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Science Essay Writing Help

Did Duhem Show That Scientific Theories Can Be Neither True
Words: 1840 / Pages: 7

.... true or otherwise we must first understand what Duhem means by scientific theory. He introduces two possibilities as to the nature of a physical (which we can equate to 'scientific') theory. The first being that it is an explanation of the reality lying behind a group of experimental laws (those that are empirically determined). The second is that a physical theory is simply an abstract system to classify and summarize a group of laws. Taking the first possibility (a belief still held by many today): this seeks to look beneath the sensible appearances and find the reality beneath, which is causing the sensations we experience. However, this pres .....

Evolution Theory
Words: 534 / Pages: 2

.... the plants or animals. Over time this would finally lead to a development of new species. This theory was explained in the book ‘The Origin of Species’, which describes his studies on the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean. He noticed that the species on the islands varied slightly from each island and were adapted to local conditions. The reaction to this theory was immediate. Biologists argued that Darwin could not prove his hypothesis. Other criticised his ideas of variation and how he could not prove how these variations came about or how they were passed on. This part of his theory was not answered until the birth of modern geneti .....

The Sun
Words: 668 / Pages: 3

.... idea of this in his day, but nothing of this accuracy or detail. The German Scientist paved the road for theoretical explanations of the star. Some of the most recent tools that have been invented to help study the sun are the coronagraph, the spectroheliograph, the magnetograph, and the spectrograph. These tools have enabled us to better understand the magnetic field of the sun and individual characteristics of the sun. Pictured above is Galileo Composition of the Sun The radiation that Earth receives from the sun is quite remarkable. The radiation that we receive varies less than 1% over a period of twenty four hours. However .....

Plate Tectonics
Words: 516 / Pages: 2

.... reasons. Ignorance and strong religious beliefs played a part in this, but it was mainly rejected because of the lack of a good explanation for the movement of the continents. Wegener's theory for the movement of continents was called continental drift. This was not believable at the time because there was no way the continents could move through the rigid ocean floor. During WWII, people started to explore the ocean floor and discovered evidence that would prove Wegener's ideas about land movement. The most interesting feature of the ocean was the ridges running along the ocean floor. It was discovered that earthquakes were abundant along the .....

The Future Of NASA
Words: 377 / Pages: 2

.... write upside-down, and the zero-gravity training system. The vacuum cleaner was originally a great tool for astronauts in outer space. It is now a very helpful tool for cleaning our homes. The pacemaker is a form of life-support on spacecrafts, helping astronomers' hearts pump while they are outside of the Earth's atmosphere. It is used, on Earth, for those who's hearts have problems with pumping blood. Pens that write upside-down are used in space, where there is no gravity and writing with pens would otherwise be impossible. They are convenient tools on Earth when we are trying to write on vertical surfaces. A zero-gravity training system i .....

Aquired Dyslexia
Words: 1877 / Pages: 7

.... who have suffered some form of brain damage and have thereby incurred some form of reading disability. This disability is known as acquired dyslexia. From the study of such patients several variations of a basic model have been developed to highlight the way in which the written word is processed in the brain. The model is subdivided in to two main processing routes, the Non Lexical Route and the Lexical route. A model produced based on theories from Coltheart (1981) shows that there are several routes to speech production in the brain. The eye first identifies the printed word. In the adult skilled reader the eye does not move in a smooth pattern .....

Psychology - Classical Conditioning Vs. Operant Conditioning
Words: 724 / Pages: 3

.... they both produce basic phenomena. One such phenomenon is acquisition. Both types of conditioning result in the inheritance of a behavior. One of the most famous of experiments that illustrates classical conditioning is Pavlov's Dogs. In this experiment, Pavlov sat behind a one-way mirror and controlled the presentation of a bell. The bell was the conditioned stimulus. A conditioned stimulus was an originally neutral stimulus that could eventually produce a desired response when presented alone. Directly after the ringing of the bell, Pavlov gave the dog food. The food was the unconditioned stimulus. This means that the food caused an uncontr .....

What Is Electricity
Words: 726 / Pages: 3

.... where they form a spark that leaps to your friends filling, then travel down to his feet and back into the carpet, thus completing the circuit. AMAZING ELECTRONIC FACT: If you scuffed your feet long enough without touching anything, you would build up so many electrons that your finger would explode! But this is nothing to worry about... unless you have carpeting. Although we modern persons tend to take our electric lights, radios, mixers, etc. for granted. Hundreds of years ago people did not have any of these things, which is just as well because there was no place to plug them in. Then along came the first Electrical Pioneer, Benjamin Fr .....

Endangered Species Of South
Words: 1449 / Pages: 6

.... inability to adapt to survive competition and predation. Since the 1600's, however, the rate of extinction has accelerated rapidly because of human population growth and resource consumption (17). Today, most of the world's habitats are changing faster than most species can adapt to such changes through evolution, or natural selection. The current global extinction rate is estimated at about 20,000 species per year, exponentially greater than the background extinction rate (17). Many biologists believe that we are in the middle of the greatest mass extinction episode since the disappearance of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago (18). The survival .....

Global Warming
Words: 699 / Pages: 3

.... by severely restricting energy use. Finally, his position assumes that the agreement will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide and will prevent . Science Is occurring? - According to Accu-Weather, the world's leading commercial forecaster, "Global air temperatures as measured by land-based weather stations show an increase of about 0.45 degrees Celsius over the past century. This may be no more than normal climatic variation...and several biases in the data may be responsible for some of this increase." - Satellite data indicate a slight cooling in the climate in the last 18 years. These satellites use advanced technology .....

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