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Science Essay Writing Help

Determining The Ratio Of Circumference To Diameter Of A Circle
Words: 501 / Pages: 2

.... I was able to calculate the experimental ratio, and I knew that the accepted ratio was pi. Then I put both ratios in the chart. By subtracting the accepted ratio from the experimental you find the error. Error is the deviation of the experimental ratio from the accepted ratio. After I had the error I could go on to find the percentage error. The equation I used was, error divided by the accepted ratio times 100. For example, if I took the error of the experimental ratio for the paper towels, which was 0.12. I took that and divided it by the accepted ratio giving me .03821651. Then I multiplied that by 100 giving me about 3.14. Using these steps I fo .....

Heroin A Long Dark Path
Words: 1871 / Pages: 7

.... derived from a naturally occurring substance found in the poppy plant. Although the purity of the heroin that reaches the streets is becoming greater, most street heroin is cut or diluted. Usually this is done with another drug, or a substance such as sugar, starch, powdered milk, or quinine. Street heroin can also be cut with strychnine or other poisons. The reason heroin is one of the most deadly drugs is because there are varying rates at which the drug is diluted. Therefore a user never knows exactly how pure the drug is, hence, they do not know how much of the drug they should take, often leading to an overdose. Like alcohol, heroin is a d .....

Augiga The Charioteer
Words: 847 / Pages: 4

.... Auriga's stars are fairly bright; five are second magnitude or brighter. Alpha Auriga (Capella) is the sixth brightness star, at a visual magnitude of 0.08. The star is 43.5 light years away, and is about ten times the size of our Sun. Capella's visual magnitude is really the combined brightness of the primary star and another star that revolves every 104 days. This star is also known as Menkalina. The star name derives from the Arabic name Al Mankib dhi'l Inan, "The Shoulder of the One Who Holds the Reins," that is, "The Shoulder of the Charioteer." Several open clusters are found in Auriga. Each contains about 100 stars and is .....

Nuclear Fusion
Words: 886 / Pages: 4

.... fuel for the lifetime electricity needs of an average person in an industrialized country. (Environmental Organizations, Source 4) The problems with fusion have been numerous. One of the problems is attaining the correct temperature for fusion to take place without using more energy then you produce. Fusion reactions occur at a sufficient rate only at very high temperatures. Over 100 million degrees Celsius is needed for the Deuterium-Tritium reaction, while other reactions require even higher temperatures. (Hotta Labs, Source 1) The density of fuel ions must be sufficiently large for fusion reactions to take place at the required rate. The fusion .....

Analytical Chemistry
Words: 1120 / Pages: 5

.... chemical reaction. Reactions used in qualitative analysis may attempt to cause a characteristic color, odor, precipitate, or gas appear. Identification of an unknown substance is accomplished when a known one is found with identical properties. If none is found, the uknown substance must be a newly identified chemical. Tests should not use up excessive amounts of a material to be identified. Most chemical methods of qualitative analysis require a very small amount of the sample. Advance instrumental techniques often use less than one millionth of a gram. An example of this is mass spectrometry. Quantitative chemical analysis is used to determi .....

A Look At Anemia Related To Nutritional Issues
Words: 4320 / Pages: 16

.... in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood caused by low hemoglobin concentration" ("A Practical Guide", 1). "Cells in the body require oxygen to fully utilize fuels. The oxygen is transported from the lungs to tissues throughout the body via red blood cells. Oxygen binds to hemoglobin, a specific molecule within each red blood cell. This molecule consists of heme, which is a red pigment, and globin, which is a protein. If the amount of functioning hemoglobin is reduced, a condition known as anemia arises" ("Anemia", 1). "The anemia that may result can take many forms, including that caused by a low iron level (iron deficiency anemia), a vita .....

Electric Charge
Words: 587 / Pages: 3

.... and negative charges are electrically balanced, or neutral. Electric force is observed only when the balance of charge on objects is disturbed. An on an object that causes the object to attract or repel other objects is called static electricity. The adjective static describes something that does not move. Charges on an object are called static electricity to contrast then with the moving charges in an electric current. How can you disturb the balance of charge on objects so they exert electric force? The easiest way is the same way the ancient Greeks did it – by rubbing the 2 objects together. Rubbing neutral objects together allows charge .....

Household Waste!
Words: 520 / Pages: 2

.... household chemicals/cleaners. In this assignment I will examine different cleaners commonly used in my house. I Ajax I go to the cupboard and find a can of the powder, Ajax. The can use to have a piece of tape to cover the top but now it has been lost; a potential problem. The can has an expiration date on it, 9/98. This expiration date may be incorrect because that piece of tape to cover it has been lost for some time now. II Windex In the cupboard in the upstairs bathroom is where we keep the Windex. The Windex is blue and clearly labeled, with no chance of any person mistaking it for something else. The top part is tightly scre .....

Becoming An Ecologist Is An Exciting Venture
Words: 1338 / Pages: 5

.... together the study of all natural systems- earth, air, water, plants, and animals. Connections between living organisms and effects of their interactions are ecologists' concerns. . . . .The balance of nature, wherever it occurs, is what you will investigate and analyze"(17). Since a career as an ecologist is usually long term, there are certain characteristics a person should have in order to maintain a successful career. One of these characteristics that is the most important is patience. Patience is important because as an ecologist a person will have to at some point in their career talk to another person who knows nothing of or about ecol .....

Role Of Government Intervention In Environmental Issues
Words: 824 / Pages: 3

.... into account that it is almost impossible to entirely prevent pollution. This is scientifically impossible and it would have severely negative economic impact on the industries. So the core issue becomes the fact no matter what, there will always be pollution, as long as these industries exist. So we should focus on how we can minimize this and yet at the same time have an efficient market system? Furthermore, we should also focus on how we can accomplish this so that sustainable growth and development can take place. So there is definitely a need for some form of government intervention to enforce and monitor this. Reason being that there is a .....

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