Water Quality?
Words: 2630 / Pages: 10

.... with the protection of human health and safe guard of the natural environment, air, water, and land, which are important element for life to depend on. The agency’s principle is to protect all Americans from significant risks to human and environment where they live, learn and work. It tries to reduce environmental risk nationally. Its federal laws are enforced fairly and effectively to protect human and environment. Environmental policy is based upon the concern for natural resources, human health, economic growth, energy, transportation, agriculture, industry, and international trade. All parts of the society are involved. The EPA is responsible .....

Words: 1350 / Pages: 5

.... 2012 degrees Fahrenheit. Fluid lava flows swiftly down a volcano's slopes. Sticky lava flows more slowly. As the lava cools, it may harden into many different formations. Highly fluid lava hardens into smooth, folded sheets of rock called pahoehoe. Stickier lava cools into rough, jagged sheets of rock called aa. Pahoehoe and aa cover large areas of Hawaii, where the terms originated. The stickiest lava forms flows of boulders and rubble called block flows. It may also form mounds of lava called domes. Other lava formations are spatter cones and lava tubes. Spatter cones are steep hills that can get up to 100 feet high. They build up from the spat .....

Words: 1445 / Pages: 6

.... locomotion is so fast that can easily overtake a person running on the forest floor. The great apes include the gorilla, the orangutan, and two species of chimpanzee: the common chimp and the bonobo (sometimes called the pygmy chimpanzee). Great apes are bigger than and also much less acrobatic. However, they are still good climbers. While orangutans spend most of their life in trees, where they use their long arms and dexterous hands and feet to grasp branches and vines, chimpanzees frequently come to the ground to feed. Gorillas are primarily terrestrial, but even fully grown adult males have been observed clambering among tree branches more than .....

Nuclear Weapons And Their Hazards
Words: 821 / Pages: 3

.... the middle Northern Hemisphere. Smaller temperature decreases might occur in low latitudes but more importantly in these regions rainfall would probably decreases because monsoons could not develop. Like in On The Beach, all the radiation move towards Australia and everyone innocent people died. A large-scale nuclear war would lessen food production over large expanses in the Northern Hemisphere, this could occur through acute climatic conditions which chilling or freezing temperatures occurring for brief periods during the growing season which could destroy crops or lower production. As result of the variety of potential physical and societ .....

Air Pollution
Words: 726 / Pages: 3

.... for gases in terms of parts per million, that is, number of pollutant molecules per million air molecules. Many come from directly identifiable sources; sulfur dioxide, for example, comes from electric power plants burning coal or oil. Others are formed through the action of sunlight on previously emitted reactive materials. For example, ozone, a dangerous pollutant in smog, is produced by the interaction of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides under the influence of sunlight. Ozone has also caused serious crop damage. On the other hand, the discovery in the 1980s that air pollutants such as fluorocarbons are causing a loss of ozone from the e .....

E.r., The Golgi Body And
Words: 1185 / Pages: 5

.... holes in its membrane into the cisternae, where they remain until they are sent elsewhere in the cytoplasm, or to the cell edge where they are secreted or incorporated into the cell membrane. The membranes of the ER usually form a tightly packed and flattened sac-like structures, that form inter-connected compartments within the cytoplasm. The internal space formed by the membrane sheets is known as the ER lumen. In most cells the ER lumen forms a single internal compartment. The membranes of other organelles are not connected to the ER and appear to form separate distinct compartments within the cytoplasm. The ER membranes and lumen contain a lar .....

Creatine In Sports
Words: 1601 / Pages: 6

.... simple as packaged energy and others require a strict exercise and eating regimen. I will explore sports supplements focusing on creatine and it's effect on the sport world. The first and most basic sports supplements are protein weight gainers. This normally comes in the form of powder and works best when mixed with milk. The main reason for taking extra protein is to gain weight and muscle mass. In today's athletics, whether it is high school, college, or professional, the athletes are getting bigger and stronger. Protein works the best when the athlete is on a strict work out regimen. Many sports supplements are a combination of herbs and .....

Melissa Virus
Words: 298 / Pages: 2

.... immediately reads the user's e-mail address book and sends an infected message to the first 50 entries. Although the virus apparently causes no permanent damage to a computer, its clogging affects were far-reaching. All new Microsoft Word documents created on an infected computer will contain the virus, too. Our own computer lab has posted a warning stating if a you receive a mail docoument the says, "Here is that document you asked for ... don't show it to anyone else" with a winking smiley face formed by the punctuation marks ;-) that you don't open it and to delete it right away. A copy cat virus named, "Papa,'' appeared Monday afternoon. It .....

Phosphates In Water Pollution
Words: 791 / Pages: 3

.... harmful effects in household detergents. Wastewater, from laundering agents, contains phosphates, which are said to be a water pollutant. Most laundry detergents contain approximately 35% to 75% sodium triphosphate (Na5P3O10), which serves two purposes. Providing an alkaline solution (pH 9.0 to 10.5) is necessary for effective cleansing and also to tie up calcium and magnesium ions found in natural waters and prevent them from interfering with the cleansing role of the detergent. Eutrophication is the progressive over-fertilization of water, in which festering masses of algae's blooms, choking rivers and lakes. Phosphorus compounds act .....

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