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Science Essay Writing Help

Quantum Theory?
Words: 966 / Pages: 4

.... mechanics, by definition, is a general mathematical theory dealing with the interactions of matter and energy in terms of observable quantities of quanta, small bundles of energy. Quanta are the fundamental building blocks of everything according to the (The New Merriam-Webster Dictionary). The spaces between these quanta are called quantum foam; it is through these spaces that entities are destroyed and simultaneously reconstructed by teleportation, thus “moving” the entities to different places in our universe and helping them travel to other universes. In the novel, scientists discover that the proves the existence of multiple universes .....

Aids 3
Words: 1460 / Pages: 6

.... sex partners located in East and Central Africa, but also in bisexuals and homosexuals in specific urban areas of the Americas, Ausrtalasia and Western Europe. Aids was and is spread still through infected hypodermic needles which drug abusers are affected by, but also through transfusion of the blood and its components. And sadly, whenever a mother is infected, the unborn child will almost positively receive the virus before, during, or after the pregnancy. The viruses which cause AIDS, otherwise known as Human Immunodeficiecy Viruses(HIV) were first discovered in 1983 cooperatively by Dr. Robert Gallo of the National Cancer Institute an .....

Hemp: The Truth About The Earth's Greatest Plant
Words: 820 / Pages: 3

.... that it was a drug that induced uncontrollable violence, another complete falsehood. Hemp is the plant scientifically known as cannabis sativa. It is referred to as hemp when it is grown for its fibers, stem, and seeds. Its leaves and flowers produce the drugs marijuana and hashish. However, sterile breeds of the plant are still illegal to grow in the U.S. Literally millions of wild hemp plants grow throughout the entire Midwest today. Wild hemp, like hemp used for industry purposes, is useless as an intoxicant. Yet U.S. drug law states that one acre of this can result in the owner being sentenced to death. The death penalty exists for growing on .....

Bottle Rockets
Words: 452 / Pages: 2

.... act upon it in this case the gas moving out of the bottle. When the stopper was pulled the pressure in the bottle forced its way down, which applied the force to start the motion of the bottle. His 3rd law can also explain this because the water going down forces the rocket in the exact opposite direction the water goes. Which is why one time when we shot the rocket it flew at an angle. Also it shows why the launchers had stoppers, because if they didn’t the cork wasn’t strong enough to hold that pressure and would cause the rocket to begin flight prematurely. His second law can be used to describe how high and fast the rocket will go. If .....

Words: 2024 / Pages: 8

.... For example, it is a resource that is difficult to assess since it is not directly visible. Therefor with out complicated measurements, it is hard to say how much water there is left in your well. It is also difficult to tell where exactly the source of recharge for your well is. Thus if an area near your well becomes polluted, the pollution may seep into the groundwater feeding your well. The purpose of this project is to explore the subject of groundwater, its place in the water cycle, how it seeps through the ground and how it accumulates in underground pockets called aquifers. The project will also examine the many uses of groundwater in a .....

Words: 1715 / Pages: 7

.... and on. The thing that makes prions so special is the fact that they lack the basic elements for reproduction, deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid DNA and RNA respectively. This is what has given science a great deal of doubt as this would give the dogma of the beginning of live a radical turn. Prions have been in research for many years with experiments like the one done by Stanley B. Pruiser and his team of scientists at the School of Medicine of the University of California at San Francisco in which a study was carried out on mice to see if he was able to purify the scrapie agent ,another prion disease, in mice. But mice as humans took .....

Bacteria And Their Effects
Words: 291 / Pages: 2

.... plants can use in a process called nitrogen fixation.Bacteria are good for recycling because they feed on dying material and convert it back into basic substances.Without decomposition the food chain would cease.Bacteria also helps in the breakdown on rocks which influences the movement of key elements,such as,sulfur,iron,phosphorus,and carbon,around the world.Bacteria are the main digesters of cellulose within cows and other animals.Bacteria are used in the making of dairy products.Without bacteria the dairy industry would not exist.Bacteria are also helpful in sewage treatment.These certain bacterias convert the organic materials of sewage into ca .....

The Acid Rain Effects On Living Things
Words: 1096 / Pages: 4

.... that create acid rain are sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Acid rain usually forms high in the clouds where sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with water, oxygen, and oxidants. This forms a mild solution of sulfuric acid and nitric acid. These chemical reactions that change air pollution into acid rain can take from several hours to several days. Sunlight increases the rate of these reactions. Rainwater, snow, fog, and other forms of precipitation containing these mild solutions of sulfuric and nitric acids fall to the ground as acid rain. Years ago, when smokestacks were only a few stories tall, pollution from the smokestacks usually .....

The Effects Of Acid Rain On Lakes And Trees
Words: 594 / Pages: 3

.... adversaries such as fungi, diseases, and frost so subsequently it dies. Around the 1970s the acid rain dilemma got worse, the acid rain has put trees in danger and now they are starting to die off. The effects of acid rain on a tree is shown if it has less foliage, yellow spots and produces many cones (Baines, 22). Secondly, acid rain damages the trees through the soil by releasing metals that harm them even further (Lucas, 72). Acid rain makes the trees lose their leaves, so when the trees try to regrow their leaves, buds come instead, this process is called a panic shoot (M. 15). Large land areas which used to be covere .....

Bipolar Disorders
Words: 1763 / Pages: 7

.... into manic and depressive episodes. The depressive episodes are characterized by intense feelings of sadness and despair that can become feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Some of the symptoms of a depressive episode include anhedonia, disturbances in sleep and appetite, psycomoter retardation, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, difficulty thinking, indecision, and recurrent thoughts of death and suicide (Hollandsworth, Jr. 1990 ). The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, poor judgment and insight, and often reckless or irresponsible behavior (Hollandswor .....

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